Cold, Depressed and Hungry

I'm finding it hard to resist the urge to over eat today. I'm tired, I'm cold, I'm depressed and all I seem to be able to think about is eating. Looking for any support, encouragement, ideas, words of advice/wisdom, etc. to help me stay strong.


  • bear73000
    bear73000 Posts: 52 Member
    Try focusing on why you are trying to live more healthy. You may also want to try and just make a healthy snack.
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    I get like this sometimes. Fix the easiest things first-: the cold and tired--bundle up, turn up the heat or turn on a space heater, try and take a nap. If you are at work and cant sleep try some coffee, if you cant control the heat in an office, sit at your desk with your coat on. I have had to do that before. I even had to wear my gloves :tongue:

    Try and fight the urge to eat. Even when I am depressed I dont want to destroy the work I have done by eating when I am not hungry. I know how hard that is. I will try and drink instead ( and I dont mean alcohol :wink: ). I usually go for tea because it is zero calories or coffee ( mine is only 10 calories when I make it). When I do feel like eating for the sake of eating I'll still count out the portion sizes of chips or sweets. I do tend to snack more when I am home and depressed but you can still do that without going overboard.

    If you are somewhere where you can take a nap--- Try Bedtime Story Tea or Sleepy Time Tea. They really do make you fall asleep. The Sleepy time didnt do it for me but the Bedtime Story Tea made me fall asleep last night. It is usually some type of chamomile blend of different flavors.
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    Did you have a baby recently (guessing from the pic)? Some us us can get PP hypothyroidism which has similar symptoms. Also, if you are BFing you will be pretty hungry most of the time.

    Did you calculate your TDEE and are trying to eat around a small deficit, maybe 10% if BFing?
  • kayaksara
    kayaksara Posts: 157 Member
    You can get through it. Have faith. I drink warm tea. It makes me full I can't even think of eating. If you want to eat, eat the good clean food. It will put you in a healthier mindset and after eating your fruits and veggies you probably won't want to dig in to some crap food. Or gum....I use it when I everyone else is eating their dessert. It will be worth it if you can control today. At the end of the day or in the morning, you will realize it wasn't so hard. And hopefully feel more empowered. You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • assblaster69
    assblaster69 Posts: 47 Member
    Then eat
  • olyabe
    olyabe Posts: 36
    Overeat something relatively healthy then, and give yourself a treat. My rule is that I must eat 2 green apples for each 0.5 oz dark chocolate square. Usually I have trouble making it to the second piece of chocolate, and I do fill full. Also works with mangos and pineapples. I like those, and the damage is minimal... and it does make you feel full.
    Feeling cold sucks, but you do burn more calories when you are cold :)
  • ComputerHabit
    RRRRUUUUUNNNNN or something that will get your blood pumping. It will help curb the appetite. Or at least get your mind off of that food.

    Really if you are hungry it's your body saying something. Maybe you are missing something. You know you only get really hungry if you don't have enough fats in your diet. Eat an avacado!
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Jumping jacks and pushups.
    Its hard but doing some excersize will warm u up.
    And u cant eat while doing jumping jacks,
  • MeganKSchultz
    Great suggestions! My baby is actually 16 months now and we weaned about 2 months ago (that's why I'm here, I gained almost 10 lbs. after weaning and got to my highest weight ever.) So I might be able to do some push ups or sit ups, but I can't just hop on the elliptical or take a nap.

    I usually let myself have a sweet every day, usually in the evening. I moved it to after lunch and then had 2 glasses of water. I'm starting to get over it I think.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    If you are that hungry, you need to eat.
  • zonah
    zonah Posts: 216 Member
    A hot bath, a hot tea and a funny movie. Eat a huge salad with light dressing.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    How would eating solve any problems outside of hunger? If you're hungry, then eat. If not, eating will not make it better.
  • Photomandy
    Photomandy Posts: 56 Member
    Way to log on and reach out for support!

    Put warm socks and a sweater on, do some jumping jacks... grab a hand full of almonds and/or a banana, drink a big glass of water...
    and remember what you're doing is such a gift to yourself and your family! Oh, and Spring really is around the corner. :) I was just thinking that if being colder happens when you lose weight, maybe I won't spend quite as much on A/C this Summer. :)
  • clairegogogo
    Hang in there! As a stress eater myself I can totally relate to you! Some ways help me get through is a cup of hot green tea - keeps your energy level up, warm and mind off food. A really interesting TV series (recommend's mind opening and frankly quite gross sometimes, kills my appetite). Or, 2 scoops of protein powder in your water, make it a delicious drink.

    You can get pass this! Remember how good you'll feel if you make the right choices today.

    A quote I like:
    Face your stuff, don't stuff your face.
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    water-drink water, and find that blanket.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    1.) Wrap yourself in your favorite blanket.
    2.) Put on your favorite comedy, even if you're so depressed you don't think it will help.
    3.) Make hot chocolate, coffee, or tea. Whatever floats your boat and keeps you warm.
    4.) Give yourself permission to go over on your calorie goal for the day. If you're craving anything in particular, have it. Try to go for individual sizes; we don't want this to turn into a binge!

    I'm a strong believer that sometimes it's okay to emotionally eat. It's human nature to associate foods with comfort. (Why do you think meatloaf is called a /comfort food/? :P ) My only problem with this is when comfort eating turns into bingeing. So I opt not to make the food or go get the food myself. I have someone else run out to my favorite mexican restaurant and get a half-order of nachos that way there's no temptation to order a full-sized entree or gorge on the chips and salsa before the meal.

    Hope you feel better soon.
  • sforhan
    sforhan Posts: 2 Member
    Have some healthy broth-based soup.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Then eat

  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    Fatigue and depression run hand-in-hand. I'm battling both. I'm finding that moving around (walking, resistance bands, etc) help me with the general malaise. The hard part is getting started on the exercise/moving. For me, every single day is a struggle.

    As far as the cold goes, that *could* be the temperature in your area/home. It *could* be hypothyroidism. It *could* be that you are coming down with a "bug".

    Also, as already mentioned, your body could be rundown from all the work that goes into caring for a newborn. It's not easy, but if you could get someone (hubby, mom, friend) to take over the care for just half a day once or twice a week that could help.

    The eating is not something I can comment on. Your diary is closed, so it's impossible to tell if you need to eat more calories, or if you are one of those people (like me) who could benefit from eating a lot more protein and a little less carbs. If you are breast feeding, your calorie requirements will be more than a new mom who is not nursing.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Are you actually HUNGRY,...of just feel like eating just because its cold outside and you're feeling down?

    If you're truly hungry, then find something healthy, but emotional eating will NOT make you feel will make you feel worse. Distract yourself with exercise, a big glass of water, a good book, or whatever it will take.