Sucks to be you! I can throw that down in a single meal.
ccckwalk - I'd say 30.
5'4 158lbs. Size 8-10 pants and a size medium shirt I have a large frame, and usually can only get about 135lbs. at my lowest and can fit into a size 6 around that size...I'd like to achieve about 130lbs...but would be just happy to be back in the 130's and fit my size 6's again.
My hubby is 5'7. He's wayyy hot to me. I'm 5'3, so he's perfect for me. Definitely don't discriminate men on the "shorter" side.
I trained for my first in 28 days (I did a full 26.2 though and I ramped up to 7 miles at one time all the way to 20 miles during training). It's possible, but I wouldn't advise it...I ended up not listening to advice and wasn't able to run for 5 months due to a post marathon injury. I think you CAN do a half this…
KateB827 - Before seeing your answer, I would have guessed 125lbs. You look very healthy!
5'3, 163lbs., size 10 jeans/medium/large tops.
It is what it's not wrong, it's just the truth. I had this problem...we didn't divorce because he was unhealthy and I lost over 100lbs. (I left because of his infidelity), but I will tell you being married to someone who is much more health concious now, it makes it easier to live a healthy lifestyle together. My…
SolarPower01 - Underwear model :)
Harmless fun...doesn't mean you have to participate. I never intended on using MFP as a dating site, but I did meet my husband on here though.
DawnVanSlim - fitness model :)
crickysue - 1st grade teacher!
HikeRunLift - Lifeguard
Run an ultra marathon, did my first NSV last fall (marathoned). Mine are definitely not clothing related. I <3 endurance and want to focus on that.
My reward is good health.
Didn't take this one but I took Ma Huang last summer. Dropped like 25lbs. in 6 weeks (same effects) and had to take a sleeping pill to sleep at night because that stuff had me jacked up for 12-18 hour straight. Put back on 20lbs. of the entire 30lbs. I lost with the help of it. Doing it slow this time around. IMO, if you…
My marathon pics look like "walking" too and I didn't walk a single step during the whole race. No biggie...I'm a proud turtle! :)
163lbs. Size 10 pants Size medium and some large shirts
Highest weight ever was 247lbs. in February 2009. Highest on MFP was 180lbs. last summer. I'm sitting at 163lbs. right now...I was able to get down to 138lbs. last year with the help of MFP, but during my running injury this past winter some seemed to have found me. Very ashamed an anxious to get back where I was then some.
I'm in! :) Just sent a FR!
I started the 25th as well. I've done P90X before too and Insanity is INSANE. I am struggling but I love every moment of it. :)
Krizzo87 - 24 and your hair :)
Throw your scale away. Just get weighed at the doctors. Relax while you're at it...exercise is a good stress reliever.
Bacon. That's why.
Pink chiffon lotion by Bath and Body Works.
I agree with what the other person said -- maybe it really wasn't love? I was with my first love from the time (only had a silly puppy love boyfriend before him) we got married at age 22, til we divorced this year. I never loved him. Never...there was even a point where I was ok with his porn addiction, and constant booty…
I remember your story from my old account when I was on here last fall. SO happy to see even more progress. You are doing so well - keep it up. I cannot wait to see your next update. :)
You look amazing and SO happy! Well done :)
Like you - I'm frugal but my problem is shoes & expensive coffee.
I had my children at 23, 24, and 26. Age DOES play a role, but so does maturity. I was married to my teenage sweetheart, and we divorced and the only thing I regret is having the children with my ex. I wish I would have waited later on in life (I'll be 30 this year) and had them with my current husband. My husband had his…