Can you really eat anything and lose?



  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    Sure. Especially recently. What got things working for me was thinking with "lifestyle change" and not "diet" in mind. If I think this way I can make sustainable decisions. :)

    Like this past week... My BF got me a box of french macarons (one of my favorite treats EVER) to cheer me up... I had two a day. I also ended up eating out a lot more than usual this past week because of a combination of events... A Restaurant/Brewery, Sushi/Hibachi Place, Chain Seafood Place, Cafe... Also had the yearly fantasy football draft chips, dips, high cal apps, cake... Plus (for the past three weeks) I couldn't be hardcore exercise cat because I'm recovering from an ankle injury.

    I still lost a lb last week.

    NOW. I definitely don't eat like that all the time, and I still got in wholesome foods between all that and I logged EVERYTHING so I could keep an eye on my calories. I think I only went over my cals (1300) 1 day. I agree that you don't want to keep ingesting primarily "empty calories" and crap foods. You will lose, but you won't feel healthy or energetic - or look it.

    I also review my diary every two weeks. Just to see how my habits have been in relation to my mood, energy levels, weight loss trends. Etc. Some times I lose a lb a week, sometimes .5, sometimes it's .5 in two weeks. But I guess the key is it still keeps going down. :)
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    It's simple calories in vs. calories burned, but just limiting the number of calories calls for lifestyle changes. While no food is off limits, eating everything you used to eat will put you over your macros. It's just like managing a budget. If you have only a certain amount to spend, you're going to ask yourself questions like "is it worth it?" and "would I rather?"

    With fewer calories in the budget, many of those empty calories no longer seem worth it, so it's unlikely that someone staying in their macros will eat 4 jelly donuts only to starve the rest of the day. While I still eat french fries a couple of times a week, I no longer eat cold, soggy fries just because they're there. I only eat the hot crispy ones because they are "worth" it to me, so I end up leaving some on the plate. I don't drink calories because I want to enjoy chewing/savoring the food. I don't pig out on chips & salsa or bread before a meal because I want to have room left for my meal. If I know I want dessert, I'll order a smaller, lower calorie meal and/or only eat half in order to "afford" it.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    When I quit smoking, I didn't replace the cigarettes with fake cigarettes, which would have perpetuated the behavior and kept me on the permanently "missing them" train. I've tried to do that when breaking my bad eating habits, too... replace the bad foods with completely new ones, not fake food substitutes. Today I have friends on MFP who, sadly, are on that hamster wheel and don't get it. Without a seed change in mindset, I don't see how any of our hard work can be permanent... and the cycle continues. Just as I'm not a complete non-smoker (no cravings at all), I am on my way to being a non-junk food eater (no cravings at all).

    My hard work is permanent, because I didn't replace the foods I love. I continued to eat them in moderation and can continue to eat them for the rest of my life.
  • SkinnyChemicals
    Just out of curiosity…have any of you lost weight eating anything you wanted but staying with in your calorie limit???

    Yes, its awesome. I thought I actually had to eat healthy to lose weight when I found out I didn't I was so relieved.
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    I eat anything I want. I just changed what I wanted :-)

    EXCELLENT!! I like that way of thinking.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    When I quit smoking, I didn't replace the cigarettes with fake cigarettes, which would have perpetuated the behavior and kept me on the permanently "missing them" train. I've tried to do that when breaking my bad eating habits, too... replace the bad foods with completely new ones, not fake food substitutes. Today I have friends on MFP who, sadly, are on that hamster wheel and don't get it. Without a seed change in mindset, I don't see how any of our hard work can be permanent... and the cycle continues. Just as I'm not a complete non-smoker (no cravings at all), I am on my way to being a non-junk food eater (no cravings at all).

    My hard work is permanent, because I didn't replace the foods I love. I continued to eat them in moderation and can continue to eat them for the rest of my life.

    Same here. I learned that there is a difference between having one serving of a food and eating it until I am stuffed.

    I do not believe there is ANY food on the planet that can even come close to doing the harm that cigarettes do. To compare the two is nonsensical.


    It is interesting to me to see the number of naysayers on this thread. Just because a particular person can't figure out how to enjoy pizza, pancakes, or chocolate while staying within their calories, doesn't mean that the rest of us can't figure it out either. Clearly from the responses, a LOT of MFPers have figured out how to eat food that is both nourishing and enjoyable, while fitting in the occasional "treat" as well.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member

    Same here. I learned that there is a difference between having one serving of a food and eating it until I am stuffed.

    I do not believe there is ANY food on the planet that can even come close to doing the harm that cigarettes do. To compare the two is nonsensical.


    It is interesting to me to see the number of naysayers on this thread. Just because a particular person can't figure out how to enjoy pizza, pancakes, or chocolate while staying within their calories, doesn't mean that the rest of us can't figure it out either. Clearly from the responses, a LOT of MFPers have figured out how to eat food that is both nourishing and enjoyable, while fitting in the occasional "treat" as well.

    outside of the very few close people I have told, no one knows im actively trying to lose weight.
    im not dieting. im just living life better..

    it also drives people nuts since they see me eating out with friends or partying... and they feel they 'cant do that'...
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Just out of curiosity…have any of you lost weight eating anything you wanted but staying with in your calorie limit???

    Yes. I've never deprived myself of any kind of food and I've been able to lose and maintain quite well.

    Of course, if I decide on having two Snickers bars in a day, I have to scale back what I have for the rest of the day. It's controlled gluttony, and it's the best diet ever.
  • endureandpersist
    endureandpersist Posts: 59 Member
    Yes. :)
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Just out of curiosity…have any of you lost weight eating anything you wanted but staying with in your calorie limit???

    Yes. I've never deprived myself of any kind of food and I've been able to lose and maintain quite well.

    Of course, if I decide on having two Snickers bars in a day, I have to scale back what I have for the rest of the day. It's controlled gluttony, and it's the best diet ever.

    "controlled gluttony" --- I like that. I may steal that from you and use it later. lol.
  • mhouston2011
    I'm sure you can, but are you on here strictly to lose weight or are you on here to live a healthier life and make better choices? Everyone needs an occasional treat.
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    ME ME ME ME!!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I am!! :D
  • softballsharie
    softballsharie Posts: 176 Member
    That is exactly how I've done it, actually :D... however, I tend to like fruits and veggies and whole grains. But I know plenty of people who have eaten just "BAD FOODS" and lost weight staying under their calorie limit. I hope they will chime in on this. :]
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    ...two words... "skinny fat"
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    I don't do it, but when I was here last year I had a few people on my friends list who ate nothing but garbage and still lost.

    Although it is possible to eat nothing but crap and still lose weight, I don't recommend it because:

    -You'll be malnourished
    -You'll likely be hungrier than if you ate foods with a better nutrient profile
    -You'll probably lose more lean mass than was necessary
    -Your odds of maintaining the loss are very low

    AMEN. This is why Weight Watchers didn't work for me. I stayed within points, but I was miserable and cheating myself. Eating cleaner and leaner leads to a LOT more satisfaction at the end of the day, and more energy at the gym. (At least, in my experience.) However, that doesn't mean I don't get a treat every now and then. No deprivation.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    ...two words... "skinny fat"

    No. Skinny fat has nothing to do with whether you give up foods that some people consider to be junk. Skinny fat comes from just losing weight without building any muscle. You can eat a completely organic whole food diet and still be skinny fat.
  • DaltonsMom910
    Just out of curiosity…have any of you lost weight eating anything you wanted but staying with in your calorie limit???

    Yes. I've lost 30 lbs since the end of January (slow & steady). I still eat whatever I want, just in moderation. I always use portion control & keep up with the calories/sugar, and of course I exercise daily. I also have a 'cheat' day on Saturday's so if I have been craving fast food or something greasy, I allow myself to have it, but not too much of it. I love food too much to deprive myself.
  • ellenjean19
    You can, but you have to do it the right way... For me...I just have to balance things out. Like if I have fast food for lunch then at dinner I'll make a small portion of baked chicken or something and load up on veggies and fruit. It's all about portion size and moderation. I was always able to eat basically whatever I wanted when I was younger but I was also more active. Now that school sports and such have ended I gained the weight because I didn't stay active enough or adjust how I ate, (I never realized how hard it was to stay active after I quit aying soccer... Man is it hard to get back up to that kid of activity level!) so now it's about focusing on more fruits and veggies and less fast food and pizza. And for me... If I do end up eating fast food, I usually try to do just a little bit more cardio to burn off the extra calories. Since I started myfitnesspal I really haven't altered what I eat too much... Just have changed how much I eat of everything, but just because something works for one person doesn't mean it's going to work for another.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    ...two words... "skinny fat"

    No. Skinny fat has nothing to do with whether you give up foods that some people consider to be junk. Skinny fat comes from just losing weight without building any muscle. You can eat a completely organic whole food diet and still be skinny fat.

    AMEN... I love when people come here and spout that crap off.