

  • I don't think it matters how accurate the count is... I use it as a reference. Food is the same way...I enter everything I eat and use the info supplied but how do we know it is completely accurate? At least by entering them in the food and exercise diary we are conscious of what we are doing and that makes it beneficial.…
  • Thanks Kidvicious!! I try to be positive.. I feel good about my progress. I think I was just a little overzealous in my estimate. :smile: Its al good!
  • Lisamgould SW138, GW124, CW136!! Well doesn't look like I am going to make it. I seem to only be losing a lb a week. I guess that is good though...a healthy progress...what do they say you should only lose 3-4 lbs a month to avoid gaining it back. So at this rate I will be at 134 by July 4th. Makes me sad!!!
  • Definitly seems like a good old guys place to eat. Im sure it has the same appeal hooters has for men. I think its kinda funny...if I went though I would be freaked out by the fat and calories and try to find a side salad.
  • Welcome Lisa!! I was a soda addict too...I made myself have a glass of water with lemon juice in it first and then if I still want a soda I have one. Now I only drink a couple each week. Its like a treat!!!
  • Yes!!! Lisamgould SW138, GW124, CW137!! One pound at a time right??
  • just wanted to update my info Lost One Pound...Yeah!!! just some updates... WEEK 1 Weigh In Shannan SW 198 / GW 187 / CW 196 / WL -2 EM: SW 150 / GW 140 / CW 149.4 / WL -0.6 Julie SW 161 / GW 150 / CW 160.5 / WL -0.5 Deanna: SW 186.5 / GW 182.5 / CW 186.5 / WL 0 Tina: SW 207/ GW 195 / CW 205 / WL -2 Channing:SW/170/GW 160…
  • I have alot more healthy recipes if you all want some??? But could you add some of yours too, I really enjoy trying new dishes.
  • Emotional eating is a tough issue. Food makes you feel good instantly but then it turns on you and makes you feel horrible. The results of it is usually extra weight which also makes you feel horrible. You try not to eat when you feel sad but the desire can be so stong that you cannot help yourself...then you feel weak and…
  • Here was our dessert from last night...If you can't tell I am into trying new recipes and I am collecting healthy alternatives... Cantaloupe With Agave and Pecans Serves 4 INGREDIENTS • 1 medium cantaloupe, sliced in half, seeded, scooped into 1-inch balls • 8 teaspoons agave nectar (or honey) • 2/3 cup chopped pecans…
  • hopetobeinshape, jogging is an exercise you have to work up as long as you can then walk for just as long then run then walk..slowly you will see your run time increaseing and eventually you will be able to run more and walk less...I remember when I first started i could barely run a block within 6 months I was…
  • Welcome!! This site is great!! Lots of great the first three topic with the pin next to them in general diet and weight loss tips...really very informative and helpful!! Good luck reaching your goals!!
    in Hello Comment by lisamgould May 2009
  • Welcome!! This site is great!! Lots of great the first three topic with the pin next to them in general diet and weight loss tips...really very informative and helpful!! Good luck reaching your goals!!
    in MUM Comment by lisamgould May 2009
  • Welcome!! This site is great!! Lots of great the first three topic with the pin next to them in general diet and weight loss tips...really very informative and helpful!! Good luck reaching your goals!!
    in Hi there! Comment by lisamgould May 2009
  • Welcome!! This site is great!! Lots of great the first three topic with the pin next to them in general diet and weight loss tips...really very informative and helpful!! Good luck reaching your goals!!
  • Welcome!! This site is great!! Lots of great the first three topic with the pin next to them in general diet and weight loss tips...really very informative and helpful!! Good luck reaching your goals!!
    in Newbee Comment by lisamgould May 2009
  • I use to jog like 4 years ago and I was sooooo skinny. It really works but it is hard on the knees. I think I will try it as one of my cardio workouts at the gym again and see if my knees have recovered. Plus I use to run on concrete sidwalks and that is the worst. the treadmill or a track should make an improvement.…
  • swishpete, maybe you need to change up your exercises. Your body will not respond to the same workout routine. it gets used to it and the results will not be as significate. By shocking it and always throwing new things at it it has to respond and you will see changes.
  • I started out on this program a month ago... after stuggling to eat all the calories this program suggested to get this 16 lbs I gained going to school and sitting on my butt. The last week I have been trying to get closer and I do although usually with 200 remaining. I have started adding a tablespoon of peanut butter…
  • I"m in.. I need some incentive, I am working hard but seeing other working toward a goal as well is such an inspiartion..Lets do it!!! EM: SW 150 / GW 140 / CW 150 Mackenzie: SW 160 / GW 150 / CW 160 Tina: SW 224/ GW 195 / CW 207 Melissa: SW 187 / GW 140 / CW 163 Mel: SW 200 / GW 189 / CW 199 Kimss: SW 170 / GW 154 / CW…
  • Impressive!! We are so willing to give up so easily when we mess up or don't see the results immediately...I appreciated the comment... QUOTE from SPYGUY: "#3: This one is tough for me to say because my loss has been pretty rapid. But you WILL slow down or even stop for periods of time. This can be a HUGE frustration for…
  • Yeah, I agree with Georg...the last 10 are very hard...I am only trying to lose 16 and I am greatful for every pound I lose, I have increased my levels on cardio and change it up, do weight lifting and all the things Georg said and I have lost 1 lb a week the last two weeks and an inch on my waist and an inch on my…
  • I count only true pure water, however, I add a wedge of lemon to my water. The water and the acid from the lemon help to remove the toxins from your body. Also you tend to drink less unhealthy beverages if you know you need to consume more water that day...
  • WoW!! That's great!! At that rate you will meet your goal in no time!! Awesome!!
  • Great Job!! You are an inspiration my progress is slow but I'm hanging in there!!
  • water with lemon ... gotta get those 8 glasses
  • Welcome Jewells!!! I love LA Fitness
    in I am new Comment by lisamgould May 2009
  • I rode my bike to the gym and still did my regular workout!!
  • is soooooo okay!!!!! Especially since it is weight watchers.. but even if it were the real thing it is still okay. The point is to eat a balanced diet..if you know you are going to splurge a little just make up for it elsewere. There is no need to beat yourself up and I think you know that. Sometimes we…