Sunday Successes



  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Hi FabulousFifty!

    Please do join in, the numbers have dwindled in here over the months so any new faces are very welcome :happy:

    Jax x
  • constancemwj
    Hi ladies,,,,
    hope you all haven't forgotten me:ohwell: I know I've been MIA for the last 2 months,,, and too have put back on a few lbs over the holidays....but am back on the wagon again..and need to get my self in gear. I've started walking with a friend 5 day/week.. so that'll help keep me going this time.... hope you all had a great last couple of months,,, and it feel good to be back:drinker:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Hi Connie!

    Welcome back, and good job on getting back on track, i know it's hard but it's soooo worth it :happy:

    Jax x
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Hi All:

    Connie, welcome back! I am new since 1/30. But I am a lifelong dieter. Now it's different. It's about a new lifestyle for me. Healthy eating habits for good! I wish you well and look forward to encouraging you in this forum. Keep at it. Wow, walking 5X a week is commendable. Good for you! Can you tell you feel better?

    Jax, your weightloss is inspiring! What are some tips? I am finding consistancy over time is importance. I no longer beat myself up over an evening out with friends and a little splurge. I am going for 90% good. I can see it works! Keep doing what you are doing and know you are inspiring us all.

    Hello to the rest on Sunday Successes. I look forward to getting to know you and celebrating our success together.

    Today's weigh-in shows a 1 lb loss for a total of 8 lbs since 1/30. I am satisfied with that and look forward to creeping my way to my goal! At my age, half of a century, slow it goes. BUT, it is for good! How did the rest of you do today?? :flowerforyou:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    OOPS....8 lbs since 12/30.....1 lb loss today. :blushing:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    8 lb in less than a month, that's a nice steady weight loss.... the best kind to have :happy:

    Thank you for your kind words, they made me smile :smile:

    It's been a long haul for me, i've been on this journey since valentines day '09. I've found that watching my calories (i'm currently on 1600 a day), exercising and then eating my exercise calories is what works for me.

    Oh and logging every single thing that passes my lips into my food diary... even when it's not a good day, it holds me accountable.

    One piece of advice that struck home with me is.... 'it took years to get to this weight and it will most probably take a few years to get it off again - slow and steady wins the race!'

    Good luck in your journey

    Jax x
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Thanks for your tips Jax. You are soooo right...we didn't get here overnight. We must be patient with this process. Can you explain to me why we eat our exercise cals? I never heard of this concept before MFP. I do see it over and over again on this site. I will do it if it won't slow my process. I am already a turtle!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Hi all! Checking in. I feel I should explain myself a bit. My ticker is showing 24 lbs to go, but since the holidays it's more like 30 to go. I refuse to change it :laugh: I'm working to catch back up to that and eventually make my goal. So, for now I'm going to be reporting no change until I catch up to my ticker. Is that bad? Am I in denial? Haha!!! :laugh:

    Good luck everyone! Have a great week!! :drinker:
  • sallypal
    I see your ticker
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Skywalker: Hey, we are OK with that. You still have accountability because you fessed up. We are going to be checking on you! You can do it. Drink alot of water this week and up that workout time a bit. And remember, fiber fiber fiber! Have a wonderful week and that ticker will be movin in no time!
  • constancemwj
    hi all,,
    Skywalker I like your thinking...and no thats not bad,,, I think it makes you work harder to get back to where you where ...I all ready reset mine.. I was down to 146 before the holidays....and at the first of this month I was up to 154. "outch" but It could of been worse.. so I'm not beating myself up... but Its going to be harder then I though to get back down...
    I'm also one of those who belives that slow is good.... I started last March on this long journey and it took me all year to lose just 25lbs (8 of which I gained back these last 2 months) but I've desided if I just keep at it eventully I'll get there... The end of this year is my 50th birthday.. my goal is to reach my goal weigh by then.. thats about another 20/25 lbs,,, I keep telling myself I can do this... I may be no biggest loser :laugh: but I'll get there, and your right Fabulous,, is about the eating right... I work with a bunch of ladies... and they are always talking about this diet and that and now with the new year just like last they are eating thier what I call rabbit food and avoiding all kinds of others... I know it wont last for them and have to laugh at them as I eat my good wholesum lunch( they don't believe me when I tell them its all about the calories and exercise) but they want the quick results... :laugh:
    anyway moving on to weigh-in

    was down to 146 at one time
    last week 153.4
    CW 152.2 down one yyyyyaaaahhhh!!!!
    goel W 130

    have a great week and keep moving everyone:happy:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Thanks for the support, everyone! I'm down a total of 40 lbs and that took me over 2 years to do. The way I look at it... the slower the weight comes off, the more likely it is to stay off. I'd be thrilled to reach my goal by the end of this year and I truly beleive I can and will. This site has been a real inspiration for me. :bigsmile:

    Good luck to everyone this week! I hope to be reporting a loss in a few weeks :drinker:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Hi Fabulous,

    I'm not very good at explaining things but this is a link to a thread about eating your exercise calories and it's got some really good advice there :happy:

    Jax x
  • SimplyChaotic
    Hello everyone!
    I was wondering if I could Join this group!
    I like weighing in on Sundays. I am new to this site
    and Sundays mark the beginning of the week.

    Thanks in advance!
    Meiya :)
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Absolutely!!! Welcome!!! :drinker:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Hello Meiya, welcome to the group and good luck with your journey :flowerforyou:
  • constancemwj
    just checking in,, and saying Hi,, and welcome Meiy,, too...
    keep moving today and lets work hard and make tomorrow a great weigh-in:bigsmile:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Welcome Meiya! Good luck....see you on Sunday! Have a skinny Saturday all...drink lots of H2O. Hopefully we will be sharing good news on Sunday. :)
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    LW - 217lbs
    CW - 215lbs
    GW - 180lbs

    Woohoo! 2lbs off this week - i am so happy :happy:

    One thing i have noticed since getting back on the wagon is the lightness of my mood, i am contented and have belief in myself. Possibly just a little bit proud of myself for sticking with it and ecstatic with the results of my labours, the only thing i have to master is not to let it affect me or my day so much when i don't see the results i want and am expecting on the scale. Hopefully that won't happen any time soon if i carry on the way i am going.

    Good luck to you all this weigh in :flowerforyou:

    Jax x
  • SimplyChaotic
    SW: 252
    CW: 251!!!!!!!!
    GW: 150

    lbs lost since 01/27 = 1!!!!

    congrats everyone!!!!!!