Cleanse Diets?

I'm thinking about doing one since I don't have work this week and my husband is training out in the field until Friday. What cleanses have you done and what were the results?


  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi Briana - I am just starting a cleanse today called the Shakeology 3-day cleanse. I'll be able to give you my results on Thursday! :D I have done the Master Cleanse and the first time lost about 10 lbs in 10 days but gained half of it back as soon as I started eating and within a month gained it all back. I tried to do it a few more times and could never do the whole 10 days. It hurt my booty too much! I am looking forward to this cleanse as it is a performance cleanse and will taste a million times better than cayenne pepper, lemon juice, and maple syrup. If you want some more info on Shakeology, you can check it out here:
  • smacaulay
    smacaulay Posts: 62 Member
    let me know how the cleanse goes - I may try one too!
  • bmsikes
    Thanks BOGmama. I'd like to get something that I can buy today, like at GNC or something. I'm an instant gratification person and I want to start tomorrow since this week is the only time I can really do it. Thanks for the reply though!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I don't think 5-days of anything is going to offer much. I've come to realize it's just a way to torture yourself! I saw this thing on Dr. Oz or Oprah where they took a group of women who wanted to cleanse after eating badly/too much and drinking alcohol to excess. They put them in a house and did all these tests before and after. for a week they ate nothing but raw fruits and vegetables and essentially, nothing changed. The weight you lose is water weight for the most part, and one week of "clean" eating is not enough time to affect your liver and kidney function.
    You could give yourself a workout challenge, or avoid simple carbs or something.
    Let us know!
  • tater8589
    This is nasty and unappealing, however it works...

    There is a laxitive over the counter, can't remember name but it comes in lemon or ginger flavor, the box says use a tbls for constipation (drs have had me and others prep for surgery by using the whole bottle mixed in a very large glass of water/hot jello)
    For a whole day don't eat any food, drink only clear liquids (chicken/beef broth, jello, [non red] juice) early morning drink the mixture described above (maybe again in early afternoon) Do not mix with soda (i can't drink sprite anymore... made me sick)
    You will clean out your system completely.

    I will tell you that it tastes HORRIBLE but its for one day. Its basically an at home colonoscopy. Shouldn't cause your body to go into starvation mode.
  • sallyLunn
    I did sort of a cleanse one time because I was breaking out in hives all of the time but it went like this.

    I bought some Psyllium Husk (fiber laxative) and I drank a big ole nasty glass of that in the morning and in the evening.

    I made sure that 70% of what I ate through out the day was RAW veggies of some kind.

    I actually didn't count calories during this time.

    I drank 10-12 glasses of water a day.

    I took acidophilus tablets with my evening meal.

    I lost some weight but that wasn't the important part. The stuff that came out of my colon was not to be talked about. I stayed on this diet until I just slowly strayed away from it. It becomes apparent after a while when you don't need to stay on it any more and psyllium husk fiber is not the most delightful drink on the planet.

    I will say that my skin cleared up and I quit getting hives and I lost some weight. It was great and not scary like some of the more popular cleanses.
  • gibsons
    I'm not a big fan of cleanses, mainly because I like to eat and they kill my energy for exercise (I actually feel ill after a day or so). What I have done when given the chance (hubby gone for the week) is simply put myself on a fairly stringent eating plan that is low cal and low "work." For example, every morning is 1/4 cup (dry) oatmeal cooked w/ water and a banana, every lunch and every dinner is a lean cuisine of some sort, and I usually throw in an apple for a snack. During the day I drink lots of water w/ fresh lemon. It works out to about 900 calories per day (which is probably too low for most women for any length of time), but will jump start weight loss.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    There's a stomach bug going around here, just makes you throw up, no other symptoms. My son had it last week and I got it this week. From my son's experience, I figured out that if I just don't eat solids, I won't throw up or feel bad at all. So Friday night I threw up, realized what was going on, so no food Saturday or Sunday. I had half a gallon of apple juice on saturday, and a half gallon of cranberry juice on sunday. I don't know if its affected my weight since I don't own a scale, but I definately cleared stuff out on saturday, and we all know the good stuff about cranberry juice.