bear73000 Member


  • I have a similar situation with my older sister. I've been trying to get her to exercise and try to make better decision about her health. She has been trying to start, but it's very slow going. It is hard to on me as well. All I can say is don't give up on him. You just have to keep working on him and try to keep it…
  • Life can get in the way...It's great that you are getting back on track tho.
  • Try focusing on why you are trying to live more healthy. You may also want to try and just make a healthy snack.
  • It sounds like you have a lot of changes going on in your life. I wouldn't lose your patience yet. In the big picture, 3 weeks isn't that long. Trying setting small goals for yourself each day. Sometimes people try to do it all at one time. It's about forming habits. Eating large meals are one of my issues as well. I know…
  • Im in the same boat right now. I did awesome for 9 months and than spent the last 8 weeks not even trying. I stop doing weigh ins and tracking. I knew I was putting weight on, but it took a couple things to slap me in the face. One is my smaller close where not fitting anymore and the other was a guy I hadn't seen in…
  • Sorry to say this about your sister, but what a @!#ch. You have to focus on all the positive responses you got from your family!!
    in What???? Comment by bear73000 March 2013
  • You just have to be honest with those people. Tell them they aren't being respectful to what you are doing. As far as the BF, not much positive to say about that one and how he is treating.
  • First of all great job on the changes you are making and you are making great progress!! It's hard for me to look at myself and see the changes I have made as well. I'm not sure I can offer any valuable advice for you, but just keep doing what you are doing. I think the biggest challenge is recognizing the things about…
  • MFP is a great motivation for me. Being able to buy clothes at a normal store! Going out and actually being noticed by others in a positive way.
  • My first tip to offer you is that you aren't on a diet. You are making a lifestyle change to living a healthier life. I wouldn't look at it as for the next six weeks or the next six month's I am going to loose the weight. You have to change that way of thinking. The changes you are making will have to continue for your…
    in Support Comment by bear73000 March 2013
  • I agree with many of the posts. You will have this happen. It's part of life. You are already ahead now that you can see you feel off and admitted it too yourself. You just have to go back to what you were doing before.
  • My worst times for over eating was about an hour after I ate dinner. I would finish dinner and sit in front of the tv and start the count down on what I was going to have for a post dinner snack. When I decided to start making changes in my life, the first thing I started was going to the gym after I ate dinner. This way I…
  • The binge eating always my biggest problem. The evenings are my worst times for it. I've tried changing my routines in the evening. Instead of going to the gym right after work, I will go home cook watch the news or do somethings around the house. Than I head off to the gym, it seems to work for me. You have to get…
  • I've learned thro life style classes on living healthier that it's ok to have splurge on a meal or worst a day or two. I would keep track of it still, but you just have to get back on your changes. Set small goals for yourself and don't be afraid to give yourself a reward here and there. It's about being happy too. Keep it…
  • Just keep doing what you are doing. The scale will start taking care of itself if you keep up with your changes.
  • Weekends do really suck for me too. I tend to go to the gym twice a day just to help balance a bit more. I would really suggest logging what you are eating. Maybe actually seeing it in your face like that will slowly change what your are taking in. Do your friends and family know you are struggling? See if there are…
  • Hang in there man...I wouldn't worry about the weight so much. Over time it will take care of itself. What's more important you are making great changes to your lifestyle. You will see the payoff over time!!
  • Do you want to use them because you are really hungry or just in a habit of snaking? If you really need them because you feel run down, I would. If you want to use them just because they are there, leave them. You would be surprised how rewarding it would make you feel.
  • WOW...thanks for the great response everyone!!
  • Hi Elizabeth...i'm not a stress eater. I struggle in the evening after dinner. Left overs around 9 o'clock is when I get in trouble. friend me if you like.
  • Welcome...This site has helped me...Good Luck
  • Try going with him to pick out your own foods. Buy just enough of what he likes and enough of what you like to keep the cost the same.
  • Some weeks are like that. I wouldn't worry about the results of the scale so heavily on your motivation. If you stick with your changes, the scale will take care of itself. I have been stuck for a month now. I have kept up with my calories and exercise with not real change to the scale. I think my body is just resting a…
  • has everything a person could ever want. apps/ music/internet/great camera. easy to use
  • You seem to be doing really good on what you are doing for lunch and dinner. A few things I would suggest trying if it was me. With the amount of calories you are burning, you should really look at setting your calories per day to around 1600. You would be surprised how much you can eat in a day and stay around that…
  • I will have to change things up a bit. I just have to buckle down and reignite the fire under me. I am just about half way to my target weight. I lost the 60 pounds in 4 months, 70 more to go. I think 6 months would be a reachable goal. Thanks all again for your support. It's what I needed.
  • thanks all. I do appreciate it...I will be at the gym tonight
  • thanks for the encouragement