Hurt feelings



  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    That's horrible!!! She must have some insecurities or other issues in her own life to say that about someone. You probably should feel sorry for her. You just keep your self esteem and your head up and remember that you're a wonderful, valuable person. :flowerforyou:
  • dawn66
    dawn66 Posts: 166
    :smile::heart: You are all such totally amazing people....:heart: Thank you soooo much for the support, you have no idea how much better I feel, I am actually quite overwhelmed. Thank you thank you......:smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • dawn66
    dawn66 Posts: 166
    Hey, don't take that crap from anyone..:explode: ....look her right in the eye and say...nope, just fat, how about you?
    let them stutter and stammer and get all flustered.
    Or say something really off the wall....nope, its the medication the psychologists place gave me for my violent reactions to stupid questions. Don't ever feel you have to apologize in any way for ignorance. People need to be stopped from feeling they can just say anything to anybody. BTW, if that's a current picture you are not fat. Now, believe it. RJ
    hahahaha that is a great reply.... My profile picture is about three years ago, and a few pounds (obviously ) ago. hahahah
  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member
    People only have the power over you that you give them. Don't give the power to hurt you to a complete stranger. You may be overweight (for now) but you are well on your way to self-improvement since you've quit smoking and have chosen a healthy lifestyle.

    It sounds like your customer lacked good sense, good taste, tact and decorum. Those aren't things that can be easily fixed. How awful it must be to live life like that.
  • aslavich
    aslavich Posts: 250 Member
    Aye... people are so ridiculous. You're a beautiful person, we can all tell.

    I hope you have a great afternoon...
    Angela :flowerforyou:
  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    I truly do not believe in tearing other people down to build myself up. I'm sorry that she said that to you. In the long run, you have gained most of this weight, because you quit smoking. So, you are ultimately more healthy than before. People speak before they know the whole story. WE know that you're doing the best you can for yourself. Try not to dwell on it and continue on your path. :flowerforyou:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    F her :mad: . It isn't about the rude people you encounter it is about you and being healthy for you & your family.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    That happened to me too!
    I used to work at Target as a cashier. At the time, I was admittedly overweight. So this lady who was a regular comes into my line. There's a bunch of people behind her and she says to me:

    :noway: Hey, I know you! Ohhhh, you're getting fat!

    IT WAS SO AWKWARD. The people behind her just looked at her, and then looked at me, and I just :embarassed:...didn't really know what to say.

    It did hurt my feelings then, but when you think of how ridiculously tactless and RUDE someone has to be to say that, you realize that their opinion really means nothing anyway. You are absolutely NOT fat! Here's a quote I really like:

    "Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter." :smile:
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    The comment back could be "Well, I'm fat, but you're ugly, in both attitude and looks....and *I* can diet!"
  • bigjug1967
    I feel ya , I get this all the time . " HEY FAT BOY" OH MY gOD YOU HAVE PUT ON SOME WEIGHT" and one of my aunts allways says " boy you are putting on the weight " I am a man , but I hurt inside and keep it all locked up inside and cry to myself sometimes . Today is my 18th day living right and doing something about it , so to all you rude people can eat my dust lol
  • bigjug1967
    I feel for ya , I know how you feel . I have people all the time call me fat boy and ask me knowing that I have gained weight , Have you gained some weight ? Very rude to ask people such embarrasing ?
  • dawn66
    dawn66 Posts: 166
    The comment back could be "Well, I'm fat, but you're ugly, in both attitude and looks....and *I* can diet!"
    oh YAH!!!! I thought about that one, of course after the fact..... But unlike her I would never say that to someone, I was brought up to put yourself in the other persons shoes.... So I obviously had a better mother than her too..... lol :laugh:
  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    I feel ya , I get this all the time . " HEY FAT BOY" OH MY gOD YOU HAVE PUT ON SOME WEIGHT" and one of my aunts allways says " boy you are putting on the weight " I am a man , but I hurt inside and keep it all locked up inside and cry to myself sometimes . Today is my 18th day living right and doing something about it , so to all you rude people can eat my dust lol

    Good for you my friend! I know just what you mean. For some reason people think that if you're a guy and you're fat, it's okay to say things that cut and hurt. You hang in there, and if you ever need anything, give me a holler!
  • suevittorioso
    :angry: the first time someone said that to me was at my wedding 30+ years ago. it was some idiot my parents had invited.he asked me if thats why is was getting married! i need to tell you that i'm 5'6' and at that time i weighed 120lbs!!!!! there's no way in hell i looked pregnant and i have pictures to prove it!!!!! but now adays it happens here and there because i carry all my weight in my stomach -it's usually a little old lady and i just give her a wise crack back-(in the nicest possible way,of course). people these days have no's really a shame. it's the same way they feel free to discuss the food on your plate.
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    Once when I was 17 (smaller than I am now and NOT fat) a someone said (in front of everyone at a store)
    "Wow what are you doing to yourself? You're getting some fat!" and did that to me every time I went to that store!!
    Over the weeks that followed I over ate a lot and got really depressed and then went on a huge diet and over exercised, starved myself, etc and lost 50 lbs. I was so stick thin and she STILL would say to me, "You're not that thin."
    Even when my mom expressed concern to her about how I wasn't eating etc she still refused to say anything positive.
    Thank goodness I came out of that horrible cycle and can now do things the healthy way!!

    Don't worry about what anyone else thinks- you're doing this for you and I bet you're already reaping the benefits!!
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    The comment back could be "Well, I'm fat, but you're ugly, in both attitude and looks....and *I* can diet!"
    oh YAH!!!! I thought about that one, of course after the fact..... But unlike her I would never say that to someone, I was brought up to put yourself in the other persons shoes.... So I obviously had a better mother than her too..... lol :laugh:

    Ah...then here's one... "I may be overweight but at least *I* have manners..."
  • littlespoon
    Hey, think about it this way: Can you IMAGINE how embarrassing it must be to be HER?

    To walk around NOT KNOWING that she's such an idiot?
    Walking around saying things like that and people hearing her and saying to each other "Oh my god, did you hear what she said?"

    You just outed a silly person!! congrats!! :drinker: :laugh: :laugh: