Sunday Successes



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    How many lbs do you think we will loose as a total for this week. I am guessing 50 lbs. for a total lost for all of us together. You all sound like you are working hard. What your guess?

    Go team gp!!!!!!!!! Caliecat
  • pickles77
    pickles77 Posts: 47
    I totally understand you! I feel huge again! Ive been staying under my calories and working out, but ive been going over my sugar! Thats because of my slight addiction to mountain dew! :devil: :devil: I've done good with cutting back to 2 a day. Before I was drinking about 8 cans! OUCH!!!:sad: I feel like thats whats holding me back now and im having a hard time with headaches!

    I think we will lose around 50 as well! We are all working hard!
    Good luck!

    MRSWESSON Posts: 107
    How many lbs do you think we will loose as a total for this week. I am guessing 50 lbs. for a total lost for all of us together. You all sound like you are working hard. What your guess?

    Go team gp!!!!!!!!! Caliecat

    I agree about 50 lbs!

    Pickles Pickles Pickles!!! Yeah mountain dew is good but No Bueno for you :sick: it has a VERY VERY high caffine level :drinker: which is why you are getting headaches from cutting down...caffine withdrawl:brokenheart: it can be a killer, but you can do it!!!
  • red5
    red5 Posts: 56 Member
    I worked out today but I skipped Tuesday and Wednesday!!! I was just way to tired. I did a lot of running around those to days so hopefully that will help. Lucky for me I don't have an addiction to soda but I did have a friend who did. She switched to green doesn't have as much caffine but it helped relieve her headaches. Plus it has tons of antioxidents. Anyways my pants are getting loose and it feels damn good!!!!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    I used to drink a double mocha every morning. I cut them out 2 weeks ago, I still drink diet soda but have also cut that back to 1 a day rather than 3 or 4. Luckily I don't have headaches but for the first week I felt like I couldn't wake up in the mornings without my coffee. I remembered reading in one of those silly emails about random facts that apples have more "wake- you- up" than a cup of coffee, so I figured I would give it a try. IT WORKED. I love my apple in the morning now, it has become my coffee...

    Oh yeah, my guess is for 40lbs
  • aariel22
    aariel22 Posts: 37
    I'd like to join this group, too! I am excited about loosing weight. I have been on the heavy side of normal my whole life, but when I had my baby 2 years ago I put 50 lbs on top of that. I am now 20 lbs above my preprego weight. I had such an appetite while I was nursing that I never took the weight off. I weaned about a month ago, and I can finally cut enough calories to shed some poundage. I would love the support of others in a similar situation!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Welcome and glad you found our group!! We just started this past Sunday and have chosen to weigh in on Sunday mornings. Our main purpose is supporting and motivating each other!!! Best wishes.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I'd like to join this group, too! I am excited about loosing weight. I have been on the heavy side of normal my whole life, but when I had my baby 2 years ago I put 50 lbs on top of that. I am now 20 lbs above my preprego weight. I had such an appetite while I was nursing that I never took the weight off. I weaned about a month ago, and I can finally cut enough calories to shed some poundage. I would love the support of others in a similar situation!

    I'm not in a similar situation For I'm past bearing child raising. But I'm similar to you and that is a desire to lose this weight. We can do it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: Here's to another sucessful day for everybody:flowerforyou:

  • skips09
    skips09 Posts: 7
    I know i'm a week late, but could I join please?? I've been on mfp for a few months now and have seen a some success, but unfortunately seem to go backwards as often as i go forwards! I think i need to be accountable to someone, if you guys will have me :)

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome join us successors and good luck!!!!
  • constancemwj
    constancemwj Posts: 290
    Good morning, :flowerforyou: how's everyone doing so far????
    I guessing maybe 40 lbs all together!!!

    Welcome aarie and skips too...hope we can give you loads of help.

    onmyweigh, I hope your trip goes well... I know what you mean about being afread...We to a 10 hr. trip last month to visit my in-laws and I came back 8lbs heaver even though I tryed to be so good.....The last week of this month I get to drive 14 hrs. to Idaho for a few days then turn around and drive to New mexico all in a week. I don't know how I'm going to do this without putting on the lbs...I think I'm going to pack my scale and lap top..... Any travel tip??????

    pickles i use to be addicted to Mt Dew. I've desided it's bad stuff.... and not good for I just quit cold turcky and haven't had one in years....I wasn't easy.....I'ed go with the green tea though. this year I've tried giving up soda all together I've desided I can find better chooses for my allowed calorise.. So I have one maybe everyother week... the less I drink it, the less I want it....
    AW hope everyone alse is having a great week...... keep moving. I guess I'ed better.:bigsmile:
  • vickyclare96
    vickyclare96 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi All!!! :bigsmile:

    Halfway there...uh it is so hard to stay away from that darn scale!!! :angry:

    I am totally balloted and feel soooooo heavy :cry: I hate it...hopefully I will sweat it out tonight but I can't stand this heavy dragging feeling :grumble:

    So I been staying within my Calorie intake this week and have not missed a night of working out :happy: so at least I have something good to report :wink: I just hope it shows on Sunday :bigsmile:

    Everyone keep up the great work and see u all Sunday YAY!!!
    If your feeling bloated try an Activia yogurt, they work a treat! I like the fruit layer especially raspberry and this is 106 cals or you can have the non layer ones and these are around 80 cals and some of them are fat free!!! :happy:

    Anyways, I don't know if i can weigh in this week b/c my scales have run out of battery and i can't find the right battery anywhere :explode: :explode: :mad:
    I will carry on looking.. wish me luck :laugh:
    Vicky :flowerforyou:
    p.s i hope this helped :happy:
    P.P.S i think we will lose around 45 pounds ish :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: Good morning Successes:heart:: :heart: :heart: : Do we have a voluntier to Keep up with our total Lbs. I really think we will go over 50 lbs. Their is a lot of us working on it. I know I am. Lets not be a Sunday Failure. We can do it. If not just get right back on that bus to be thin. :heart: :heart:

  • kctus3
    kctus3 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello Everyone! Welcome to all the newcomers!!! It's never too late to join!! Why, you ask??....Because it's NEVER too late to take care of yourself!!

    I am so happy to be part of this group!!!

    I give myself one "Cheat" day a week and that helps me a ton!!! I find that I eat what I want one day a week, I just eat small portions and drink extra water that day, so I feel fuller and it's really working for me. Then I don't feel starved and I don't stress. It took a long time to put the weight on, and it will take a while to take it off so BE PATIENT WITH YOURSELVES!!!

    I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's results on Sunday!

    Good luck and everyone and take care!

  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Good morning!

    Seems i'm the first to weigh in today....

    Last weigh in - 223lbs

    CW - 220lbs

    GW - 146 lbs

    I lost 3lbs this week!!!

    I took up cycling and boy does it bring results!

    Good luck everyone else :happy:
  • vickyclare96
    vickyclare96 Posts: 124 Member
    I managed to find the right battery and weighed in this morning and have glorious results :happy:
    This week at college we had an "activity" week and I chose Multi sports.. This led to doing sport for 6 hours a day and eating healthy :happy:
    IT WORKED :bigsmile:
    Last weigh in: 152
    CW: 148
    GW: 135
    I lost 4 lbs this week :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Good luck everyone :happy:
    Vicky :flowerforyou:
    P.S We are currently on 7lbs total weight loss for this weigh in :happy:
  • skips09
    skips09 Posts: 7
    My 1st weigh in, so maybe I shouldn't be added to the running total :laugh:
    SW: 187
    CW: 180
    GW: 150

    Good luck everyone this week :smile: and good job to those already posted, 3 and 4lbs in a week is great going!!
  • jigs
    jigs Posts: 70
    Good morning!! I only lost about a half pound. But, more importantly, I have stopped drinking 3 or 4 Cokes a day. And, I don't really miss it like I thought I would. Before joining MFP I'd reach for one and think, I should drink water, but shrug off that thought. Logging everything and seeing the numbers makes a huge difference!

    LW 152 ( Last week)
    CW 151.6
    GW 135

    Congrats Jax and Parrot on losing 3 and 4 pounds each! Woo hoo! Now I feel challenged!!

    Suggestion for road trip: When you stop for a potty break make it at least 20 minutes and take a brisk walk. I live in MIchigan. All our reststops have dog runs. Plenty of space to walk and usually wooded. I haven't been out of state much, but I would hope other states would provide nice rest areas, too.

    re: Cheat Day - I golf on a quasi-league (we don't keep score) on Wednesdays so that's my Cheat Day for food. I know I'll burn it off with golfing (pulling clubs). So, Wednesday is pizza day!! And a 20 oz Coke. Usually I drink 12oz can
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: Good morning great going Parrot am Jax pm your lost 3 & 4 lbs. i think I will join you. GOOD FOR YOU JIGS FOR GIVING UP COKES . WELCOME SKIPS I know mine was a lot of water. but it is gone.

    S W 193
    C W 188
    GW 160

    TOTAL LOST FOR WEEK 5 lBS. WOW! WOW.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THAT MAKE 12 1/2 LBS FOR US FOR THE FIRSTweek so far and we hae a long way for the others to report in. . :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: a HEART FOR EVERY POUND SO FAR. LOOK AT US GO!!!!!!!!!!!

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