

  • :smile: thank you ,thankyou,thank you.:flowerforyou:
  • :grumble: I fell off too-getting to this topic a day late as well.I had a lot of company for the last 2 weeks.Had just broken 10lbs and feeling pretty good about it and then sort of lost my mind I guess. Being Italian, the lots of company still meant lots of food-we had 3 big gatherings at the house,house guests. Next…
  • :laugh: how about "mother's of the bride/groom"? My son's getting married 06/28.His girl wants me to get a really fancy dress or suit.All I can say is YIKES!!!!! I 've been off the site for a few weeks now but ready to get back in the saddle. My goal is to lose 30lbs. Sounds like a lot but anything would be helpful.So far…
  • :wink: Being a Mainer with very close ties to Boston-what can I say? Except ********************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************* GO PATRIOTS…
  • :tongue: you can't walk in or out without walking by any kind of cheezecake you can imagine. i've been to the one in the atria mall-somewhere in ma.anyway-best to do when you don't know the sauce or the dressing-ask for it on the side. the other thing i've been doing in a restaurant is dividing the portion immediately in…
  • :tongue: this is an interesting discussion. i end up eating soy protein Meatless "meat" at least once a week with a daughter whose a could almost pretend it's scrambled hamburger-almost.i guess i always thought soy products were good for menopausal women to help relieve symptoms. i don't know... the one…
  • :happy: you all are great! and this site is terrific.#1-it's free.#2 it gives you all the tools you need to succeed and #3 you can't beat the support. today i ate correctly, exercized for 40minutes and feel a lot less desperate about the whole thing. as a matter of fact, i feel downright hopeful for a change.…
  • have lost 2 lbs and gained 2 lbs for the past ...but have finally really committed to the eating and am exercizing every day now. i have high hopes for next check in!:smile:
  • :wink: my origional goal was losing 50 lbs-that would bring me to 150.then i thought of who is was in the first place and it may take 2 yrs but 75 total would bring me back to pre-all-the -babies -weight. granted the "babies" are between the ages of 25 and 31! i used to be really skinny and cute.with a slight built.i want…
  • :flowerforyou: that is so great for you and so motivating to the rest of us!thanks,suev:flowerforyou:
  • :laugh: i forgot-while you're in the process of quitting,you've got to keep busy. i took up suduko last time.:happy:
  • :smile: try chantix-available with really's a pill that works on the nicotine receptors and actually takes the pleasure out of the smoking. it takes time.i've used it once with great results but had a HUGE thing happen and picked up my old friends again.i will use it again-soon. it has side effects for…
  • :drinker: i'm making a 'fake meat" daughter is a vegetarian so i try to accomadate.and definitely a beer! thankfully i'm really good at nursing 1 beer for a long time!!! :laugh: oh and carrots with ff dip. have fun and you know i gotta be a patriot's fan living up here!:bigsmile:
  • :drinker: this is a terrrible question but what is everyone eating during the football games?
  • :wink: it's actually part of the "definition" of insanity! Something like doing the same things and expecting different results! :laugh:
  • :noway: i really think this might make a huge difference-might be a deal breaker.the calories i eat at night have been the ones that are out of control and in my "former life" i wasn't counting them.but they're the ones that pushed me way over the edge and over 200 lbs! hey, i'm really feeling like i'm cracking the code…
  • :flowerforyou: that's soooo great!what made the most difference?:happy:
  • :frown: :huh: my biggest problem is eating at night. a lot of it has to do with sitting in front of the "tube for 4-5 hrs .which is another bad does me no earthly i've decided to challenge myself to "rework" my evening routine,eliminate tv and thus eliminate most of my night time bingeing-yes that's the…
  • :laugh: we went to kennebunk/wells area to cross country ski at laudholm farms-it 's a nature reserve that i think used to be a horse farm.when we got there, we realized that they had no snow! so we walked instead.only 3 1/2 miles but very bumpy terrain with all the ice and then 1 mile or so on the beach(the trail goes…
  • :noway: :grumble: ok people ,because i read the topic about "pushing the needle to the red" last night and was completely blown away by what you all are doing for exercize, i am now going cross country skiing.yes-i know it's not like me but here i go! totally this is all your fault and i thank you for motivating me to get…
  • :noway: i think you'd all be shocked how much sodium is in normal unsalty things like bread, jarred spaghetti sauce and tomatoe juice. chinese food is of course a killer in that respect. all processed foods has sodium like crazy. when my husband first got heart dx, we started to read all labels and couldn't believe how it…
  • :frown: i did finally ask him why he bought icecream when he knew i was on a diet and he looked puzzled and said it was a habit i guess. my husband can be very childlike and oblivious .he's not intentionally mean-he just doesn't get it. what someone said about they had eaten more goodies than any sane person would have…
  • :heart: i like my skin, on my face.for 50,it's really peachy! and i like my legs.all the girls in my family have great legs-right kathy and linda??!!?
  • :laugh: SNEAKING IT IS THE OTHER WAY I GOT THIS FAT!if no one saw me eat it OR if i ate it so fast that i even forgot that i ate it, the calories didn't exist. turns out they do!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • my husband just brought home 2 pints of hagendaaz.i really can't believe it. one of the reasons i'm in this "fix" in the first place is because me and ben and jerry have been best friends for many years! icecream is my ultimate downfall.i feel sure he knows that. we've been married for 31years- the thing is he says things…
  • :angry: the first time someone said that to me was at my wedding 30+ years ago. it was some idiot my parents had invited.he asked me if thats why is was getting married! i need to tell you that i'm 5'6' and at that time i weighed 120lbs!!!!! there's no way in hell i looked pregnant and i have pictures to prove it!!!!! but…
  • :grumble: it's funny i get to this topic just as my husband says"you shopped yesterday and there's no food!" he means there's no cookies,poptarts, suzyq's,bacon,etc. he has diabetes and shouldn't have it anyway not to mention the 5way bipass and 6 stents in his heart! the thing is, in the last 2 yrs,he's lost 75lbs and…
  • i think this is what you're really asking:is the walking you're doing at work gonna help you with your fitness goals.i'm new to all this stuff and i can only give you what i know to be true for me. i'm a nurse and i've worn a pedometer.some days i walk 5 miles in my job and some days i only walk's intermittent like…
  • :laugh: wow-that was my question-i couldn't figure it out last week and i wanted credit for 2 hrs total of shoveling and icepicking (had to open up a big place by bulkhead that hadn't been shoveled yet this winter. I knew i was sore!!!
  • :smile: my new favorite is carrots and ff ranch dressing .it takes a while to eat and it has a good crunch.
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