

  • Well, I have to thank all of you for the posts concerning this subject. It sure made me laugh and it brightened my lunch time. Thanks again!!!
  • Yeah!!!! I completed understand has I had a similar happy dance over the weekend. I'm back into my old jeans with room to spare. The feeling is great. Keep up the journey and clothes shopping is on the horizon.
  • Hi Lisa....find a healthier way to get your "sweet" fix. If it's chocolate your craving, have a Special K chocolatey drizzle bar, which is 90 calories, instead of the candy bar. There are way's to substitute what your craving with something healthy and should be just as satisfying. I hope your over your illness soon so you…
  • Good luck with your journey and add me as a friend if you like. I am an emotional eater myself and find it is a struggle to not over indulge, especially when I'm alone or bored. The trick for me was to figure out what emotion I was experiencing that was causing me to want to ever eat. Once I identified the emotion, I could…
  • I was gonna ask about sodium also. I am not a salt eater; however, I started tracking my sodium intake because there were days that I drank and drank, but didn't use the restroom very often and the next day I was up a couple pounds. This happened to me over the weekend, I was doing awesome, workout on Friday doing circuit…
  • I found shopping the perimeter of the store is much better than the I started filling up on fruits, veggies, and fresh meats, along with Mrs Dash or McCormicks spices to add flavoring. I would try websites like food network, (cooking yourself thin), taste of home, etc. I've found many interesting…
  • My son is gluten I understand what your getting at. Have you tried any of the GF granolas? One thing I've noticed is that the GF food seems to be much higher in carbs. Maybe you could use trail mix as a substitute for the sugar cravings or a dried fruit, which would be more of a natural sugar?
  • Yes...only difference was the hand weights. I know I worked harder today than the past two days, due to the hand weights. Things you think about when walking...huh. I don't "hook" myself to the treadmill when working out. As far as I know, my treadmill doesn't weigh me each day either....ok I'm blabbing so I'll stop.…
  • Good luck and you've taken the first step by joining MFP. We can be friends if you like.
  • I think it's great to ask for ideas and if you find one successful, acknowledge the user in your book. My idea is to use your weightloss journey somehow in your book idea. If the main characters are dogs, they could go to a doggy gym that has jumps, hoops, tunnels to crawl through to get the necessary excersise they need.…
  • I'm sure glad I came across this post. I am truly sorry to hear about your knee and I hope the prognosis from the doctor doesn't set you back too far. I currently walk 6 days a week for 30 minutes and it's helped me lose 15 pounds so far and it's an excersise I am going to continue. I was considering trying this since I…
  • I track my weight on a daily basis only because it helps me stay focused on what is going into my mouth. If I notice a slight increase in weight, I review the previous day's log to determine what better choices I could make and I increase my water intake. It can be frustrating when you see the gain; however, for me it's a…
  • I know is frustrating to see that number go up again after all the hard work, but try to examine what is causing the binges and what exactly are you craving. I started craving chocolate, which for me is a trigger that the monthly thing is starting. So I found some Special K health bars with chocolate that are 120 calories.…
  • Don't get discouraged. It sounds like you may have hit a plateau. Maybe shake up your excersise a bit to give your metabolism a boost. I have 30 min a day to excersise and I was staying at the same weight. I boosted the speed I walk at and increased the grade of the treadmill during my walk. It was just the boost my…
  • I tried HCG and had some difficulties with the amount of calories you can eat while taking the drops. By the end of the 2nd week I was lightheaded, dizzy, and just not feeling well at all. My friend has done it for the full 40 days and hasn't experienced any problems.
    in HCG Comment by mmatteson October 2010
  • I've been in your position and I feel your pain. You are depressed and maybe you need to find a trusted friend or someone unknown to you to let go some of your anger, grief, etc. Find your inner strength at this time and continue perservering. Read some psalms from the bible to try and give you some peace. Don't give up on…
  • I would ask yourself....are you happy with how you look and how your clothes fit? Someone once told me that it's only a number on the scale, but if you can be happy with how you look and how you wear your clothese...the number doesn't matter, it's just a number. My recommendation...keep doing what your doing to maintain…
  • I feel your "hometown" doctor once told me "you'd be beautiful if you'd lose weight". Like cuz I'm on the heavier side I'm ugly. What the heck is up with some of these doctors. It's not like there all thin and atrractive. Geesh.
  • I would suggest drinking water after your meal. Maybe making yourself feel fuller you won't have the cravings aftewards. I think the reason behind the cravings maybe that your denying yourself what you crave. Maybe treat yourself to a small serving so you don't crave what you want and build it into your daily menu. Just a…
  • WTG Monica, I'm new to this website, just started this week. The thing I like is it makes you accountable to what one puts into their mouth. My immediate goal is 40lbs, but in the end, I would like to take off 75 to 100pds total. Small increments of 10lbs at a time I guess. Good luck with what you are doing and stay…