Losing motivation

Hi All,

I'm starting to feel a bit fed up. I'm not sure what's wrong. 10 weeks in and I have lost almost 3lbs, my body fat% has dropped by more than that though. I should be pleased with myself and motivated but I just want to stop having to think about everything I eat. I don't want to go to the gym. I do want to be slimmer than I am though! Catch 22!!

Tempted to stop MFP but don't really want to, I need something to remotivate me, I want to look in the mirror and see some of my effort paying off. I know I am getting fitter from my gym workouts as my runs are faster/further but it isn't enough when I can't physically see anythng different

Am I just a bit bored? should I have a splurge and forget about it for a few days get back on the wagon next week or should I carry on logging regardless?

Any thoughts on what I can do?



  • theblondetrick
    theblondetrick Posts: 192 Member
    DO NOT take even one day off!
    Once you get off track,it'll be so hard to get back.

    Stick to it,and you'll make it,eventually.Maybe you won't lose all the weight in few weeks,maybe not in few months,maybe not even in a year,but some day you will and it's worth the waiting and the hard work.

    Also,try to somehow motivate yourself,because nobody can motivate you as well as you can do it yourself.
  • lambchoplewis
    I decided to weight myself every morning at the same time, check-in on MFP, put food for day and exercise. I hated this at first but then it became fun to see if the scale number dropped. It helps me stop putting things in my mouth as I know I will have to get on scale the next day. BUT>>>>> don't get depressed if number goes up!! I have gained 3-4 lbs in one day!! This is water weight and will go away. I know that maintaining and slowly losing is the only way to go.

    Just start and before you know it, you will be in the habit of MFP and it works!!!
  • OldNavy022
    OldNavy022 Posts: 11 Member
    First, Be proud of yourself, you are making strides toward a healthy life, that needs to be life-long. Your running times are getting faster, again be proud. Don't stop, allow yourself a treat once in a while, but only in moderation. But Do not stop fighting, YOU are worth it!
  • bear73000
    bear73000 Posts: 52 Member
    I've learned thro life style classes on living healthier that it's ok to have splurge on a meal or worst a day or two. I would keep track of it still, but you just have to get back on your changes. Set small goals for yourself and don't be afraid to give yourself a reward here and there. It's about being happy too.

    Keep it up!