

  • I have a membership to the YMCA where I take weight lifting classes, step classes, kick boxing and a cardio sculpt class. I hardly ever just go there for cardio to run on the treadmill, I have to run outside. I also have a ton of workout DVD's for the days I just don't have time to make it. It's really what works for you.…
  • I just had them for dinner. I eat them at least once a week. I like the sweet potato fries better than regular fries because they naturally taste good and you don't have to dip them into anything. You can also make them from scratch and shave some of the calories off but not that much to make a huge difference.
  • Mine counts down your calories for you. It starts at 3500 calories (which is the amount of calories you need to burn to lose a lb) and counts down. It's a strapless monitor which I like better. I tried the ones with straps and it just didn't work for me. I have the Mio monitor. I got mine off of amazon for less than $50.…
    in hrm Comment by choley222 June 2011
  • I do either some kind of protein bar like luna bars or a power bar. I also will do greek yogurt some days because it is packed with protein. I personally have not found a shake that I like so I stick with what I know I like.
  • I am the same way. I will stand in the mirror for what seems like forever picking at what I feel still needs improvement. I have people telling me all the time how tiny I am and I just laugh because I still see myself as a fat girl. I am hoping one day I will over come this.
  • You look amazing!!!! Congratulations :)
  • I love the idea. I will only eat at places that have their nutrition information public. I don't want to try and guess how many calories are in my meals or coffees. Thinking I was eating healthy was what got me to 255 lbs, knowing what I am consuming is the best thing I have done for myself.
  • Slow and steady is the perfect way to lose it! It has taken me almost 3 years to lose what I have. I get frustrated when I don't see the scale move for a couple of months but I always remind myself that I am doing this to feel better, not for a number! Keep up the good work and you will get there.
  • I started at 255 and it was until I had lost over 30 lbs that I noticed a difference in my clothes. Hang in there and you will start to see a difference.
  • I totally feel your pain! I have gone from a size 22W to a 10 or 12 depending on the brand. I have given away probably about 20 bags of clothes along the way and I have a new stack growing everyday. I am in the same boat about not having the money to replace them. I started visiting second hand shops in the nicer parts of…
  • I love almond milk! We tried have tried soy and rice milk but I definitely prefer almond. I just switched my whole family over to it and the kids hated soy but they are loving the almond so far.
  • I don't allow myself a cheat day but I do allow myself to have one nice meal out a week. I plan for it in my calories for that day so I don't go over. If you allow a whole cheat day and eat crap the only thing you are cheating is yourself. I understand we all want that piece of candy or cake every once in awhile but do it…
  • I have that problem and my doctor says it has to do with my anemia. I use under eye creams and they help a lot. Right now I am using one that has vitamin C added to it and it is working the best, I just can't remember the name of it right now.
  • You could try coke zero to me it has the same taste as regular coke. As far as the frappucinos I'm not sure where you get them from but Dunkin Donuts, McDonald's and Starbucks all have lighter versions of things. I would suggest going on their website and checking their options to lower your calorie count. As far as…
  • During that time of the month I stock up on Vitatop sugar free chocolate muffin tops. They are only 90 calories and they will kill any craving, plus they are very filling. I'm not sure about medical reasons why we crave all that stuff but I am dealing with it right now and it's a struggle.
  • These sound yummy!
  • When I am that sore the only thing that helps stretch out the muscles again is doing the same exercise. I allow the one rest day for lower body or upper body then go right back into it the next day no matter how sore I am. It really helps. You will still be a little sore but not as bad. The first time I took a weight…
  • It was about 20 lbs before I went down a size but I have lost over 80 lbs and have gone from a size 22 to a 10 so that's more than a size every 20 lbs. I think a lot of it has to do with toning and where you are losing the weight.
  • Don't give up yet! It happens to all of us. I myself will go 2-3 months without a single change on the scale then I will lose big numbers for the next two months. Everybody's body is completely different. Maybe change up your workout routine a little that might help. Just remember the end result is worth every tear,…
  • I think the whole subject of eating the calories back is a preference and you have to see what works for you. I never eat my calories back, I never have and never will. I see my doctor on a regular basis and she knows what I am eating and how much I exercise so I am not doing anything she doesn't approve of. I also work…
  • I knew I was heavy and having my kids only a year apart I knew I had extra weight from that but I just never knew how much. My turning point was when we got invited to a friends for dinner and I had no pants that fit. Being a stay at home mom I was always in my sweat pants or pajama pants. I cried for hours not having…
  • I always pack a yogurt, a string cheese, a fruit and I make myself a wrap. I always keep granola bars or protein bars at work just in case I am having a day where I need something extra. You may just want to carry one in your purse since your at school. I personally love the luna bars.
  • I make a breakfast sandwich with egg whites, 1 slice of canadian bacone, light english muffin and low fat swiss cheese it comes in at about 200 calories depending on your cheese.
  • I don't do it all the time but I have and I feel amazing the days I do.
  • I just tried the fiber plus coconut caramel bars today and I have to agree so yummy! I read about them on the hungry girl website, they said they tasted like the girl scout cookie the Samoa and they were right. I also just started using almond and love it. The other thing a friend turned me onto was morningstar products. I…
  • Yes low iron can definitely make you sleepy. You need to go get your blood tested to make sure it isn't anything else. I have been anemic for over 10 years my recent physical and blood work last week came back completely normal. I do not eat red meat at all but I do eat a lot of spinach plus many other very healthy things.…
  • You wouldn't be missing anything with the sugar free vita tops they are SO yummy :)
  • To help with the chocolate cravings I stock up on the vitatop sugar free chocolate chip muffin tops. They will kill any kind of sweet craving you have they are so yummy. As far as the motivation for exercise I just remind myself how much exercising helps get rid of my cramps. It really works wonders. As far as not punching…
  • I like the biggest loser boot camp video and the billy blanks boot camp series (3 level).
  • I love Naturally More. Yes you have to stir it and keep it in the fridge but for less calories and still a good taste I will stir.