!!! need help figuring my HRM!!!



  • vickyclare96
    vickyclare96 Posts: 124 Member
    Cindy please may i ask you a question, i notice you have a ticker factory ticker.. I have two but i have no idea how to update them .. I know the pin but how do i get to a page where I just add the miles i have done?
    Thanks in advance,
    Vicky :flowerforyou:
    Vicky, Go to tickerfactory.com and click on the fitness ticker link. It will take you to you ticker page. Enter your 4 didget password and then scroll down and add your miles. Click the + next to the box where your miles are. Click continue. Copy the code and come back to your MFP homepage. Click settings and scroll down to your signature. Click on it and erase the previous ticker code and paste the new code. Easy peasy- Good luck and let me know if you need more help. Cindy :heart:
    Thanks so much :happy:
    You have been a great help to myself and the request above about the HRM.. Thanks so much
    Vicky :flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Your so very welcome. I'm so happy to be of help. Have a super great day !!!! Cindy
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I tried it above and I didn't get a reading. Right beteen my cleavage under my bottom bra starp is where it works for me. The monitor has to be toughing skin from what I understand. Have you tried it over and under? What are your readings in each position? Cindy :heart:

    Oh Cindy! I just don't know if I'm doing it right! It's got me wicked confused! I keep pressing this button and that button. I'm not understanding what the heck to do. I did just like you said, hit the mode button, got it on chrono, then hit the start button, then the memory, and then did 20 minutes of jogging in place. Well, I kept looking at it the whole time I was jogging, and it showed a "0" the whole time at the top, but the numbers below were moving like a sun of a gun. When it showed the "0" this morning for my 20 minute jog, I hit the start button again, and then saw another number instead of the "0". But, this afternoon I just left it alone, cuz your directions just said to hit the start button, and then memory. It didn't say to hit it a few time. So, after I was done and checked it, it gave me the exact same numbers as it did this morning. Now I'm not so sure if it even recorded this afternoon, or if I was viewing what I'd done this morning, after hitting the start button again cuz of that darned "0'! :sad:
    I'll bet you're sorry you ever even answered me, since I just keep bugging the heck out of you over it! :laugh:
    My husband's off on a motorcycle ride, I told him he should be here, trying to help me figure this darned thing out! :explode: Brenda
    ps. Maybe I'll try it under my bra, and see what happens. My knees are killing me though, so it probably won't be till tomorrow morning, after I've given them some rest.
    Brenda, I'm so sorry your having this problem. I don't understand why it's not working for you other than you don't have the monitor placed correctly. You also have to dampen the rubber strips on each side of the plastic monitor when you put it on. It sounds like that's the problem to me. let me know what conspires. Good luck- Cindy :heart:

    Oh, I thought I was supposed to get the back of the monitor wet, didn't know about the side strips! Just the parts near the monitor, or the whole darn belt?
    I figured out how to look back at my work outs, and it DIDN'T register the second time I jogged. I'm just so lost with this darned thing! :sad: I'm wishing I hadn't even had my husband waste the money on it, since I can't figure it out! :grumble:
    You've been so patient, I really appreciate all your help. :flowerforyou: I'm beginning to think I'm hopeless though! :blushing:
    I hit mode, then get it on chrono, then hit the start, and then the memory. Is THAT ALL I need to do? Cuz when I do that, it just shows a "0" when I start jogging. So then I go and keep pushing buttons and no doubt mess it all up, cuz I'm trying to get it to show numbers instead of that "0"! :explode: :sad:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi, Take a deep breath- We will figure this out for you. Ok- You dampen the rubber strips on each side of the plastic monitor. I realy think your not placing it right . Try wetting the strips and placing the monitor right under your bottem bra strap. It should start reading your heart rate in a few seconds once you get to the chrono setting. Cindy :heart:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi, Take a deep breath- We will figure this out for you. Ok- You dampen the rubber strips on each side of the plastic monitor. I realy think your not placing it right . Try wetting the strips and placing the monitor right under your bottem bra strap. It should start reading your heart rate in a few seconds once you get to the chrono setting. Cindy :heart:

    Well, I THOUGHT I had it! I wet the pads and pushed the right buttons, and actually saw a number instead of the dreaded "0"! It flashed I think the whole 10 minutes I was jogging in place. (I think, since I was bopping up and down, I'm not so sure, I just know that I saw a number instead of the "0")
    When I stopped I hit the stop and then went to check out the memory. It had just added the 3 times between last night and the two times I'd jogged earlier today. It didn't show a memory 4, and the time and info from tonite! Sooo, any more ideas to help me out, or are you gonna throw in the towel and give up on me?! :sad: :blushing:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    You poor dear!!!

    The chest strap: I wear mine under my boobs, so that it falls under the bottom strap of my sports bra. I wet the big chunky plastic receptor on the chest strap -- either with a little water from the tap or simply by licking my fingers and swiping the receptor. That seems to give it the "connectivity" it needs. Once I get sweaty, there is rarely an issue with it picking up my HR.

    The manual: when I bought mine, I read a review from a guy who said he was a mechanical engineer and couldn't figure out the manual!! Throw that blasted book away - it's worthless, imo!!

    The watch: Bottom left button.... press it until it reads CHRONO. If your husband set up your profile (okay, that manual is useful for setting up USER PROFILES so maybe don't toss it out just yet) to include a warmup, the CHRONO setting will run that first. I set up my profile without a warm up. I just wanted a calorie count. Once my watch is on CHRONO, I hit the top right button ST/SP (start/stop or whatever it is). That begins my workout. It starts counting from zero seconds and up. No limits, no max, no timed workouts. Once I am done, I hit ST/SP again and it ends. (If your profile has a cool down, it might do something else here, I'm not sure). During the workout and after, you can hit the MEM button (so you are on CHRONO, have hit the ST/SP button to start your workout, or hit ST/SP to finish it, and you hit MEM -- the top left button) and it will scroll through numerous readouts. Max HR, min HR, etc etc etc but at one point in the middle of the screen it will show you CALORIES BURNED. That is what I use mine for mainly. Also, at a certain point of hitting MEM to scroll through, you can see your max HR %.... how close you are to reaching your max HR.

    Hope some of that info helps! I hate you are having problems with the HRM. I love mine!!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    You poor dear!!!

    The chest strap: I wear mine under my boobs, so that it falls under the bottom strap of my sports bra. I wet the big chunky plastic receptor on the chest strap -- either with a little water from the tap or simply by licking my fingers and swiping the receptor. That seems to give it the "connectivity" it needs. Once I get sweaty, there is rarely an issue with it picking up my HR.

    The manual: when I bought mine, I read a review from a guy who said he was a mechanical engineer and couldn't figure out the manual!! Throw that blasted book away - it's worthless, imo!!

    The watch: Bottom left button.... press it until it reads CHRONO. If your husband set up your profile (okay, that manual is useful for setting up USER PROFILES so maybe don't toss it out just yet) to include a warmup, the CHRONO setting will run that first. I set up my profile without a warm up. I just wanted a calorie count. Once my watch is on CHRONO, I hit the top right button ST/SP (start/stop or whatever it is). That begins my workout. It starts counting from zero seconds and up. No limits, no max, no timed workouts. Once I am done, I hit ST/SP again and it ends. (If your profile has a cool down, it might do something else here, I'm not sure). During the workout and after, you can hit the MEM button (so you are on CHRONO, have hit the ST/SP button to start your workout, or hit ST/SP to finish it, and you hit MEM -- the top left button) and it will scroll through numerous readouts. Max HR, min HR, etc etc etc but at one point in the middle of the screen it will show you CALORIES BURNED. That is what I use mine for mainly. Also, at a certain point of hitting MEM to scroll through, you can see your max HR %.... how close you are to reaching your max HR.

    Hope some of that info helps! I hate you are having problems with the HRM. I love mine!!

    Well thanks, I hate that I'm having problems too! It's driving me friggin nuts! :sad:
    I'd wet the receptor before, but did better with it showing numbers after wetting the pads on either side of it, like Cindy said to do. I really thought I had it this time, but, like I said, it didn't show a memory or numbers for when I jogged alittle while ago. It showed a total for my other 3 work outs. Should I be trying to delete or press something else, since I DIDN'T get any info from tonite's jog? I'm just getting ready to stomp on the damn thing! :explode:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Brenda, Is the strap on tight around your chest? It sounds to me like your losing the connection some how. It should fit snuggly. Cindy :heart:
  • Sebidian
    Sebidian Posts: 199 Member
    Sounds like you know how to start your workout.

    After your workout, hit the top right botton to stop the counts. You can now hit the top left button to see your totals for this workout only. Keep hitting the top left button to see all your details. Then you need to hold down the bottom right button for a second or two (it will let you know when you can stop holding). That stores the info. Then, whenever you want, you use the bottom left button to get to memory, it first gives you the total from all of your stored workouts. Then hit the top right button to scroll through each individual workout. Once you get to the one you want to see, hit the top left button to get calories burned, time in the fat burn zone, etc.

    Hope that did not make it more confusing!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Brenda, Is the strap on tight around your chest? It sounds to me like your losing the connection some how. It should fit snuggly. Cindy :heart:

    Yup Cindy, it IS tight on my chest, so it can't be that. I'm wondering if maybe I pressed the wrong buttons earlier. I'm just not sure if I've got all my settings in right. I don't understand where to put my activity level or the training intensity, or even about the lower and upper limits. I keep trying to read it and press buttons, but, I just don't know what the heck I'm doing! :sad:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Sounds like you know how to start your workout.

    After your workout, hit the top right botton to stop the counts. You can now hit the top left button to see your totals for this workout only. Keep hitting the top left button to see all your details. Then you need to hold down the bottom right button for a second or two (it will let you know when you can stop holding). That stores the info. Then, whenever you want, you use the bottom left button to get to memory, it first gives you the total from all of your stored workouts. Then hit the top right button to scroll through each individual workout. Once you get to the one you want to see, hit the top left button to get calories burned, time in the fat burn zone, etc.

    Hope that did not make it more confusing!

    I DID that. Right after I finished, I hit the top right button and stopped it. And then I hit either the memory (top left button) or maybe I hit the mode button instead, and then got it on memory. Whichever, all I got was a total for the 3 workouts I'd done. I saw NOTHING for tonite's, which would have been memory 4, and showed me the time. I WAS able to figure out how to check out my memory stored work outs. So at least I'm not a total dimwit! :blushing: :sad:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Brenda, to check to see if your settings are correct hit menu until you see the user setting. Click on menu to scroll through your settings to see if they are set correct. Oh boy do I wish i could be there with you to help you figure this out. :flowerforyou: Cindy :heart:
  • saz7
    saz7 Posts: 12 Member
    Question.... is there a way to stop the beeping? I was in a spin class today and I think the beeping was bothering everybody else in the class. I did something to make it appear on the screen that it was silent but that wasn't the case. Thanks!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Brenda, to check to see if your settings are correct hit menu until you see the user setting. Click on menu to scroll through your settings to see if they are set correct. Oh boy do I wish i could be there with you to help you figure this out. :flowerforyou: Cindy :heart:

    I wish you could be here too Cindy! :sad:
    I'm gonna try it again this morning, while I do my weekly cleaning. Wish me luck! Brenda
    ps. I don't have a menu button, but I did hit the mode and then user and saw the stuff that my husband put in, such as height and weight. Everything looked good. I didn't see that other stuff I'd mentioned to you about intensity or whatever though.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I give up Cindy! Thanks for trying, but I'm just getting more and more upset that I can't get the darned thing to work right!
    I did my cleaning, and even though I SAW numbers, (though it showed 0 when I vacuumed my stairway) when I hit stop, and then checked memory, it only showed me a total of the other 3 memories it had. It didn't show anything for the cleaning. :sad:
    So then I got pissed and read how to delete the memory, and had it show no memory. Then I did a 20 minute jog with my Wii, and it STILL said no memory. This time too, I didn't hit the memory button after starting it, thinking maybe THAT would let it work right. It DID show 90 calories burned, but that seemed awful low for a 20 minute jog in place. So I don't know if that's because I didn't hit the memory to stop the 10 minute warm up, (though I never SEE anything that says warm up!) and so it only counted the second 10 minutes. Beats me. I just know that I'm totally frustrated and upset that my husband spent 33.00 for nothing! :sad: :sad:
    Thanks again for TRYING to help me figure it out. :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Question.... is there a way to stop the beeping? I was in a spin class today and I think the beeping was bothering everybody else in the class. I did something to make it appear on the screen that it was silent but that wasn't the case. Thanks!

    Um, there is a way but I only accidentally ever find it :blushing:
    Bumping for help from someone else!
  • saz7
    saz7 Posts: 12 Member
    If i push the memory button it shows a music tone with a slash thru it. However, that doesn't keep it from beeping.
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