mellabyte Member


  • Oh brightly frosted cupcakes in the break-room... How you twirl seductively every time I walk by... >_<
  • I'm also a fan of any of the one square of ghiradelli, godiva or lindt peeps posting. Trader joe's has a little container of dark cocoa nibs that are like 70 cals a tbsp, or 1 cal a nib. I toss a few (like 10 or so) back to kill a choco-edge now and then. TJs also has 100 cal dark choco bars that aren't bad. Sometimes I…
  • Eat when you're hungry. Don't stress. I'm consistent with breakfast on weekdays because I'm already up and working, moving, thinking - boo work. ^_^ So I'm naturally hungry. During the weekends, sometimes I don't have breakfast, just an am snack. Especially if I start my day after 9am. Lazy mornings = me not really hungry.…
  • Sure. Especially recently. What got things working for me was thinking with "lifestyle change" and not "diet" in mind. If I think this way I can make sustainable decisions. :) Like this past week... My BF got me a box of french macarons (one of my favorite treats EVER) to cheer me up... I had two a day. I also ended up…
  • Well. I'm not really sure about the true differences between insulin resistance and full blown diabetes...I thought insulin resistance was pre-diabetes or even the same thing. I've been diabetic for...about a little over 4 years now. I was on metformin for maybe the first 2 years, with steadily lowering doses towards the…
  • I actually don't keep tabs on exact amounts per week anymore... My boyfriend and I each put in $150 cash per pay period (every two weeks) into a "Food Budget" pot (well envelope). And that's what we pull from for both groceries and eating out - basically all food related expenses including snacky things like grabbing a…
  • ^^ This. Get right back on the horse! You're logging your calories, so you're keeping track of the good and the bad. Review your days, notice the weak spots, hold yourself accountable and make the improvements. It's good that you know you didn't need the cookies, remember that the next time treats sneak their wily heads…
  • Hi Kathy! I'm 34 and I was about 60lbs too fluffy (working on the last leg). I also had/have a lot of the same health issues you do, but I've reversed a lot of it. (You can check out my profile for info.) Feel free to add me if you want, I would be happy to help motivate. :)
  • Same boat. My gub is one of the last things to go I guess. It wave at me, all stubbornly. >_< Spot reducing is a myth though. Keep on doing what you're doing (plus up the strength training) and it'll start going when there's no other fat left for your burning to kill off. :) (I've also received advice about severely…
  • Absolutely. (It annoys my boyfriend sometimes. ^_^) If I can help it, I want to know what I'm eating. I used to just read calories and carbs. Now, in addition, I also check out sodium, saturated fats, and scan ingredients lists to see what's hidden in my food.
  • Yeah. That's why I said "the closest" I've gotten to it. ^_^ Haven't quite made the jump because I was quite a bit heavier in those days... Too self-concious. >_> But I would consider it now!
  • Platforms and "chunkier" heels definitely help, but sadly, no. I'm sure my joints are thanking me a little bit, and your center of gravity is much better. I'm not gonna lie, it's easier moving all this around 50lbs lighter... But reality, after a couple of hours, sexy shoes are still killer. The higher you go, the more…
  • I've always been interested in cosplay, but the closest I've done is gothic lolita. ^_^ I also haven't hit any cons in the past two years. My con buddies and I have been dealing with that crazy b*tch called Life. :D So sad.
  • I'm 5'1" looking to get to 105. I'm at 113, so pretty close. I still have myriad of trouble spots though: stomach, inner thighs and triceps. Those areas are all still pretty squishy. I definitely notice that they're not as flabby - the inches are down, but I can't exactly wear fitted shirts yet either. :ohwell: I'm hoping…
  • Old pictures of myself, success stories on MFP, all the news being thrown at you about "Fat America" and the health problems associated with it, observing the process (watching my clothes fit better, seeing muscles forming), etc. There's something every day that motivates me. :) Whether something silly, like my BF smacking…
  • Exactly. I always throw around the arbitrary formula of it's 80% diet and 20% exercise. Just as a broad way to say that it's mostly about what you put in your body, though what you do with your body certainly helps it along. Not that I'm going to knock exercise. I've grown to totally love the benefits of working out,…
  • Another fan of PB2 here! mix with liquid of choice, water, milk, Greek yogurt...or use it to flavor shakes. So many possibilities!
  • Definitely all about health for me. Looking better is just a bonus. Thanks for sharing. (Totally got the I went to PITT. ^_^)
  • I have a Polar FT7 and I love it! I had an old timex and this one blows that one away.
  • The dreaded bat-wings (or built-in floaties, as I sometimes call them) are one of my trouble spots as well. I've noticed that keeping at it with weights that target your triceps has been helping. They are definitely less...ham-hockey now. ^_^;;; It's just going to be an exercise in patience, burning the fat away - since…
  • Hey there! 5'1" and working through my last 9lbs. It's rough and a lot slower than the beginning of the journey. But, this is the first time I've ever been below 115 since...I was probably a wee lass. Everyone says to focus less on the scale and concentrate on weights. Which I've been trying to do. I'm hoping, though it's…
  • Thank you. This is great. ^_^ According to this spreadsheet, I'm close to what I should be logging as net (if lifting to concentrate on LBM) - 1328 and I'm set at 1300 and have been seeing consistent results. Yay. But on the occasional days I go over, I log (~1450) close to what's set for if I were mostly cardio, 1553 -…
  • So. Lost a little over "a small bale of hay"... And working my way towards between an "elephant's penis" :noway: and the "fats and oils an average American eats in a year".
  • You're what my vegetarian buddy likes to call a "Flex-etarian", which is what his GF is. :D I am pescetarian myself (seafood as my only meat). There are days sometimes where I end up eating a vegetarian, and sometimes, vegan diet. I try not to over think it and just try to make healthier choices and just ask myself if I…
  • Usually a tall skinny vanilla/mocha/cinnamon dolce/hazelnut latte, iced or hot. They're usually around 100 cals, give or take, and zero fat since they're made with skim milk and sugar-free syrups. You can also get unsweetened iced teas - someone already mentioned the passion fruit ones. Which I like unsweetened - but if…
  • Been exactly right there with ya! ^_^ Great job!
  • Philadelphia Eagles baby! (No, I am not, however, a fan of Michael Vick, despite his talents on the field - which I can respect, his outside football activities of ill-repute leave a bad taste in my mouth.) My secondary rooting is for the Steelers. (I went to PITT.)
  • There is a standing debate about salt. Some claim that unless you're sodium sensitive, salt is not a problem. (Or if you suffer from low bp, a friend of mine suffers from that and her doctor recommends _more_ salt for her.) I tend to stand on the side of the fence that points you should be sensible with your salt intake.…
    in Salt.... Comment by mellabyte July 2012
  • Totally feel you. In the past, the number of times I've psyched myself out is immeasurable. :ohwell: Working out at home is a great way to get started. Build your confidence working out at home. Then going for power walks outdoors. I remember when I first started going to a gym. I committed to a personal trainer and he…
  • Definitely, as recommended - go see a doctor. Self-diagnosing, or interwebs-diagnosing is not a good idea. :) I used to do it all the time, and it would just make me paranoid. That said, I had a similar issue as well and saw my doctor about it. I would get dizzy spells, but only if I got up from a sitting position or…