

  • There was a post here recently that involved an article with Chalene Johnson on why sometimes people gain weight when they start working out before they lose it. Basically it came down to retaining water in your muscles. Anyway, it's a perfectly normal thing, don't give up!
  • Congrats!!! That's terrific!
  • Welcome to MFP!!! Guarantee you will love it here! Good luck with all of your goals!
  • Welcome to MFP! I am not from Australia though I wish I was!! lol Especially this time of year :P Good luck to you in achieving all of your goals!
  • Hello and welcome to MFP!!! :) You're going to love it here! Lots of support and helpful information. Good luck to you in achieving all of your goals!
  • I normally don't do a complete cheat day either but definitely a meal or a certain item maybe that you want but don't normally have. Like last night, I had an ice cream cone with my family after dinner. I think a planned cheat is much better at keeping yourself from indulging in too many things as well as cravings. I'd…
    in days off Comment by Arienna January 2010
  • Hi Callie!! Welcome to MFP! You will love it here, everyone is GREAT! The site is very awesome to use, LOTS of helpful information everywhere and there is never a time you won't get support. Good luck to you with your weight loss!
  • My first weigh in 279.8 (-3.4)
  • Hi everyone, thanks for the friend request and invite to the group!!! I am trying to lose about 135-145 lbs right now. I currently am 281.6, started at 292.8. So far, I've lost about 11 in 3 weeks! I have 2 children; a 6 yr old boy and a 5 yr old girl. I am trying to get a part time job right now and go to school full time…
  • If it's a form of healthy fat..such as from nuts, avocados or olive oil I don't really pay TOO much attention to the fat content because it's a healthy fat. I do take into account however fats I get from dairy products, meats, etc. I wouldn't worry much about it, you need the good fats!
  • I would say, once a day is 8 oz glass a day that is. Just so long as you are aware of the sugar and are more careful throughout your day
  • Yes, that is really delicious!
  • I buy Turkey Kielbasa, chop it up and throw it in cabbage soup with celery, carrots, onions, garlic and cabbage with a veggie broth! So yummy
  • They had this on Dr. Oz today. He said he takes it because he thinks its worth it but there isn't anything to back it up really and they won't know for years. He said he takes 500mg a day.
  • I tried it and hated it. Food was bland, couldn't eat things I love. When you're depriving your body of things that you know you will eat again you will gain it back. That's why I HATE diets and LOVE this site. Just eat better and smaller portions. Counting calories is fool proof and you can eat what you want for the most…
  • You can burn quite a few calories on the elliptical but it all depends on your heart rate. The only truly accurate way to know is to wear a Heart Rate Monitor. It depends on how fast you go, the resistance, upper body varies a lot
  • I am guilty as well as far as weighing myself daily. I just like to monitor it and I am obsessed haha. I post my weight once a week when I weigh in with my support group on here but I do know my weight daily.. Unless someone hides my scale under lock and key I will continue to do so!
  • Wow, thanks for the site!! :) I had a trail I was curious about, this definitely helps out!
  • I think that's great you are wanting to do this is in a healthy way at your age. Starting now, you will prevent that freshman 15! :) Good luck to you!
  • You could make turkey pot pie! That's always yummy. You could make a casserole with stuffing or pasta. Turkey noodle soup is really yummy! You could make a big batch and freeze some in individual containers ( I do that with soup/stew/chili..makes for easy, fast lunches)
  • You look AMAZING!!!! Awesome job!! :)
  • I know exactly how you feel! My husband can eat whatever he wants and doesn't gain an ounce..and he does eat whatever he wants. In the past three weeks, he's gotten pizza or fast food like 8 times. I don't say anything though, cause in a way it kind of makes me proud to know I can resist! It's very frustrating though.
  • I was wondering the same myself.
  • Me too!
  • Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it. Just move on. Remember stressing doesn't help your body at all! Accept your screw up and remember it's a new day :) You can't really work off extra calories you eat unless it's relatively soon after you consume it, otherwise it's already digested and you end up burning too many calories…
  • How much is WAY too much? lol My doctor told me I should try and eat 1800-1900 calories about once a week or so to sort of shock your metabolism. I normally eat about 1200-1300.
  • I've heard of zig zagging calories. Like if you should eat 1500 a day for a 1 lb a week deficit. So one day you eat 1200 then next you 1800, then next 1350 then the next 1650, so in the end you still average out 1500 a day over the course of a week but I don't know what the EODD is.
  • Something packed with protein and also some carbs. Lots of people like shakes b/c they are easy but also b/c the protein is in a liquid form and gets to your body faster/easier. You could have a hard boiled egg, some chicken, cheese, fruit.
  • I'm making chicken noodle soup for dinner! You could make chili, that's always yummy. Any sort of stew or soup. You could make spaghetti..just use whole wheat pasta. I normally just try and make variations to things I would have made before. Just make healthy substitutions.
  • Good afternoon guys! Hope everyone is having a wonderful week! :)