Sunday Successes



  • jigs
    jigs Posts: 70
    Slipped a little this week. I didn't eat enough on Wednesday, my golf night, and was hungry Thursday so over did it. Then no exercise yesterday. Tsk, tsk. Gained my .6 of a lb back that I had lost last week.

    Last wk 148
    CW 148.6
    GW 135

    Guess it coulda been worse. Good luck to everyone!
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    3 pounds lost for me this week !!! was 278- now 275 -- :flowerforyou: Great job everyone !!!!! Cindy :heart:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    You guys are doing great. I can't even get on the scale...I don't want to know
    Have a great week everyone. Sundays are not a good day to weigh in for me. I will check in but think I will have to weigh in on another day. Best of luck to all of you.
  • great job cindy, 3lbs,,,,,
    It's wasn't a great week for me eather..... only 1/2 pound lost...

    last week 151.4
    CE 150.8
    GW 130

    Keep up the great work,, and lets keep moving this week.....
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    great job cindy, 3lbs,,,,,
    It's wasn't a great week for me eather..... only 1/2 pound lost...

    last week 151.4
    CE 150.8
    GW 130

    Keep up the great work,, and lets keep moving this week.....
    That's better than a 1/2 lb gain. :happy: Don't sell yourself short :flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    great job cindy, 3lbs,,,,,
    It's wasn't a great week for me eather..... only 1/2 pound lost...

    last week 151.4
    CE 150.8
    GW 130

    Keep up the great work,, and lets keep moving this week.....
    Thanks a bunch :flowerforyou: Any loss is great in my book !! Keep at it and the pounds will melt off. :flowerforyou: Cindy :heart:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Last Week 216lbs
    CW - 217
    GW - 180


    I have had a bad week, things are changing in work which has unsettled me, i haven't been out much on my bike and i have eaten things that i really shouldn't have.

    BUT..... i am drawing a line and stepping over it.

    I'm off on holiday tomorrow, i'm taking my bike and i will watch what i put in my mouth and hopefully i will be back on track.

    I know that this is a life long journey and that i will have challenges along the way, i think that the lesson i have learnt by being a member of the MFP community is that these things will happen, 'real life' will sometimes get in the way. The 'trick' to weight loss, if you can call it that is to believe in yorself and get right back to what you were doing before your blip. Also, it is a slow and steady process, so reign in your high expectations and settle in for the journey.

    Sorry if it seems i am stating what you already know, i think i really needed to say it for myself more than anything - a bit of a pep talk if you know what i mean lol

    Good luck to you all this week

    Jax :flowerforyou:
  • jigs
    jigs Posts: 70
    Last wk 148
    CW 146.4
    GW 135

    My hubby says he's noticed that I'm losing weight. Yeah!! He said he's noticed my face looks thinner. I've noticed that my pants fit looser. :happy:

    We had a good laugh this morning over breakfast. I bought Pepperidge Farms Very Thin bread because '40 calories per slice' caught my eye. :laugh: It's so thin it curls when toasted.

    Hope everyone has a happy, healthy week losing weight!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    No change for me this week. I like to think it's due to T.O.M., but it's more likely due to Little Debbie. She's the devil :devil: LOL :laugh: I have avoided her since joining MFP in June and last week I gave in. Oh well, like Jax said, "this is a life long journey and that i will have challenges along the way..."

    Last week 175
    CW 175
    GW 145

    Good luck and congrats to everyone!!! :drinker:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Confession time. I gained the weight 2 weeks running and this week I took some of it off. Have to update my ticker

    but... SW 172
    CW 169
    GW 150

    I've been running like crazy this week though and hopefully this week will pay off!

    Good luck everyone:happy:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi everyone. :flowerforyou: I lost 1 pound this week. Starting weight 3-3-09- 353 last weeks weight- 275- this week 274 pounds. I know that my TOM is arriving soon so I think this weeks less than stellar results are due to that. Congratulations to eeveryone who lost. Cindy :heart:
  • Well i have to confess too. I gave into not one but 2 big fudge brownies last night ,, and ooooooohhhhhhhh they were good!!!!!:laugh:
    So this morning that pound I was down on friday was back......oh well so this week was no loss for me.

    last week 150
    CW 150
    GW 130

    0 is still good......Yes, this is a life long journey.... and some day I'll reach my goal just as long as I don't give up. next week will be better,,,
    Jax Hope you have a great holiday,,,, and be careful... last time I went on one I came back 4 lbs heaver.....But have fun anyway :bigsmile:
    great job on everyone alse that lost...
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Well Connie i must admit that i was worried about gaining this week as i definately drank way more than i should have, but, i managed to lose a pound :happy:

    The fact that i cycled over 100 miles, went body boarding and played golf (badly) probably saved me this week lol

    Last week - 217lbs
    This week - 216 lbs
    Goal - 180 lbs

    Jax :drinker:
  • jigs
    jigs Posts: 70
    Last wk 146.4
    CW 146.6
    GW 135

    Virtually no change for me this week. I ate too much Friday night.

    Good luck to everyone.

    Sounds like you had a fun week, Jax. I need to find more to do. My golf league will be ending this month. I'm having a hard time thinking of something fun to do this winter. Something indoors. I have a bowling alley nearby, but haven't bowled in years. I think my 30th b-day was the last time! Indoor volleyball sounds like fun, but it's been even longer since I've played that.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    2 lbs for me this week! Woohoo! :bigsmile:
    Last week 175
    CW 173
    GW 145

    Congrats and good luck to everyone!!!

    You're in in the 100 mile club now, Jax!!! :drinker:
  • this has been a great week for me.... I was totally suprised this morning when I steppedd on the scale.....down 2 lbs,,, making up for last week... but then I had family over for a BBQ today and didn't even pay attenchen to what I was eating.... and went way over for the day with not time to workout.... at least I have a whole week to make up for it....:laugh:

    last week 150
    CW 148
    GW 130
    Jigs, i know winter can be tough finding thing to do,,,,, especally if you live where the weather gets bad... and I'm not much into winter sports......I still try to get out and walk for runn when we have a nice day here.... I also have a several workour DVD's and this summer my hubby got me a wii fit which I love to work out with,, just not everyday... I'm one of those who need lots of verity.. It's always fun trying somthing new too....

    Great job everyone. lets really work hard this week.
  • jigs
    jigs Posts: 70
    Congrats on your 1 and 2 pound losses last week. I lost one this week and hope everyone else lost too.

    Last wk 146.6
    CW 145.6
    GW 135

    I bought a jump rope last week. Boy, you can burn alot of calories in a short amount of time. But, I also learned to do some calve stretches before and after. Limped around on Monday - was glad I didn't have to go to work. :smile:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Congrats on your loss jigs :flowerforyou:

    I didn't get to weigh in this morning as i was away for the weekend, here's hoping i didn't do too much damage with the :drinker: lol

    Good luck to the rest of you :happy:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    No change for me this weeek. Still 173 lbs. At least I didn't gain, which is hard to beleive with the week I've had :noway:
  • I sorry i missed waigh-in yesterday had alot going on,,, so i waighted in this ,morning. but it didn't make any difference I think..... no loss for me this week eather:grumble:
    last week - 148
    CW - 148
    GW - 130
    I had company all last week so there was alot going on...and I wasn't trying very hard to stay motavated but not we are back to normal again.... and I'm back on the wagon again.... So hopefully this will be a great week... keep moving!!!:drinker:
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