How To Get Back On Track After Binging For Over A Week

Every morning I have great intentions of getting back on track. I even can have a whole day of being good, close out my diary and then just binge again. I was doing great for over a month and then had a bad weekend that became a bad week. My willpwer seems lost.

Breakfast is never a problem, it's as the day goes on I pick, I nosh, I eat the wrong food. There is ALWAYS chocolate in my office, it's not going to be put away so that's out of the question. For a good year I didn't touch the chocolate - had one bad day and I went into a serious chcolate binge.

How do I find my willpower again? My motivation? I can't imagine I am the only person that had a hard time getting back on track, even though I so want to.


  • bear73000
    bear73000 Posts: 52 Member
    Im in the same boat right now. I did awesome for 9 months and than spent the last 8 weeks not even trying. I stop doing weigh ins and tracking. I knew I was putting weight on, but it took a couple things to slap me in the face. One is my smaller close where not fitting anymore and the other was a guy I hadn't seen in awhile called me out.

    I am trying to get back on board. I am starting with small goals like I did before. I hope to be fully back on board soon. I have to say it sucks, but you just have to be honest with yourself and just do it!! easier said than done, right?
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I feel lke I've been doing that for about 2-3 weeks now. Sometimes we just need a break. I "refocused" over the weekend and started new this morning. Sometimes you have to just let go and have those things that you've been depriving yourself of.

    Although I have to laugh because I tried a diet orange crush over the weekend, and my 6 year old trots in and says, "that stuff will rot your teeth." I about fell out of my chair! LOL

    Get it out of your system, and then start back up. You can do it!
  • mklassy123
    mklassy123 Posts: 153
    I guess it helps to know I'm not alone, that this is a normal part of this. I am going to stop beating myself up and just get back on track, I hope. I just wish I knew what it was that made me get so off track.
  • weatheredcheese
    weatheredcheese Posts: 112 Member
    I had a bad week, the trick is to have a bad week that isn't soo bad you completely undo all the work you have done.
    Last week was my bad week, I still made sure I excercised, at the end of the week I still put on 1.2lb.
    I find it easier to try and cut most things out but if you know you have a lot of excercise on one day to plan a more indulgent dinner, using up some of your excercise calories (not all)
  • IsobellaGeneva
    I'm in the same position of wanting to get back on track yet struggling to do so. After two months of being in a good routine I began eating copious amounts of peanut butter and now for almost two weeks I've been binging nearly every other day even though I'm not usually hungry when it happens . Skipping workouts from feeling too full and sick has been occurring frequently too. Just today I've gone over my calorie limit by about 2,200 , skipped my workout, and have gained about six pounds in all from doing this over and over during the last month and a half.
    For me, the trigger has almost always been peanut butter and , after exceeding my calories, the old familiar " I'll do better tomorrow" mindset which leads to justifying further bad and unnecessary food choices. Eating in the middle of the night is a problem too since it adds so many calories that it's impossible to make up for it by cutting them out later from other meals. I can't keep PB out of the house since others eat it, so I'm going to get some for myself that are in pre- portioned cups instead of a jar like last time that's too easy to keep having " smidgens" and " one more spoonful" out of , and spread it on low calorie 100% wheat bread with 1/2 to 1 banana for a delicious sandwich I can look forward to that won't ruin my diet and render my exercise efforts useless.
    You're definitely not alone in this struggle. It's frustrating and hard, but we can't do anything more than just try our hardest to get back on track. :smile: Good luck :smile: