Motivation please!

Hi everyone. Love reading all the me inspiration. I get so mad at myself. Can't get motivated to stick to this. I need to lose 30 pounds but have been very sick lately and haven't exercised in over a week! I LOVE sweets and that's my downfall. I know how to do this program, but need more support. I'm on my own



  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Keep posting on forums with specific questions, etc! And then friend people who give advice! It's the people on here that keep me motivated and accountable to myself. Feel free to friend me :)
  • mmatteson
    Hi Lisa....find a healthier way to get your "sweet" fix. If it's chocolate your craving, have a Special K chocolatey drizzle bar, which is 90 calories, instead of the candy bar. There are way's to substitute what your craving with something healthy and should be just as satisfying.

    I hope your over your illness soon so you can get back to excersising. Is it possible to walk 10 minutes on a treadmill or around the block once while your still recuperating. Any little activity may help you get through it quicker. Also, try bumping up your vitamin C levels, this should help boost your immune and speed up your recovery.

    Add my as a friend if you like. I have a family of 5 and I am the only one really watching what I'm eating. The only time the others are involved is when I cook a meal...what choice do they have. Otherwise, they eat popcorn, hashbrowns, candy, chips, etc. all without considering it's impact or tempation on me.

    Hang in there girl, you'll get through this little bump in the road, and your journey will continue. You can do this and don't berate yourself for your failures, congratulate yourself on the small achievements. One day eating within your calorie count and drinking your water is a success. Tell yourself "thank you" for making my body feel better today. Good luck!!
  • ADJulie
    ADJulie Posts: 605 Member
    I am not a big sweet lover but occasionally I crave chocolate. I checked on the data base and found chocolate that wouldn't make me feel to guilty. I found chocolate drops that were only 150 calories for 3. When I need a fix, I grab a couple. I also moved to eating gelato instead of ice cream. I have found some really good gelato that is not to bad for a snack. Don't feel guilty when you need that fix, just don't over indulge.
    It is hard I understand that trust me. I have been overweight all my life and was at 300 lbs when I finally got scared to death. I will friend you and we can motivate each other. With the amazing support you get on this site, you can do it. Since July I have lost 22 lbs but more importantly I have gained some great MFP friends.
  • mom23kids
    Lisa you will be successful at this! I understand being sick and you should take a couple days or so to rest, but then you need to make yourself at least walk for 20 minutes. You will feel so much better. There are many days when I get up in the morning that I don't want to go to the park and walk. I go any ways. I can honestly say that I always feel better afterwards. Feel free to friend me and I will try to keep you motivated.