days off

Do any of you allow yourself a cheat day? a day to have that beer or wine, a day to eat those chicken wings etc.

In the past my hubby and I would use Sundays to eat out and be bad (not terribly bad) and go out to eat and to the movies and have movie theater popcorn (no butter)

I'm wondering if it would still be ok while doing the slim in 6 series or if I should try to maintain a healthy day on Sundays as well.

Just curious though if any of you do allow yourselves a day of food pampering as I like to call it.


  • dogmeat
    dogmeat Posts: 83
    Many people have cheat days, and there's at least some anecdotal evidence that it helps to keep your metabolism going and avoiding plateaus.

    One a week - one biweekly probably fulfills the purpose. The most important thing is to still log your eatings, even when you're over your daily goal (or maintenance rate).
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    A cheat day doesn't have to mean OVER indulgence. You can still have beer, wine, chicken wings, popcorn, just do it in moderation. Maybe if you get the taste, savor it, enjoy it...and the company of your significant other, then the calories won't be way overboard. That's what I try to do. I'm not into self-denial when it comes to food :blushing:
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    I definitely do, because while I love to eat healthy, I also love to appreciate good food and's one of the great parts of life! :) Instead of a whole cheat day, I usually have one or two cheat meals, and then try to balance it with healthier meals the rest of the day. I usually have a couple glasses of red wine a week, too. That way not only do I not feel denied (and am less likely to fall off the wagon and overindulge), but I can savor them when I have them :)
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    I don't do a whole day, we will do a cheat meal. it's usually Friday nights when we are too exhausted to cook. We don't go crazy. And after eating healthy for so long a cheat meal to us is actually pretty tame since we don't crave the really bad stuff! :)
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    I normally don't do a complete cheat day either but definitely a meal or a certain item maybe that you want but don't normally have. Like last night, I had an ice cream cone with my family after dinner. I think a planned cheat is much better at keeping yourself from indulging in too many things as well as cravings. I'd rather plan a cheat then give in to a craving, but that's just me!
  • jweyand
    jweyand Posts: 13
    nice answers. I like it. I definitely agree on the planned part, it really gives me something to look forward to. our day is generally Sunday when we can watch Football, eat unlimited sushi and drink some beer. It's also the day we go to the movies and I'm a total sucker for the movie popcorn.. I can't sit in a chair without it. It's a little security blanket for me :)
  • prudychick
    Saturday is my free day. I watch what I eat and try not to go completely crazy. Some Saturdays are better than others, but I'm still losing. I chose Saturday because that is date night, night for me and my husband. I find with having a free day helps me behave the rest of the week.