

  • ok that looks yummy and using foods I really enjoy so question: how exactly do you do it? is it layered? or all mixed together? in a casserole or small separate portions? Any pictures? :tongue: Sorry for all the questions but I would really like to try this and want to make sure I prepare it properly! thank you :-)
  • I'm not sure 30-day shred is still available for free on youtube - I checked not too long ago and wasn't there anymore but maybe it's back. In any case, I also suggest starting with 30-day shred first. I found Ripped in 30 to me much harder! But very efficient!!!
  • Oh my...I feel blond right now...:-) I just hadn't looked at the entire book...I had stopped at the exercises secton...lol:-) In any case, thank you!! I also bought the app, just 1.99$ so it's ok :-)
  • Hi, I just bought the book and read the first chapters and now am ready to start the training. but I am not sure how or where to start? With which exerises? for how long? I know he explains some different types of training-routine, but it's just not clear to me...I think I need to re-read this section again. I will also…
  • Thanks:-) i'm thinking of doing this...!
  • I get up at 4h45am to workout and I don't eat anything before. It works for me, but maybe some people need to eat something before - but then again, I guess you would have to wait at least 30 min before starting to exercise... Try and see what works best for you? I workout, shower and get prepared for work, then I eat my…
  • Wow! Amazing!! What has been your workout routine?
  • Wow.you look really amazing! Very inspiring for me who wants to try and start lifting weights !!
  • I posted the same question-topic as you not too long ago... I wonder the same thing... Same here, I lost about 15 lbs, I am 5'3", went from size 8 to 4. My husband and immediate family are noticing and complimenting, but my friends or co-workers, not really... I notice that they look at me, but don't say anything...
  • Are you using the videos on you tube? because the links in the original post are no longer working... Or maybe I will nee to go out and buy the dvd...
  • the links no longer work...:-( I wanted to start that today... :mad:
  • I have the same issue...i'm ok with my weight, but still have that belly fat...I've started low carb a few weeks ago and it definetely helps. I'm also doing core exercise, strenght and cardio (30 DS). I'm hoping it will help!
  • Wow... Very inspiring and touching. You both look amazing! Congrats and happy anniversary!
  • Same here! I eat clean and healthy stuff, and focus more on staying low carb so I don't always hit my 1200 net. I don't worry much, as I feel fine and I listen to my body!
  • I'm also doing 30DS,I'm at level 2 now. I am definitely seeing results, but found it hard to be motivated the past 2 days for some reason... I have to kick my butt to do it !! Feel free to add me as I would love to have friends to help stay motivated at this... :-))) We can do this !
  • HI, I'm also 5'3" and I'm at 119 lbs now. Started at 132 lbs. I was wondering the same questions as you, because i'm also starting to hear from my family things like: You are not going to lose anymore are you? My goal now is really to tone up, and lose a bit of body fat %. Trying to get rid of some belly fat that just…
  • hmmmm... I wonder if I can use Almond milk to make my cappucino in the morning instead of skim milk... I think I will try this...!
  • hmmmm...Not sure... I don't like eating in the evening, so I would definetly eat more today, but I like the idea of a smooties when you get back home!
  • oh...thanks... I did not knwo you had to tap it everytime to get a reading... I'll may look into the chest wrap thing then... I though it was visible and that people could see you with it... I don't want to attract attention from others in the class...I'm kind of a shy person!
  • You can log it as 'circuit training"...that is what I do...
  • Found this one here that doesn't require a chest wrap...: http://www.futureshop.ca/en-CA/product/sportline-sportline-solo-watch-with-heart-rate-monitor-915-grey-915/10165937.aspx?path=091e6e87bac7365e506e0f70b1f4274een02
  • Sorry for intruding in the OP here... but could I step in and ask a follow-up question? Can you get just heart rate monitor watch (without chest wrap)? I do not want to wear a chest wrap when I exercise, and for things like going to my Yoga or Pilates class (no one wears these). Is the watch sufficiant to at least get an…
  • I'm also seeing some changes in arms and abs! My endurance is a bit better also. I try to do the workout 5 days a week, or 6 if I am not too sore or if I'm not doing any other exercise. :smile:
  • I have just started eating low carb, and right now I am keeping it under 100 gr a day - usually around 60-80 gr ( probably less when excluding the fiber), I have my goals set at 40-30-30. I am trying not to eat rice, pasta, bread, etc. I'm not sure where I am goinf with this, will see where this takes me! So far I love it!
  • Je suis déjà à 1200 cal par jour donc je participe...:-) vous venez de où? Je suis du Québec.
  • Mostly: - veggies and low fat dip - fresh fruits - yogourt - low fat cheese (cottage, brick, whatever!) - natural peanut butter on celeri - And I just discovered those dessert yogourts at just 35 cal...On my god..I would have them 3 times a day...:-)
  • I just started level 2, and took my measurements before I started level 1. I will take them again after level 3 is complete. I am losing weight, but I was losing weight also before I started 30 DS... But I can definitely see changes in my endurance and some muscles (especially my arms!) and abs. My tummy seems flatter, I…
  • I am sorry for you loss... I can imagine how you feel...our dog is 12 yrs old and we know that time will come one day....They are such a faithful companion and really part of the family... Hugs to you...