Sunday Successes

kctus3 Posts: 18 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Hello Everyone...our group has our first weigh in tomorrow! Let's make a change for the better ladies and feel good about ourselves! Take time for YOU today and think positive...WE CAN DO THIS. See you all here tomorrow!!!


Created by - Free Food Diary


  • pickles77
    pickles77 Posts: 47
    Good Luck to all!!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am with you girls and guys if that may be. See you in the Morning. Thanks Calie
  • vickyclare96
    vickyclare96 Posts: 124 Member
    Hey girls, :happy:
    I know this probably sounds funny but because i have joined this group i'm actully quite excited for weigh in tomorrow :laugh: :laugh:
    Good luck for tomorrow :glasses:
    Vicky :flowerforyou:
  • babybella
    babybella Posts: 7
    :flowerforyou: YEA!!

    I am excited to join this group!!

    Tomorrow will not be as exciting for me as next Sunday since I just started my program today!!

  • vickyclare96
    vickyclare96 Posts: 124 Member
    :flowerforyou: YEA!!

    I am excited to join this group!!

    Tomorrow will not be as exciting for me as next Sunday since I just started my program today!!

    Oh well :laugh: Next sunday will be exciting though with your first weigh in :happy:
    p.s is my ticker viewable.. the annyoing thing is mine keeps switching on and off:explode:
    Vicky :flowerforyou:
  • babybella
    babybella Posts: 7
    :flowerforyou: YEA!!

    I am excited to join this group!!

    Tomorrow will not be as exciting for me as next Sunday since I just started my program today!!

    Oh well :laugh: Next sunday will be exciting though with your first weigh in :happy:
    p.s is my ticker viewable.. the annyoing thing is mine keeps switching on and off:explode:
    Vicky :flowerforyou:

    No, I don't see a ticker.
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    I don't see a ticker either.....

    Looking forward to getting on the scales tomorrow :happy:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    I'm in too-:flowerforyou: I doubt I see much of a loss tomorrow though.:grumble: My T.o.m and the 105+ degree days this week have not agreed with me. I did just finish my first day of The 30 day shred though. I think I'm gonna love it ! I can not wait to see how I progress. I walked 2 miles this morning and I usualy walk 2 more in the evening but my muscles are screaming so I doubt I get that evening walk in. I'll check back in in the morning. GOOD LUCK everyone! Cindy :heart:
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    I am so looking forward to tomorow and getting started!!! I am also looking forward to all of us doing this together. Here's to many many successful Sundays for all of us!!
  • red5
    red5 Posts: 56 Member
    I am in. I have been with myfitnesspal for 5 days now and I need motivation. I guess you don't need a weight until morning. This is exciting!!!! I've been looking for programs in the community but I don't know anyone here....I just moved 600 miles away from home and I am completely home sick.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I started mfp last month. What is this group? Do you just do Sunday weigh-ins (and give support)? I was planning on weighing in sunday, can I join in? :happy:
  • babybella
    babybella Posts: 7
    I LOVE this site...I tracked my meals on here today and have never done that before or kept a food journal....kind of scary to think what my day could have been calorie and fat wise without having to be accountable. I love that I can see exactly what's going on...even though I just started today I already feel a little thinner :)
  • kctus3
    kctus3 Posts: 18 Member
    Of course you can join!!! OK everyone..tomorrow is the big day..just post your weigh in's tomorrow.

    Smile!!!! It's a long journey and we'll all get there together. Stay positive. :) don't see your ticker either. :(

    Thanks everyone...glad to be on the journey with you all.
  • vickyclare96
    vickyclare96 Posts: 124 Member
    GRR! :explode: I don't know why my ticker isn't working. I even edited it so it could be seen :grumble:
    Anyway today's weigh in :happy:
    Last weigh in: 153
    Current weight (this weigh in):152
    Goal Weight:135
    I suppose 1 pound loss isn't bad considering what i have eaten this week :smile:
    Good Luck Girlies/men :happy:
    Vicky :flowerforyou:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member

    Last weigh in - 224lbs

    CW - 223lbs

    GW - 146 lbs

    Only a pound but such a sweet one!! I am now in the 15's YAY!!!!!!! :drinker:

    Good luck to the rest of you :happy:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    CW 193
    GW 160

    I am in the progressed of losing 4 lbs that i gain in the last month.I had gained 9 lbs have already lost 5 lbs of it. A lot of it was water retentions.


  • babybella
    babybella Posts: 7
    Good morning all..

    I lost 2 pounds

    Starting 240
    Current 238 to a good start...great job everyone!

  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    OW 215
    SW 190
    CW 184
    GW 145

    Scale hasn't moved this week, could be because of T.O.M. (hopefully):frown:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    For breakfast I had 2 scramble eggs. 2 slices of Sara Lee 45 calories per slice whole wheat bread. 1 t. diet apricot jelly.yummy for a total of 287 calories, 5 grams fiber
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    :love: OMG 9lbs lost!! I started my diet last Monday so it's absolutely amazing I've already lost 9 lbs!!! I was probably holding some serious water weight but...being able to count my calories and pay attention to what is going into my body has been such an eye-opener. I have eaten right and I feel great!!! YEEAAAHHHH!! Looking forward to more Successful Sundays!!!
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
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