vickyclare96 Member


  • Cheese! Finding out a serving of cheddar is 30g and weighing it to find you've been putting ~100g on a sandwich
  • Where is everyone?? : Hope everyone is ok Vicky x P.S i have put on 4lbs.. time to get back on track! Same for everyone else? Good luck :bigsmile:
  • Hi Guys, I have decided that i am coming back today. I have had a few rough months (food wise) and have put on 7 lbs :noway: :cry: Oh well.. i'm to get it off + some extra and i really hope it will go well :happy: Vicky x CW: 154 :noway:
  • Hello! This week was my birthday week :ohwell: My birthday was on Wednesday, and i allowed myself a bit of cake :happy: didnt think it would be too bad, But then yesterday i had my party :noway: :glasses: Ate loads!! 1300 for party meal!!! :sick: :noway: It sure didn't feel like that much :cry: LW: 148 CW: 149 GW:133 Sorry…
  • Hi, Maybe the person that put in the food didn't know all the nutrition information but knew the cals? Vicky :flowerforyou:
  • HELLO!! people may remember i put on a lb last week :cry: well this week i ahve better news :happy: LW: 149 CW:147 :happy: GW: 133
  • Hey guys, Not so good this week :indifferent: LW: 148 CW: 149 GW: 133 I PUT ON!! :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :noway: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: I am so disappointed in myself this week, at least it wasn't like 15 lbs :laugh: Good look to being good on your road trip :happy: and good luck to everyone else :happy: Vicky…
  • Hey guys, Weigh in day tomorrow, hope everyone is doing ok, and have a nice weight loss tomorrow.. good luck :happy: Vicky :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks so much :happy: You have been a great help to myself and the request above about the HRM.. Thanks so much Vicky :flowerforyou:
  • Hi, Be strong, :happy: you can do it resist it!!
  • Hi, Cindy please may i ask you a question, i notice you have a ticker factory ticker.. I have two but i have no idea how to update them .. I know the pin but how do i get to a page where I just add the miles i have done? Thanks in advance, Vicky :flowerforyou:
  • Hi, I am 5' 8" and aiming for 135 Vicky :flowerforyou:
  • Hello!! :happy: WHERE IS EVERYONE :cry: We are only at 22.5 lbs.. i think some people have forgotten to weigh in :cry: :brokenheart: Vicky :flowerforyou:
  • Hello! I managed to find the right battery and weighed in this morning and have glorious results :happy: This week at college we had an "activity" week and I chose Multi sports.. This led to doing sport for 6 hours a day and eating healthy :happy: IT WORKED :bigsmile: Last weigh in: 152 CW: 148 GW: 135 I lost 4 lbs this…
  • Right i have decided to have 1 slice of a 12" pepperoni pizza and 150g of chips :happy: It adds up to around 475 cals :noway: oh well :blushing:
  • Yeh, Umm.. i think i might get something but what? i have 700 cals left :glasses:
  • If your feeling bloated try an Activia yogurt, they work a treat! I like the fruit layer especially raspberry and this is 106 cals or you can have the non layer ones and these are around 80 cals and some of them are fat free!!! :happy: Anyways, I don't know if i can weigh in this week b/c my scales have run out of battery…
  • For my salads I have about 1 cup of lettuce and tomatoes,cucumber and red/yellow (bell) pepper, then i add 3 slices of extra lean ham or wafer thin chicken slices and have 1oz of cheese; this way I get some protein from meat and cheese and loads of vitamin C from pepper :happy: My salads I have are what are above and only…
  • Nope, Not to late to join :happy: Welcome :flowerforyou: We weigh in on Sundays if you hadn't guessed by the name :laugh: Vicky :flowerforyou:
  • GRR! :explode: I don't know why my ticker isn't working. I even edited it so it could be seen :grumble: Anyway today's weigh in :happy: Last weigh in: 153 Current weight (this weigh in):152 Goal Weight:135 I suppose 1 pound loss isn't bad considering what i have eaten this week :smile: Good Luck Girlies/men :happy: Vicky…
  • Oh well :laugh: Next sunday will be exciting though with your first weigh in :happy: p.s is my ticker viewable.. the annyoing thing is mine keeps switching on and off:explode: Vicky :flowerforyou:
  • Hey girls, :happy: I know this probably sounds funny but because i have joined this group i'm actully quite excited for weigh in tomorrow :laugh: :laugh: Good luck for tomorrow :glasses: Vicky :flowerforyou:
  • I will join :smile: SW: 167 :grumble: CW: 154 :ohwell: GW: 135 :happy: When do we check in/ weigh in? Vicky :flowerforyou:
  • Make sure that when you chew gum your not making yourself more hungry!!! When you chew gum your digestive sytem gets ready for food, then when nothing comes down it gets hungry! When i sometimes chew gum, well depends on how much i have eaten but i sometimes get stomach growls!! :sick: :sick:
    in gum? Comment by vickyclare96 July 2009
  • Thanks for all your help; i thought 1200 was too little :sick:
  • How does it help me :huh:
  • First time: start weight: 167 current weight: 153 goal weight: 135 for challenge: 145 Last weigh in (05/15/09) 157 :happy: Vicky :flowerforyou:
  • No physical problem just REALLY bad at running and i feel so uncomfortable :embarassed: :embarassed: I absoulutley hate running..:grumble: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: I love biking do you think this could help??? :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    in Thighs Comment by vickyclare96 July 2009
  • Any more advice? Not very good at running :embarassed: :embarassed:
    in Thighs Comment by vickyclare96 June 2009
  • Please may I join? :flowerforyou: When is weighing in day? and what do we post? :flowerforyou: Vicky :flowerforyou: :happy: