Do I need to see my doctor?



  • flrancho
    flrancho Posts: 271 Member
    If you have to ask someone if you should go to the doctor, then you should. You're obviously concerned about it and only a visit tot he doctor can really alieviate your fears/concerns.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Dizzy = Doctors visit

    It may have nothing to do with your eating and working out.
  • aimeemusic
    aimeemusic Posts: 73 Member
    You should definetly get check out as soon possible

    I have a similar thing happen to me. I was losing weight but getting dizzy

    I had to cut back exercise for a bit and eat 1800 cal from my original 1330 cal.

    I did it for a few weeks and gradulally went down to increase my weight loss again. I am fine now. But sometimes your body needs a break.

    Go to your doc to get check out. Just in case but it may be a case of too much.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    This happens to me, too --- and while it is usually related to a rapid,but temporary, drop in blood pressure, unless you have a persistant problem, the doctor won't really be able to do much for you. And if your doc DOES do something, go get a second opinion.

    That said - drink water! ASAP!

    All this is assuming the random and short-lived light headedness is your ONLY issue --- I notice people here are ready to write your obituary, but you have said nothing about other issues. I have no other issues, random light-headedness and the doc started with the most reasonable treatment - WATER. It works.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    So to chime in with the same advice... LOL see a doctor.

    I had/have this issue also. When I stand too quickly, I get light headed and lose vision for just a second (things go pretty blurry...). I had extensive blood work done, an EKG, etc. Turns out, I have circulation problems. Easy enough fix... My doc suggested I wear diabetic panty hose (sexy stuff! LOL) OR... don't stand up so quickly. :) BUT my case wasn't sever. It ONLY happened when I went from laying or sitting to standing too quickly. it's called Orthostatic hypotension. It's more common in elderly, but obviously... I'm not "elderly" just yet. I'm only 27. Get checked out! Could be a number of different problems and it's best to know than not to know.
  • PamL66
    PamL66 Posts: 116 Member
    Call your doctor's office and explain what's going on. Ask if you should be seen right away or can wait over a month. They may order some blood work that could be done now rather than waiting until that appointment.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    This happens to me, too --- and while it is usually related to a rapid,but temporary, drop in blood pressure, unless you have a persistant problem, the doctor won't really be able to do much for you. And if your doc DOES do something, go get a second opinion.

    That said - drink water! ASAP!

    All this is assuming the random and short-lived light headedness is your ONLY issue --- I notice people here are ready to write your obituary, but you have said nothing about other issues. I have no other issues, random light-headedness and the doc started with the most reasonable treatment - WATER. It works.

    That was my first thought. I'm guessing OP is living in the northern hemisphere, the problem starting in recent months may have to the with the temperature change. Most people gets fixated on numbers when it comes to drinking water and they carry it all through the year whereas the body gets used to it and it's always reasonable to up the water intake in hot months. It's a common cause for blood tension related dizziness.

    It doesn't hurt to try and drink more water for a few days and see if it makes a difference. If it doesn't, then it's better to see a doctor.
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    I think it's definitely a good idea to see your doc about this...any chance you can get your sept appt..moved up and get both things done at once perhaps? dIzzy spells. An be the result of many,many things. Please make sure it' s not from dehydration..especially if you don't drink a lot, you are in a hot environment and work out a lot. Interestingly enough, I was at a medical appointment yesterday and my bariatric nurse cautioned me to be careful doing everyday activities. I looked at her oddly and she said that when we lose significant weight - I've lost 69 pounds- that our centre of balance ****s and it takes us a while to adjust, and we may have a few more clumsy moments..just a thought..but do hope you get it checked out. All the best..
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    I don't think women's vitamins normally contain iron so it is possibly anemia

    Most of them do...but it may not be enough depending on your diet and body chemistry. I had this problem, even though I was taking a daily multi-vitamin with iron in it. I was diagnosed with iron-deficient anemia and have to take an additional iron supplement. Have it checked out to be on the safe side. It could be an ear/sinus infection or it could be something else.
  • stockholmhasago
    If you feel like you need a doctor, you should see a doctor. You know your body far better than any of us, and your body has a way of alerting you to when something is wrong inside of it.

  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Go see the doctor, and take about a week of your food log with you. The doctor was happy to see mine last time and she made a couple of great suggestions too. That way if it is potentially linked to your diet if nothing else is obviously wrong (like anemia or an ear infection) that is valuable info for them to have.
  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    A naturopath? A bloody naturopath? God help me, there's some shocking medical advice given out here.

    OP, see a doctor as soon as possible. One of the first symptoms of my neurological disorder was dizziness. You know what happens when it's left untreated? Blindness. You don't even notice your vision going because it happens so slowly that by the time you go and get treatment it's often irreversible.

    Your health is important.
  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    Definitely, as recommended - go see a doctor.

    Self-diagnosing, or interwebs-diagnosing is not a good idea. :) I used to do it all the time, and it would just make me paranoid.

    That said, I had a similar issue as well and saw my doctor about it. I would get dizzy spells, but only if I got up from a sitting position or something similar. I would be sitting at work, get up to go do something, get dizzy, after a few seconds it would pass, I'd carry on. Or eating dinner at home, get up to get water, get dizzy, after a few seconds it would pass, carry on. During this time, I noticed my BP and pulse were pretty low, like 88/66 and <55bpm (low because I am not an athlete). Low BP isn't to be trifled with if it's consistent with side effects, so I made an appt. It turns out with all my further improved lifestyle changes, the 12+lbs I'd lost in 3mos and the marked increase in exercise - I didn't need to be on the bp meds I was on. So got off those (yay drug free!), bp is much better, like 110/74 around there and my pulse is more acceptable 64+.

    Two weeks later (now), starting to get the same low BP problem (was 98/67 last I checked), but my pulse is good and I'm not having dizzy spells... But do have occasional issues taking extremely deep breaths when I want to. (And oddly, this is not a problem at all when I work out. So maybe it's all in my head because I'm over thinking it.) A friend of mine who is a registered nurse said I might be anemic. (Possible, because I am pescetarian and haven't really been monitoring my iron intake.) Anyway, going to monitor for the next week and if it continues, will make an appt with the doctor.

    I'll say it again. Make an appt with your doctor. ^_^
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Hi All,

    I have been on MFP since last Nov 2011 and have lost 40lbs thus far..I haven't had any problems until the recent months..I have been counting my cals and exercising regularly but without change to routine, have noticed that I randomly get dizzy spells..They hit at different times of the day and don't seem to follow any pattern within the week or month, etc. They only last a few seconds and if I stand still I will be able to carry on with what I am doing momentarily..A lady at work suggested seeing my doc if I am anemic and it has me really concerned now!! I take a women's multivitamin daily and have all along..Please let me know what you think :S Am I overreacting??

    Also, (if I should see my doc) I have a yearly scheduled in Sept, should I wait and bring it up then or make an appointment earlier?


    I fainted in college in the hallway a few years ago (ok like 6 years ago...). I picked myself up and drank some water and tried to drive home...not a good idea. I ended up having to call an ambulance for myself as I kept going in and out while driving. They performed lots of tests on me at the hospital but found nothing. I have gotten dizzy spells every now and then since that time. Nobody knows what causes it. I just make sure to always have a water bottle on me in case I feel it coming on and I don't do anything that makes the "average" person dizzy, like hot yoga or amusement park rides and stuff like that.

    I would say at least get it checked out. Maybe they can find something.
  • 3LittleMonkeyMom
    Go see your doctor. I could be could be something more serious.
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    Don't you think that if you are wondering about seeing a Doctor for health issues you should do so and not ask us?

    If at all concerned consult a doctor. It's that simple
