Sunday Successes



  • babybella
    babybella Posts: 7
    :love: OMG 9lbs lost!! I started my diet last Monday so it's absolutely amazing I've already lost 9 lbs!!! I was probably holding some serious water weight but...being able to count my calories and pay attention to what is going into my body has been such an eye-opener. I have eaten right and I feel great!!! YEEAAAHHHH!! Looking forward to more Successful Sundays!!!
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Good for you - you go girl!!! That is encouraging since I just started yesterday...very excited to weigh in next Sunday..although, I am sure I will sneak on the scale during the week just because it's there :)

    Keep up the good work!!!

  • pickles77
    pickles77 Posts: 47
    Original Weight: 190
    Starting Weight: 172
    Current weight: 171
    Goal Weight: 120

    1 pound is an awesome start! usually weigh my self on Fridays so hopefully next week will be a larger loss!:bigsmile:


  • red5
    red5 Posts: 56 Member
    Hello everyone:wink: . I am checking in for my Sunday weigh-in!!!
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi everyone- Congrats to all the losers ! :flowerforyou: Starting weight 353- current weight 290- goal weight 160. I managed to lose 1 pound at weigh in today. The way it has been working next week I'll see a big loss. Have a great day everyone! Cindy :heart:
  • kctus3
    kctus3 Posts: 18 Member
    Wow!!! Look at all the Sunday Successes!! Great job everyone! Here are my numbers:
    Strarting Weight - 189
    Current Weight 183
    Goal Weight 135

    Happy Sunday Everyone and keep up the good work!!! Thank you everyone for making it happen!

    Created by - Free Food Diaryt:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Is it too late to join? I need a recent group started for some motivation. I need to make this a priority for my sanity!

    CW 170
    GW 150

    will be strong this week but vacation in the Outerbanks starts Sat. Although we run/exercise every morning so hopefully it will be success.
  • vickyclare96
    vickyclare96 Posts: 124 Member
    Is it too late to join? I need a recent group started for some motivation. I need to make this a priority for my sanity!

    CW 170
    GW 150

    will be strong this week but vacation in the Outerbanks starts Sat. Although we run/exercise every morning so hopefully it will be success.
    Nope, Not to late to join :happy:
    Welcome :flowerforyou:
    We weigh in on Sundays if you hadn't guessed by the name :laugh:
    Vicky :flowerforyou:
  • constancemwj
    constancemwj Posts: 290
    WOW!!!!:happy: this thread got big fast.... I'm excited to be apart of it.

    so here goes...
    SW - 170 when I first found this sight
    CW - 154 Up a couple because I just got back from vacation visiting family...
    GW #1 - 148 by Aug 8
    GW #2 - 130

    Welcome everybody we can all do this together!!:bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well I have confession to make. My daughter was out yesterday and we went to a mexican place for lunch. and I got carried away. I allowed myself one treat meal a month. And that definited was it.Boy oh so good. Even in 103 heat. So strait and narrow path for me the the next month.

  • jigs
    jigs Posts: 70
    Well, I forgot to log my info yesterday. (It's more fun to surf this site when I'm at work. :0 )
    SW 155 ( a couple weeks ago when I joined MFP)
    CW 152
    GW 135

    I try not to weigh myself during the week, but I weighed 149 on Friday morning. Got all excited and blew it over the weekend with too much food and not enough exercise. It sure helps to see the numbers! I'll get back on track this week. Thanks for all the motivation and support.

    MRSWESSON Posts: 107
    Great job ALL :heart: :flowerforyou: !!! I forgot to post yesterday I updated my stats to reflect yesterdays numbers:

    SW 235
    GW 125 or a size 5
    CW 194 (as of Sunday 07-12-09)
    ST Goal 175 by Aug 30th!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Dropping in to see how you all are doing. I am having a good week so far. I am going to beat this yet. I fell off the bus and took me about a month to get back on. But I am onboard and going to stayed there. Have a wonderful week. This is just what I need. Caliecat
  • constancemwj
    constancemwj Posts: 290
    hi,,:smile: how is everyone doing so far, we're halfway through the week...and I tring to be good.

    Calie, glad to hear your back. I love this sight. because no matter how bad I am I can came here and feel better...and knowing I have to chick in here and report to someone. I try harder to to eat right and exercise. Otherwise I'd never make it on my own.
    Hope everyone is having a good week too, keep moving.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Connie. It is a nice place to come to vent. It make me feel better. That I am not alone in this struggle. It gives me aa more posative attitude. I will probable be here often. Thanks for sharing your time with me. Calie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well, I forgot to log my info yesterday. (It's more fun to surf this site when I'm at work. :0 )
    SW 155 ( a couple weeks ago when I joined MFP)
    CW 152
    GW 135

    I try not to weigh myself during the week, but I weighed 149 on Friday morning. Got all excited and blew it over the weekend with too much food and not enough exercise. It sure helps to see the numbers! I'll get back on track this week. Thanks for all the motivation and support.


    :heart: you know Christina. I do that too.And I don't know why. I guess that's why I am a yo yo dieter.Calie
  • pickles77
    pickles77 Posts: 47
    Hey Y'all,
    I love this site also, I feel like someone has always been in my shoes, and I can ask them about it! I've been falling off track with snacking. I hate it because im not losing any weight! But I continue to snack! This is my week to drop the bad habit! hopefully I have enough time until sundays weigh in to lose a pound or two!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Y'all,
    I love this site also, I feel like someone has always been in my shoes, and I can ask them about it! I've been falling off track with snacking. I hate it because im not losing any weight! But I continue to snack! This is my week to drop the bad habit! hopefully I have enough time until sundays weigh in to lose a pound or two!
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Hey there" pickles", You can do it. I know you can. We can do this tohether/ Lets hang in there.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart::heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :

    Here's to you:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    I am so nervous.... Chris and I are taking the kids to Mt Hood for a 4 day weekend to visit his sister and her family. I haven't had a hard time the last couple weeks with snacking, but I love road trip snacking...I know to take cut- up fruit for myself but Chris and the kids will have their goodies and I just know the temptation will be overwhelming... 7 hours of misery...

    I'm also worried cause they want to do burgers and hotdogs one night and pizza another!!! AAHHHHH!!! I can't eat that stuff. I also don't want to be a pain and act like I am too good to eat the food his sister is providing but if I have just a small piece of pizza I won't be full but I don't want to fill up on it either....any thoughts on how to approach it?

    By the way, I will be weighing in early too, we leave Sat morning.
  • pickles77
    pickles77 Posts: 47
    Be strong!!!!
    Maybe have burger with no bun! What I enjoy are Veggie Burgers! They taste the same (acturally I like them better) they start at about 70 calories and its a meatless burger! The brands that I like are:

    Morning Star- Garden Veggie- 110 calories (not including bun) (very tasty)
    Boca Meatless Burgers- Original-70 calories (not including bun)

    I like to add a little bit of ketchup and I am good!

    Hope this helps, good luck, but I know that you will be fine!
    MRSWESSON Posts: 107
    Hi All!!! :bigsmile:

    Halfway there...uh it is so hard to stay away from that darn scale!!! :angry:

    I am totally balloted and feel soooooo heavy :cry: I hate it...hopefully I will sweat it out tonight but I can't stand this heavy dragging feeling :grumble:

    So I been staying within my Calorie intake this week and have not missed a night of working out :happy: so at least I have something good to report :wink: I just hope it shows on Sunday :bigsmile:

    Everyone keep up the great work and see u all Sunday YAY!!!
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