

  • I think a lot of it is "mental." We "dread" getting off our rear-ends and starting but once we do the blood is flowing, maybe some feel-good endorphins kick in, and it's pretty darn good :-) I know that I've been told (and it's true for me) that if you just feel like not exercising on a given day, commit to just 10 or 15…
  • I agree - and shoot for 20 - 25 grams/day. It's good for your health all the way around!
  • Thursday mornings right before I step in the shower - before food/drink.
  • I very much prefer to eat that way - I frequently find myself eating with colleagues for lunch (restaurant meals are always tough for me) and they are frequently not healthy meals. My hubby and I also like to make our "big" meal lunch on the weekends - more time to let the food settle and we avoid the crowds when we go…
  • Every female is different and every female responds differently to hormonal birth control. I used Depo for 13 years with no ill effects, came off for two years and had a bone density scan (no problems), and have happily been using Depo again for the past 2 years. I don't do well with pills (forgetting, nausea, etc.) and am…
  • You've been given a lot of good advice (walk River Street, enjoy the sights and sounds of City Market - day and night, take a picnic and enjoy Forsyth Part, Ft. Polaski, the misc. tours), but Savannah is a town that likes good food :-) So I'll add some of my favorites to the list...Garibaldi's for Italian, Goose Feather's…
  • A handful of berries - they are sweet, high in fiber and antioxidants, and I find them satisfying because they pack so much flavor. Last night I grabbed a handful of blackberries and it hit the spot!
  • I'm all about oatmeal - 1/4 cup dry cooked with 1/2 cup water, 1/4 cup skim milk, some splenda, some cinnamon, and a piece of fruit diced up in it (peaches and bananas) are my favorite. If I don't feel like oatmeal I do the diced up fruit with plain greek yogurt.
  • There are as many answers to your question as there are different people; I'll share what I do. 1. I lift weights two times per week - both times I do a full body workout. 2. I use moderately heavy weights - usually 10 or 12 lb dumbbells. You may need to start with 5 or 8 lbs. 3. On one day I do the following circuit three…
  • I think it takes at least 2 weeks. After two weeks of being very careful about my quantities, and speed (a big issue for me), of eating, I saw a change in that I became satisfied much sooner. And, when I've had a few days where I have not been very "good" I actually felt very uncomfortable and icky....
  • Welcome and good luck! Like you, I enjoy reading the posts because many are very inspirational.
  • I concur; and if you look at the USDA recommendations for sugar (which MFP appears to be based upon) they very clearly make a distinction between added sugars and naturally occuring sugars that coexist with fiber and nutrients. So, yes, moderation in everything, but I would not beat myself up over sugar from fruit,…
  • Hi Joye - You hang in there. The fact that you have dealt with years of frustration and still have the stamina to tackle ths is really inspiring. Good luck!
  • I have to say, I'm right there with you. My weight has fluctuated since college, and so has my fitness level. After a doctor's visit two weeks ago I decided it was time to "do it right," meaning no crazy low-carb, starvation, or other trendy diets. Just eat less, move more. I hope this site works well for you, so far I've…
  • I'm not a big fan of cleanses, mainly because I like to eat and they kill my energy for exercise (I actually feel ill after a day or so). What I have done when given the chance (hubby gone for the week) is simply put myself on a fairly stringent eating plan that is low cal and low "work." For example, every morning is 1/4…
  • Welcome! I just joined a little over a week ago (went to the doctor, she put me on the scale and there was no more denial!). Anyhow, I've found logging every little morsel of food I eat helps me be accountable and I like the motivation to exercise - I'm sure you'll find lots of things and people to like too. Best wishes!
  • Not an exact recipe - and by many people's standards not perfectly healthy (depends on if you are OK with some fat), but I always enjoyed multiple versions of "smothered chicken" where I would bake my boneless, skinless chicken breasts, and then add 1) sauteed mushrooms, bacon crumbles, diced tomatoes, provolone or swiss…
  • I had never even thought to look there - but what a great idea. And if you have a wii, you can stream them directly to your TV. Thanks for pointing this out - now I want to go check them out.
  • My current favorite: 1/4 cup oatmeal (dry), cooked w/ 1/2 cup water, cinnamon, and splenda. After it's ready, I add 1/4 cup skim milk and heat some more. Finally, I top it off w/ 1/4 cup Special K low fat granola. I just love the combination of warm, cinnamon, and crunchy!
  • I'm another newbie from NC - truly hoping that journaling will keep me accountable! Best of luck to you and everyone out there just starting on this journey (again!).
  • I'm new to MFP and live in New Bern. Would love to be part of your group!