Day 1 and counting

Well, it's that time of year again.... Summer is on it's way out and fall is on it's way in; and with it, bulky sweaters and poufy coats.

My goal, get back to the gym. Notice I said get back..... During my life I've gone through different periods of fitness, being highly active most of my childhood and starting to slack off during college. After college I regained some of my aptitude for working out; however, in the long run, I tend to cylce through bouts of extreme healthiness or extreme laziness where pizza, beer and candy make current appearances in my life and the treadmil seems to dissappear.

This time, rather than letting a shrinking dress size motivate me (though it definitely does, especially given the time of year, as mentioned above, when the bulky sweaters can be not so forgiving to the extra 10-15 on my waist), I'm being motivated by a healthy lifestyle. I want to be one of those women who can say I went to the gym four times a week, not because I'm on a diet, but because it's part of my life... Just part of what I do.

That's why I've decided to join MFP. After looking at posts of other people in my same boat and checking out the awesome features to help track progress, it seems like a no brainer.

So hello MFP world! I look forward to starting my new journey as a healthy indivdual and sharing it with you all!!


  • gibsons
    I have to say, I'm right there with you. My weight has fluctuated since college, and so has my fitness level. After a doctor's visit two weeks ago I decided it was time to "do it right," meaning no crazy low-carb, starvation, or other trendy diets. Just eat less, move more. I hope this site works well for you, so far I've found it very inspirational and it holds me accountable for every morsel I put in my mouth! Good luck!
  • anomali
    Hello and welcome!
    today is day three for me
    and already i'm been realizing all the bad habits iv'e been undertaking =(
    i'm in it for a life style change and *cough* a new dress size