Gluten Free Vegetarians - Sugar cravings

Hi everyone, I'm a gluten free (since January) vegetarian (lacto-ovo - for 9 years) so i do eat cheese, yogurt, eggs, etc., and I've discovered Amy's Indian frozen dinners that are in the 300-400 calorie area and they're really good if you like Indian food and not too bad in sodium. I've also been enjoying Quaker rice/corn cakes (the Caramel Corn ones are only 50 calories each and have 3 grams of sugar). My big problem though is sugar - it seems like i always get too much!!! What are some other foods that might help me stay away from my sugar cravings!!!???!!!???


  • mmatteson
    My son is gluten I understand what your getting at. Have you tried any of the GF granolas? One thing I've noticed is that the GF food seems to be much higher in carbs. Maybe you could use trail mix as a substitute for the sugar cravings or a dried fruit, which would be more of a natural sugar?
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Well, the only way to not crave sugar is to cut it out... So your Amy's snacks might have to go, along with any other 'pre-made' foods. Take up cooking for yourself! My mom is on a gluten-free diet as she's been diagnosed with Celiac Disease. She makes her own Rice Bread at home. I chose not to eat gluten products because I notice a big difference when I DO eat them (feel bloated etc).

    Anyway, you can replace your refined sugar sweet tooth with Stevia - a natural sweetner. I've put it in plain 0% fat yogurt with a scoop of Vanilla protein mix and 10 almonds (YUMMY!) and other things like mustard to have a sweet mustard dipping sauce. Once I have what my body "thinks" was sweet, I don't crave anymore. Also, If I really feel like having something sweet, peppermint tea helps as well as a flavoured coffee without sugar - I just put stevia and it does the trick for me.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Bakery on Main has fantastic granola, but it does have lots of sugar. I am going to look for a way to make my own. So far I use it as a topping for my favorite breakfast. I heat frozen raspberries/blueberries, top with greek yogurt and sprinkle a 1/4cup of granola on top. Lovely breakfast for 300-ish calories. Leaves me room for snacking.
    I am gluten free, and would love to return to vegetarian food, as I was before I married. I would love to find the best GLUTEN FREE VEGETARIAN BURGER recipe, if anyone has it.
    Good for you on your eating habits. Healthy for you and the enviroment.