Help, losing motivation

im slowly losing interest in doing all this healthy stuff, have been wanting to lose half a stone since last July 2009. I just lose a pound then put it back on. Have read all the posts about being careful in counting cals, I exercise everyday, stay within my cals, even leave maybe 100 over some days, but still getting nowhere. My mind is running out of what else to do. Plus feel like a have a cold starting, but nothing happens . . . . . . . Sorry to be misery, just getting bait deflated and don't feel like exercising tonight. Hey ho.


  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    I noticed your diary is closed. If you open it for people to look at, we might be able to give some better advice on what to do so you can see results faster.

    Please don't give up. You can do this, and you deserve it.
  • mmatteson
    Don't get discouraged. It sounds like you may have hit a plateau. Maybe shake up your excersise a bit to give your metabolism a boost. I have 30 min a day to excersise and I was staying at the same weight. I boosted the speed I walk at and increased the grade of the treadmill during my walk. It was just the boost my metabolism needed. Stay focused on what your eating and change your excersise routine. Make yourself work harder...maybe your just at a comfortable spot. As far as the cold goes...take an extra boost of vitamin C and it should prevent the cold from lingering too long. Good luck and stay positive!!!!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    okay so some days are better than others
    I am on a plateau at the mo and have been a bit uppy and downy for a while...... I have some great friends on here, we challenge each other, kick each others butts and offer a kind word when we are pi@@ed off, I have decided today that I am gonna make a real effort this week and I am gonna drop a coupla pounds if you wanna join me feel free to send a friend request.

    Good luck either way!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Try setting your calories higher (if you have it set to 2 lbs a week). Without seeing more of what you're eating, I can only say that I'm sitting still right now. Those 10 pounds are the hardest to lose and require a lot of dedication on your part. Find things you enjoy doing and eating. If those 10 pounds are going to stay off, you're going to have to stick with it even once their gone so enjoying what you're doing is going to be critical.

    Are you noticing any changes other than the weight loss? Did you take your measurements before and after? Are you finding that you're more alert, happier, etc?
  • Debx12345
    Debx12345 Posts: 210
    Thanks for replying, i decided to do no exercise today cos of feeling like cold coming on now feeling guilty. Lol. Wondering if I should take a break, just can't seem to get the balance right of eating and exercise to lose weight. I lost a lot of weight last year through Ill health, then just wanted to lose abit more to get to my old weight, but it's proving harder than i thought. Did weightwatchers last year and got no where. I'm on 1200 and do about half hour exercise each day and earn about 200-300, then I eat about half of them. I'm only little 5' 2". Eat lots of healthy things, porridge, quorn, wholemeal stuff (try to be careful to eat organic stuff cos I suffer with ibs). Oh well going to relax tonight and see how I feel in morning. Hectic day running round loading lorries today, so worn out? Lol.
  • Debx12345
    Debx12345 Posts: 210
    Well fell of the wagon for a few days but ready to start again. Going to try changing exercise pattern. Going to be strength and cardio alternate days. Will burn about 250 cals each time. Now the question is should I eat these cals, I know on this site there is the great debate about eating exercise cals, but 250 isn't really that many. What do you think?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Ill health might be to blame.... Everyone on here talks about being carefulu about not going under 1200 calories. It's about doing that for a sustained period of time. Ill health will do that for you. It is possible that your metabolism has slowed down because of it.

    Try drinking hot water with lemon first thing in the morning (before you have breakfast) and before meals. I've heard it does good things for the metabolism.

    The best thing to rev up your metabolism is exercise though. After a workout you tend to have an elevated metabolism for a while after the exercise is done. Try exercising before meals instead of after.

    I understand how frustrated you must be. I would eat at least half of those calories back though. To sustain a net calorie of less than 1200 a day will slow your metabolism even further. I am hesitant to eat them all though since the exercise calories put out by the tool can be very misleading. You can also try eating them some days and not on others.
  • Debx12345
    Debx12345 Posts: 210
    Thanks for that, have decided to try and get back on track for Xmas! Think to be honest I doubt I will lose anymore weight unless I stop eating (think I have got to thar age) so toned up body is what I am after!! Going for a power walk to the gym, blow off the cobwebs so to speak, then going shopping !!!! That will cheer me up. :-)