weatheredcheese Member


  • Just getting out an go! Been running and cycling, as long as you have the protective gear and hi-vis and lights you all good to go. As for Icy weather, just take it a bit slower.
  • THIS /\/\/\/\ I did the programme last year and used Endomondo, it synchs any and all workouts straight to MFP.
  • Even the basics need to be taught, which I understand but as you know the internet is your friend! There are videos on 'how to' for cooking as much as anything else.
  • As Anthony said, it is making yourself aware of what you are doing, like with his chips, making yourself aware of "hey I can treat myself but I am not eating the whole bag" is key. Basically changing from MINDLESS to actually thinking about what you are eating and using your MIND
  • From my point of view this is something you need to decide. Boobs aren't everything and from you pic your looking fit and healthy, so it all depends on what you think of yourself. You either want to be curvy and have a bigger chest, or be slim and have a smaller chest.
  • Don't see it as screwing up, simply a 3 day blip, we all have them. Just simply consider today as a new day and the last 3 days don't matter. Having a couple of off days does not mean you should give up, so just get back up again and do something about it.
  • Hey, this is all down to you and your attitude to your life and adventure. Not having the motivation because of work suggests work is getting you down, but what is more satisfying that completing a work out and knowing you are one more step towards your goal. As for temptation, it is hard to say 'No' but 'No' is a 2 letter…
  • I'm from UK and as I grew up I hated Veg, didn't like a single things. Got over it by introducing it slowly into meals, little bits at a time, eat it with other things on your plate etc. It is hard to get out of bad habits, but at the end of the day it is the good habits which help, so worth having a mouth full of veg and…
  • I thought that Insanity worked on the basis you go for it and if you need a rest your rest but leave the DVD playing? is this not the case? Never done it myself but have thought about it.
  • Hey, 1200 Calories might be a little low, are you making sure you eat all 1200? Some times a lack of food can cause the body not to lose weight. Exercise wise, sounds like you are doing okay, if you have time, adding in walks or a quick jog can help. I no expert but it sounds like you are doing the right things, as long as…
  • Have you sent this to them? Using the Tech Support feed? Think it is a great idea! The one thing which puts me off is all the manual logging, I have said alot of my meals and recipies.
  • You could always take a picture on your phone, then you have it to hand :p
  • I have done this, and it is a reminder of the achievements you have made. This winter I had an operation which has meant I have been unable to excercise, I got myself down and have put on a stone, my new clothes still fit but I don't have to wear a belt with them any more. It is a reminder that I need to be positive again…
  • I am like you, have days where I really struggle to resist the temptation of Junk Food. I mean yesterday I turned down a MacDonalds Breakfast although my partner had one, yet last night we both indulged in chocolate! Again today, I don't normally take the car to work as one of my colleagues picks me up, but today I have to…
  • There is no correct answer, it depends on 'you' I weigh myself weekly, others daily, as long as you are consistent I don't think it matters.
  • If it still hurts you can always go back to the doctor you saw before, maybe mention that you have had some advice about resting for 2 weeks, depends how open you are with your doctor. Always worth checking with them again if there is still an issue.
  • As well as looking at the weight it might be worth looking into body fat percentage, this will indicate if it is fat or not. Hope this helps
  • Deffo not enough calories, should aim for 1400-1500, and taking on 50% of any calories burnt in excercise in addition to those. This has helped me emmensly (apologies for spelling), although I have had no issues with my arms, I have found running very helpful.
  • Weekly is normally good, some people do it daily or every couple of days, just depends on you, need to remember that some days your body fluctuates, as long as you do it the same time of day as before it should be pretty accurate in regards to weight loss.
  • I'm 5" 11, at my heaviest I weighed around 274lb, I had become a new Dad with a new desk job. The guys I started to work for where kind of casual when it comes to food, often getting takeaways etc. I started in January to realise as a new Dad I wanted to be there for my son and to keep up with him and so joined MFP. Since…
  • Treat myself to a toasted muffin with 1 rasher of bacon and a small fried egg (as little oil as possible and drain off as much as poss using kitchen roll). If your really concious this is more of a breakfast treat but, like you, I like something warm and something a bit more filling.
  • sugar includes those natural sugars from fruits, so if you are having plenty of fruit and going over no real issue there, as for cholesterol, not a major issue if its not by alot and eggs can push this high (sore subject fro some people) but eggs have a different type of cholesterol than other foods, its a bit like fruit,…
  • have you tried buying fresh food in bulk, make up the meals and freeze them yourself? We do this even for our little one, helps with portion size also
  • Well done, my doctor was uncertain about my healthy when my asthma returned, when I saw him in Feb i weighed 18 and half sti=one, I am to return in May and am currently 17 Stone and have basically stopped using my inhaler as I dont seem to need it any more!
  • Like, half of people that get down on here I believe is caused by constantly reading other peoples posts about being down etc, if I see one I skip it.
  • Have you been taking any other measurements at all? Lost any inches on your waist etc?
  • Havent a clue about the calorie situation but good luck and great respect for this, I have recently run my first 10k.
  • I sit in an office full of guys who love to order takeaways for lunch, you will sometimes find a curry or a kebab in our office or a greasy portion of chips, it has been hard but I have so far managed to keep out of the loop, it also seems like my efforts have been noticed as less and less takeaways have been ordered.