Sunday Successes



  • jigs
    jigs Posts: 70
    I stayed about the same. Not sure why I didn't lose. I even walked yesterday, twice! Musta under estimated calories on some food this week. It's better to eat home-made, but often I don't know what the calories are for the dish.

    Last wk 145.6
    CW 146.2
    GW 135
  • a better week for me,,, down one pound,,,,Can't complain, but need to get moving again this next week
    last week 148
    GW 130
    hope everyone alse had a great week:bigsmile:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    1 lb for me this week. Slow, but sure...
    Last week 173 lbs
    CW 172 lbs
    GW 145 lbs
  • vickyclare96
    vickyclare96 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi Guys,
    I have decided that i am coming back today. I have had a few rough months (food wise) and have put on 7 lbs :noway: :cry: Oh well.. i'm to get it off + some extra and i really hope it will go well :happy:
    Vicky x
    CW: 154 :noway:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Hi Vicky :flowerforyou:

    Good luck with your journey :happy:

    2 Weeks ago - 216
    CW - 217
    GW - 180

    Oh well..... 1lb on for me, i seem to be playing with this same pound week in week out. I'm going to make a real effort this week to get rid of it and some more!

    On the upside i have been losing inches and people have been commenting this week on how they can really see that i'm losing and that i'm looking GOOD!! lol

    Good luck to you all this week

    Jax x
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    I've weighed in a day early this week, but i'm chuffed to bits!!
    I lost 2lbs :drinker:

    Last week - 217lbs
    CW - 215lbs
    GW - 180lbs

    Good luck to the rest of you

    Jax :flowerforyou:
  • jigs
    jigs Posts: 70
    Good morning! Welcome back Vicky. I lost a whole pound. And now that my clothes are fitting loosely I checked my measurements. Not much difference in those numbers, but it feels good to have to hitch up my pants. :laugh:

    Congrats, Jax, on beating that pound that was teasing you. And you got his brother. :wink:

    Last wk 146.2
    CW 145.2
    GW 135

    :drinker: Here's to everyone losing a pound or two this week! :drinker:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    No change for me this week :grumble:
    Last week 172
    CW 172
    GW 145

    Good luck, everyone! :drinker:

    Hey, Jax! How's the cycling going? :happy:
  • Sorry I missed weigh-in yesterday,,,,It was my little Sister's birthday,, so we made it a day of fun, family and friends and of course food,,, I was so bad,,, I didn't even log in last night like i useally do,, I was to afread of the resalts.. I did try to keep it to a tiny piece of cake though, So this morning when I stepped on the scale I had no change for this week.....:sad:

    last week 147
    CW 147
    GW 130

    In 2 weeks I'm going on a trip. My goal was to be at 145 by then,,, at the rate I'm going, it going to be cutting it close 1 lb a week, I can do this..

    good going Jax & Jigs, on the lost for this last week keep it up.
    Skywalker, you and me just got to get moving more I guess,,, we'll get there :bigsmile:

    good luck for this week too, everyone:flowerforyou:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Last Week - 215lbs
    CW - 216
    GW - 180

    Well, i have well and truly fallen off the wagon...
    No exercise for a week, really couldn't get the oomph up to leave the house. I've chowed down on lots of chocolate and i'm filled with self loathing at the mo.

    I suppose i should be grateful that i've only gained a pound, hopefully there aren't any more in hiding, waiting to depress me at the next weigh in.

    Sorry for wallowing.

    Good luck to you all

    Jax x
  • jigs
    jigs Posts: 70
    Last wk 145.2
    CW 144.6
    GW 130

    I have a small loss. When I updated in Check-in I was prompted to recalculate my goals. (lost 10 lbs since starting MFP in July :drinker: ) I decided to change my goal weight to 130. For my ht/age my range is 111 - 147. I'm back in my range! And, optimistic that I can ultimately get to mid-range.

    Good luck to all!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    1 lb for me this week :happy:
    Last week 172
    CW 171
    GW 145

    My weight loss has significantly slowed down lately. I think I need to step my cycling back up to my summer mileage. I can't complain too much though. The scale is still going down. I'm just dying to break into the 160s. I feel like the 170s are taking forever. :tongue:

    Good luck, everyone!:drinker:

    Don't get down on yourself. You're still doing a great job. :drinker: Take a little spin on your bike and maybe you'll feel better. :flowerforyou:
  • Hi everyone,,, sorry I missed you this weekend,,,,
    lots going on and I must confess, I didn't log on at all.
    and for the 3rd week in a row I'm still the same,,,,, I beginning to wonder if I;ll ever brake past 147
    someday, I feel this is the day,, but my scale says no,,,, maybe It's broken????:laugh:
    So 0 ib this week

    Last Week 147
    CW 147
    GW 130

    I've desided I'm going to really challange myself with exercise this week and see if I can brake though.
    Great job, jigs, and skywalker,,,,
    Jax dont beat yourself up,, sometimes we have bad week or months,,, but if you don't give up it'll happen for you... You just have to take it a day at a time,,, and sometimes you go up & sometimes you go down,,,,,,, My mom told me It took a long time to get this weight on,,,, and It'll take a long time to get it off......but if you give up It won't come off at all....... I spent a long time trying to understand that.... the secreat is not quiting........I started this program back in Feb of this year... and It's taken me 8 months to lose almost 25 lbs.....but I've desided giving up is not an option this matter how long it take... It's becoming my life style, not my diet.... And I've also been told chocolate is good for you and I'm a true chocoholic,,,,,, and plain for my dose almost everyday...... My favorate are the dark chocolate kisses.... I can control my amount that way. Keep moving,,, we are here for you jax.:flowerforyou:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Constance thank you for your kind words..... i can really understand where you are coming from, i also started this journey in February, the 14th to be exact. :happy:

    I started off using Xenical, which is a pill which stops you from absorbing all the fat in your food. Although it helped me i really didn't like using it and decided after a month to go it alone.

    I have been going to the gym, cycling for the past 3 months and watching my calories and although it is really hard work, i feel so much better doing it the hard way! :laugh:

    :noway: This week i have lost 2lbs! I really don't understand it as again i have hit the chocolate! All i can think is that perhaps i need to up my calories, perhaps i haven't been eating enough? Constance keep up the hard work, i know it is disheartening when the scale doesn't move, but it will have to eventually so just hang on in there!

    LW - 216lbs
    CW - 214lbs
    GW - 180lbs
  • jigs
    jigs Posts: 70
    Slow is the way to go.

    Last wk 144.6
    CW 144.2
    GW 130

    Good for you, Jax, not using drugs to enhance your weight loss. My supervisor is out on leave. Just had the bariatric (sp?) surgery. He's a big guy with no health problems related to his weight. I was surprised his doctor agreed to the surgery. For me, weight loss is a life-style change. Eating better and exercising.

    I stopped by the bowling alley this week. Hesitated in my car thinking, "I'm going to embarrass myself in there." Despite several cars, only one group of four ladies were bowling. I studiously ignored them on my way in hoping they would return the favor when I started throwing gutter balls. So, I got my shoes and selected a ball, and had to bowl two lanes from the ladies. I look at them. They look at me. We smile, laugh, and give each other hugs. It's two of my aunts, a cousin, and a neighbor lady of theirs. (My dad has since divorced their sister, my step-mother, but after all these years, I still think of them as family.) So now I get to embarrass myself in front of people who know me and will tell everyone we know. :laugh: I only threw three gutters before picking up the pace to end both of my games with respectable scores. I plan to bowl one night a week to replace my golf night.

    My big news this week is that I've been accepted into law school. Yep, I'm 45 years old and making a career change. I've just reached tenure/vesting at my current job with no promotion. Never happened to me before. I'm a mover. My supervisor will be retiring in about 3 years and I already know I will not be considered for his replacement, so I decided to go back to school. I can't say what made me even look into law school prerequisites, but once I saw that I could get in I thought how proud my dad would be to have a lawyer in the fam. So, I'm gonna give it a go.

    Thanks for reading my lengthy post. Good luck to you this week. I know we can do it!! :flowerforyou:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    1 lb for me this week
    Last week 171
    CW 170
    GW 145

    I'm dying to break into the 160s!!! That last 10 seemed to take forever! :tongue:

    You're right, jigs... slow is the way to go. :happy: Congrats on law school! That's great!! :drinker:

    Keep up the good work, everyone!! :bigsmile:
  • Sorry I missed you all this weekend I was out of town and couldn't weigh in...and after this weekend I'm not sure if I wanted to... visiting family, and eating out alot.. I know I didn't do very good... but this is a new week and I still, have 4 day,,, maybe I can reverse some of the damage.. But I had so much fun I don't even feel bad about it .... Slow is good right!!!!!!!

    Jigs congrat on being accepted to Law School... thats wonderful...... I really admire you for it. you'll do great....

    Keep up the great work everyone:drinker:
  • jigs
    jigs Posts: 70
    Well, I haven't been logging my food and exercise for about a week and a half, but I'm still losing. Despite not logging I'm still trying to control portions and get regular exercise. This site has been valuable in teaching me what my body needs and I love reading the motivational posts.

    Last wk 144.2
    CW 143.4
    GW 130

    I almost lost a whole pound. :happy: Thanks for the congrats. Good luck to all.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    No change for me this week...:tongue:
    Last week 170
    CW 170
    GW 145
  • I know I'm a day late,, but I did weight myself yesterday morning before,,, I took offfor the day.. and it wasn't so bad after all...I'mmmm back to were I was... someday,,, I may brake through this 147,, but after my trip,, I'm just glad to be back there again.

    GW 130

    maybe this will be the week I do it... I beginning to worry,, the Holidays are creeping up on me... And that always mean lots of calories... :sad:

    Keep up the good work :happy:
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