Sunday Successes



  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    :flowerforyou: I lost another pound per this mornings weigh-in!!! :happy:

    Congrats to everyone on their achievements!!!!!! :drinker:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Meiya and Betty - Congratulations! That loss is motivation to carry you through the week!
    I am down 1/2 pound. You know what, after 2 days of overdoing it, I am happy with it. I have been shooting for 90% good, because I know myself. If I shoot for perfection, I will go on a binge if I fail one day. So, I am being kind to myself and it is working! Meiya, you are off to a great start!
    Tip-I found some great free workouts on You Tube. Check them out you guys!

    Stay warm and be kind to yourself!:flowerforyou:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Hi everyone! Well, I haven't caught up to my ticker, but I am 2 lbs closer!!! :bigsmile: If I keep this up, I'll be there in no time. Congrats to everyone who lost this week and if there is anyone who hasn't, just keep at it. We all hit plateaus. :smile:

    FabulousFifity, I agree with you on the 90%. I'm the same way. If I try to deny myself, I'm much more likely to fall off the wagon. Also, a few years ago I would have gotten completely discouraged by my holiday weight gain. Now I just look at it as a bump in the road and I'll get over it. This site has been a huge help. Thanks for the inspiration, everyone!! Keep up the great work!!

    :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • constancemwj
    Hi everyone,,, It looks like we had a great week this week, we all lost something yyyaaaahhhoooo!!!!!
    I was down almost 2 lbs...

    last week 152.2
    CW 150.4

    4 more to go before I'm back to my pre-holiday weight,,,It seems to come off easer this time thought.. the first time it seemed I had to really fight for every lb but I have also been trying to stay more active and setting myself weekly challanges.. I think its working.
    I got challanged to run a half marathon this summer I not sure if I really will do it,,,,, but the trainning for it is a good motavator....I started running again... cant't go very far yet... but It'll come the more I do......
    Lets make this a great week again.... and just keep movin:bigsmile:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I got challanged to run a half marathon this summer I not sure if I really will do it,,,,, but the trainning for it is a good motavator....I started running again... cant't go very far yet... but It'll come the more I do......
    Lets make this a great week again.... and just keep movin:bigsmile:

    That's a great idea and you have plenty of time to train. Back on 2003, I made up my mind to do a full marathon. I had never run more than a mile at that point in my life and I followed a beginner, 16 week training plan and I completed the marathon. I didn't break any land speed records, but I crossed the finish line :laugh:
    It really is a huge motivator to sign up for an event like that. I say, do it!!! :drinker:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    LW - 215lbs
    CW - 214lbs
    GW - 180lbs

    1lb off for me this week :happy:

    Good luck to the rest of you x
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Wow, congrats Jax! :flowerforyou:

    I am celebrating 1 more pound down!:happy:

    Someone told me yesterday that it is motivation that helps you begin this journey - and it is habits that helps you complete this journey. I thought that ws powerful! Here's to good habits! :drinker:

    Have a great week all!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I'm stuck!!! I'm doing everything right and I'm still the same. I'll keep at it though. I know my hard work will start to catch up with me. :laugh: I think I need a change in my workout. I've been cycling like crazy and I think I need to shake things up. I went for a run this week for the first time in years and I'm thinking of starting the Insanity Workout series. A friend of mine at work is getting great results with it and lent me one to try. It lives up to its name!! :laugh:

    Anyway, good luck ladies and congrats to those who've lost this week! :drinker:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Skywalker, keep at it hun you know it'll happen eventually, those lbs will be beaten into submission by all your hard work! lol

    Good job on keeping on with such focus :flowerforyou:
  • constancemwj
    Hi all,:happy:

    still another one down for me too...yah. and I was shocked exspecialy after yesterday,,, alls I wanted to do was eat eat eat and eat and went way over my calories,,:grumble: ......But I also worked out hard all week too....
    last week 150.4
    CW 148. 8

    Hang in there Skywalker,,, It'll come... last fall I went a whole month without losing anything,,,it was frustrating... but I stuck with it and got past the platu.. I hate them... and I've heard that a change in exercise and maybe adding strightn trainning can also help get past one... good luck and don't give up...
    and great job everyone ales...... lets have a great week..
  • SimplyChaotic
    Last weeks Weight!!! : 251... this weeks WEIGHT!: 247!!!!! AWESOME JOB LADIES KEEP IT UP!!!
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Fabulousfifty - Great job on your 1lb loss :bigsmile:

    Connie - well done on your 1lb loss :flowerforyou:

    SimplyChaotic - Fantastic job!! Well done :drinker:

    Have a good week everyone :happy:

    Jax x
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I'm going to experiment this week. I'm going to eat most or all of my exercise calories and see what happens. I don't usually do that. Any advice? Do any of you do that?
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    I try to eat all of my exercise calories, i don't always manage it - like tonight i have 800 ish to eat and it's 8.30pm. This normally happens on the days i go to the gym, because i burn so many.

    For the last 3 weeks i have been really watching my calories and it's been working. I think what's helped the most is my HRM, before when i went to the gym this site told me i had burnt over 1000 calories, so i ate them! Turns out i only burn between 700 and 800 depending on how hard i work.

    Good luck Skywalker :flowerforyou:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Thanks for the input. I was hoping you'd respond, as you've been losing these past few weeks. I'm expecting to be shoveling snow on wednesday and I'm curious to see how many calories that burns. :laugh: I'll be wearing my HRM while I do it. :smile: Also, I've been following you and Raqueluz with the HRM experiment. Seems to be going well for you both :happy:

    Going for a run tonight. Planning 4 miles. there will probably be some walking involved :wink: Wish me luck this week!! & good luck to you!! :drinker:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I did some changes to my settings and increased my calories to 1310. Also, I gave in and changed my ticker to reflect my true weight. I can't be in denial anymore. I'm still working out as hard as ever. Hoping to see a change this week. :smile:
  • constancemwj
    good luck skywalker,,,,,,I hope you see some great progress this week.......
    Im was just letting you all know I'll miss you and our wieghin this weekend,,, taking a quick trip south for a week and not taking my laptop this time....nor will I have a scale to weighin on.... I promis I'll try to be good and plan to still keep working out everyday i'm gone, some how... Hope you all have a great weighin this Sunday and I'll see you all when I get back:happy:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Yehaw!!!!!!!! Another 2lbs!!
    I am sooooo chuffed, that's 8lb in total since i started back on the wagon 4 weeks ago.

    Fingers crossed for the rest of you.... Skywalker - i really hope your tweaks worked this week x x

    LW - 214
    CW - 212
    GW - 180
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Jax: Good for you! Keep up with your plan! It is working.

    I am not weighing in this week. My monthly friend is visiting and I know the scale will be up a bit. I don't want to get discouraged. My dad had surgery and we have been going through drive throughs for meals. It has been a challenge this week. Oh well, back on track and ready for a new week. Hope to hear good news from the rest of you! I hope I can report some success next week.

    All the best!:heart:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    No change for me this week, but my monthly friend is here too, which actually makes me optimistic for next week, considering how bloated i feel :laugh: Maybe I did drop a pound and the fluid retention is hiding it. :wink:

    Great job, Jax!!! :drinker:

    Fab, I feel your pain :laugh: