!!! need help figuring my HRM!!!

BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
If anyone can EASILY explain the step by step process of just how to use the pro-form precision XT HRM, would you please help me?! My husband put in my stats, and I chose my activity level. But, after that, we were lost! :sad: He told me to read the booklet, which I DID, but, I STILL can't figure it out! I just want to see EXACTLY how many calories I'm burning doing my jogging, dancing, walking, etc. exercises. But, I just can't figure it out! I kept pressing this and that button, and holding em in, but, I never did see anything that said calories, or anything that looked like it was working like it should. :explode: I'd really appreciate some help! :sad: Thanks in advance if you can help me out! :smile:


  • kbirky73
    kbirky73 Posts: 110
    Hey .. i just got mine too, and used it for the first time yesterday.
    Does yours have the transmitter to wrap around your chest?
    If so, than it would be like mine, and I could go into detail how to count the calories, but probably not until later when i have it in front of me.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi, I set mine to chrono when I'm ready to work out. Once it's set back to 0 on Chrono you just press the start button when you start exercising. It will keep track of your time and your heart rate. When your done press the sart/stop button. You can then press the Memory button to review your workout stats. It shoes calories/fat burned - avg heart rate- your high /low heart rate ect. Hope this helps. Cindy :heart:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hey .. i just got mine too, and used it for the first time yesterday.
    Does yours have the transmitter to wrap around your chest?
    If so, than it would be like mine, and I could go into detail how to count the calories, but probably not until later when i have it in front of me.

    Yes, it DOES have the chest strap. I put it on over where I think it should be, and wet the back of it like it said. When you DO have the time and have it in front of you, I really WOULD appreciate SIMPLE step by step instructions. I'll no doubt STILL need my husband to help me figure it out! I'm pretty numb when it comes to ANY computer stuff! :embarassed: Thanks again for responding! :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi, I set mine to chrono when I'm ready to work out. Once it's set back to 0 on Chrono you just press the start button when you start exercising. It will keep track of your time and your heart rate. When your done press the sart/stop button. You can then press the Memory button to review your workout stats. It shoes calories/fat burned - avg heart rate- your high /low heart rate ect. Hope this helps. Cindy :heart:

    OOHH! I just hit the chrono, and it showed me warm up. I'd read that to skip the warm up you just hit the memory button, so I did that. Soooooo, do you think that's ALL there is to it? It looked like it just MIGHT work when I did that! I never touched that chrono thing before! I thought I had to hit timer or something! Well, actually, I didn't have a clue WHAT I should press, that's why I was pressing them all! :embarassed: :grumble: I'll have to check out what you said about the chrono button! Do you use the warm up thing or not? I think I read that it DOESN'T count calories when it's in warm up. Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it! :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi, I set mine to chrono when I'm ready to work out. Once it's set back to 0 on Chrono you just press the start button when you start exercising. It will keep track of your time and your heart rate. When your done press the sart/stop button. You can then press the Memory button to review your workout stats. It shoes calories/fat burned - avg heart rate- your high /low heart rate ect. Hope this helps. Cindy :heart:

    OOHH! I just hit the chrono, and it showed me warm up. I'd read that to skip the warm up you just hit the memory button, so I did that. Soooooo, do you think that's ALL there is to it? It looked like it just MIGHT work when I did that! I never touched that chrono thing before! I thought I had to hit timer or something! Well, actually, I didn't have a clue WHAT I should press, that's why I was pressing them all! :embarassed: :grumble: I'll have to check out what you said about the chrono button! Do you use the warm up thing or not? I think I read that it DOESN'T count calories when it's in warm up. Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it! :flowerforyou: :smile:
    I don't use the warm up. I press the memory button to skip it. Your very welcome. Have fun! Cindy :heart:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi, I set mine to chrono when I'm ready to work out. Once it's set back to 0 on Chrono you just press the start button when you start exercising. It will keep track of your time and your heart rate. When your done press the sart/stop button. You can then press the Memory button to review your workout stats. It shoes calories/fat burned - avg heart rate- your high /low heart rate ect. Hope this helps. Cindy :heart:

    OOHH! I just hit the chrono, and it showed me warm up. I'd read that to skip the warm up you just hit the memory button, so I did that. Soooooo, do you think that's ALL there is to it? It looked like it just MIGHT work when I did that! I never touched that chrono thing before! I thought I had to hit timer or something! Well, actually, I didn't have a clue WHAT I should press, that's why I was pressing them all! :embarassed: :grumble: I'll have to check out what you said about the chrono button! Do you use the warm up thing or not? I think I read that it DOESN'T count calories when it's in warm up. Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it! :flowerforyou: :smile:
    I don't use the warm up. I press the memory button to skip it. Your very welcome. Have fun! Cindy :heart:

    I have a few more questions, since you've already been so helpful. (well, at least till I see if what you showed me actually DOES work!:laugh: )
    Do you put the belt thing on over, or under your bra? And do you wear it all day? One of the end fasteners seemed to be under my arm and bothered me some, is there a way to adjust that too?
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi, I wear it under my bra strap. I have not worn it all day yet. I've only had mine a little over a week. I think you can adjust the elastic belt to be bigger or smaller so once you put the plastc monitor thing in the right position on your chest the end fastener would be in the right position for you. Cindy :heart:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi, I wear it under my bra strap. I have not worn it all day yet. I've only had mine a little over a week. I think you can adjust the elastic belt to be bigger or smaller so once you put the plastc monitor thing in the right position on your chest the end fastener would be in the right position for you. Cindy :heart:

    Thanks for all your help Cindy. I'll try it tomorrow, and see if it works! Brenda :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Chrono is what I use also....Just remember to hit start when you get going.

    I've worn the strap over and under my boobs and it works either way. Just depends on what I'm wearing. I hate wearing under because I wear two sports bras and it gets a little snug.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi, I wear it under my bra strap. I have not worn it all day yet. I've only had mine a little over a week. I think you can adjust the elastic belt to be bigger or smaller so once you put the plastc monitor thing in the right position on your chest the end fastener would be in the right position for you. Cindy :heart:

    Cindy, I think I might have messed it up some when I tried it out this morning. I got it on chrono, but then I couldn't remember if I hit start or not. I know I hit the memory though. Well then after jogging for about 5 minutes, and just seeing a "o" I THEN hit the start button. When I finished, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to hit the st button, or the memory button. When I finally DID see the calories after hitting the memory button a few times, it said I'd burned like 50 less cals. than what I'd previously been going by. So, I don't know if that's because I screwed up those first 5 minutes, or if that's just the way that it is, I'll be burning less cals than I thought.
    Anyway though, could you give me step by step instructions so that I DON'T mess up again? (like press mode, get it on chrono, then press start, then memory (or would the memory come BEFORE the start?) And then after you give me step by step for beginning, could you then tell me step by step for when I'm done? I just want to make sure that I'm doing it correctly! :blushing:
    I REALLY appreciate your help! Thanks. Brenda :smile:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Brenda, no problem- first step - hit mode until you get to chrono- Second step press start when your ready to start exercising. step 3. -hit memory to skip the warmup. Do nothing else until your done with your workout. When your done hit the start/stop button . Now you can press the memory button to view your workout stats. Does this make sence? I hope it does. Good luck. :flowerforyou: Cindy :heart:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Brenda, no problem- first step - hit mode until you get to chrono- Second step press start when your ready to start exercising. step 3. -hit memory to skip the warmup. Do nothing else until your done with your workout. When your done hit the start/stop button . Now you can press the memory button to view your workout stats. Does this make sence? I hope it does. Good luck. :flowerforyou: Cindy :heart:

    It does make sense! Thanks sooo much for putting it step by step! I'll have to write it down till my brain gets it right without thinking! :laugh:
    If I can ask one more question. (hopefully!:laugh: ) do you have the belt monitor thingy exactly in the middle on the top of your cleavage? Or is it alittle off to the left? Thanks. Brenda :smile:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Brenda, I'm glad your figuring it out. I :heart: my monitor! Ok, I wear it so the plastic sensor is right in the middle of my chest under the bottom band of my bra. Cindy:heart:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Brenda, I'm glad your figuring it out. I :heart: my monitor! Ok, I wear it so the plastic sensor is right in the middle of my chest under the bottom band of my bra. Cindy:heart:

    Bottom? I thought it needed to be up above my bra? ! I figured THAT'S closer to my heart. Beats me though, that's why I'm asking for all this help, cuz I don't have a clue! :blushing: :laugh:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Brenda, I'm glad your figuring it out. I :heart: my monitor! Ok, I wear it so the plastic sensor is right in the middle of my chest under the bottom band of my bra. Cindy:heart:

    Bottom? I thought it needed to be up above my bra? ! I figured THAT'S closer to my heart. Beats me though, that's why I'm asking for all this help, cuz I don't have a clue! :blushing: :laugh:

    Cindy, I just looked in the booklet, and it says to adjust the transmitter so that it falls above your heart. Soo, wouldn't that be UP above our bras then?
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    I tried it above and I didn't get a reading. Right beteen my cleavage under my bottom bra starp is where it works for me. The monitor has to be toughing skin from what I understand. Have you tried it over and under? What are your readings in each position? Cindy :heart:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I tried it above and I didn't get a reading. Right beteen my cleavage under my bottom bra starp is where it works for me. The monitor has to be toughing skin from what I understand. Have you tried it over and under? What are your readings in each position? Cindy :heart:

    Oh Cindy! I just don't know if I'm doing it right! It's got me wicked confused! I keep pressing this button and that button. I'm not understanding what the heck to do. I did just like you said, hit the mode button, got it on chrono, then hit the start button, then the memory, and then did 20 minutes of jogging in place. Well, I kept looking at it the whole time I was jogging, and it showed a "0" the whole time at the top, but the numbers below were moving like a sun of a gun. When it showed the "0" this morning for my 20 minute jog, I hit the start button again, and then saw another number instead of the "0". But, this afternoon I just left it alone, cuz your directions just said to hit the start button, and then memory. It didn't say to hit it a few time. So, after I was done and checked it, it gave me the exact same numbers as it did this morning. Now I'm not so sure if it even recorded this afternoon, or if I was viewing what I'd done this morning, after hitting the start button again cuz of that darned "0'! :sad:
    I'll bet you're sorry you ever even answered me, since I just keep bugging the heck out of you over it! :laugh:
    My husband's off on a motorcycle ride, I told him he should be here, trying to help me figure this darned thing out! :explode: Brenda
    ps. Maybe I'll try it under my bra, and see what happens. My knees are killing me though, so it probably won't be till tomorrow morning, after I've given them some rest.
  • vickyclare96
    vickyclare96 Posts: 124 Member
    Cindy please may i ask you a question, i notice you have a ticker factory ticker.. I have two but i have no idea how to update them .. I know the pin but how do i get to a page where I just add the miles i have done?
    Thanks in advance,
    Vicky :flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    I tried it above and I didn't get a reading. Right beteen my cleavage under my bottom bra starp is where it works for me. The monitor has to be toughing skin from what I understand. Have you tried it over and under? What are your readings in each position? Cindy :heart:

    Oh Cindy! I just don't know if I'm doing it right! It's got me wicked confused! I keep pressing this button and that button. I'm not understanding what the heck to do. I did just like you said, hit the mode button, got it on chrono, then hit the start button, then the memory, and then did 20 minutes of jogging in place. Well, I kept looking at it the whole time I was jogging, and it showed a "0" the whole time at the top, but the numbers below were moving like a sun of a gun. When it showed the "0" this morning for my 20 minute jog, I hit the start button again, and then saw another number instead of the "0". But, this afternoon I just left it alone, cuz your directions just said to hit the start button, and then memory. It didn't say to hit it a few time. So, after I was done and checked it, it gave me the exact same numbers as it did this morning. Now I'm not so sure if it even recorded this afternoon, or if I was viewing what I'd done this morning, after hitting the start button again cuz of that darned "0'! :sad:
    I'll bet you're sorry you ever even answered me, since I just keep bugging the heck out of you over it! :laugh:
    My husband's off on a motorcycle ride, I told him he should be here, trying to help me figure this darned thing out! :explode: Brenda
    ps. Maybe I'll try it under my bra, and see what happens. My knees are killing me though, so it probably won't be till tomorrow morning, after I've given them some rest.
    Brenda, I'm so sorry your having this problem. I don't understand why it's not working for you other than you don't have the monitor placed correctly. You also have to dampen the rubber strips on each side of the plastic monitor when you put it on. It sounds like that's the problem to me. let me know what conspires. Good luck- Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Cindy please may i ask you a question, i notice you have a ticker factory ticker.. I have two but i have no idea how to update them .. I know the pin but how do i get to a page where I just add the miles i have done?
    Thanks in advance,
    Vicky :flowerforyou:
    Vicky, Go to tickerfactory.com and click on the fitness ticker link. It will take you to you ticker page. Enter your 4 didget password and then scroll down and add your miles. Click the + next to the box where your miles are. Click continue. Copy the code and come back to your MFP homepage. Click settings and scroll down to your signature. Click on it and erase the previous ticker code and paste the new code. Easy peasy- Good luck and let me know if you need more help. Cindy :heart:
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