dawnp1833 Member


  • You get the intervention every time? That shot that stops your heart? You are very brave. They did that to me once (well, twice because it didn't work, so they tried a larger dose, which didn't work either) and after that there is no way I'd ever let them do it again. That is the worst thing ever. It seems like it happens…
  • @funusername - You're lucky it's only a few seconds. I've had heart rates over 190 for over 12 hours multiple times. Usually they're only 30 minutes to an hour. I was told that the reason for the surgery is this: (the simplified version) usually you have one electric spark in your heart that makes it beat. For some reason…
  • Hi - sorry I haven't checked in for awhile. I'm back now. Sorry to hear you've been through a rough time. My car was rear ended by someone in August, so I know how frustrating that whole process is. I'm glad you handled it all so well, got to take a vacation and that everything worked out. I totally understand about…
  • Staying together in a dysfunctional relationship just gives your kids a bad example of what a relationship should look like. They're going to grow up to be in unhappy relationships and think that is what's normal. Or to think that the only way they are worthy of love is if they have a perfect body.
  • Are Florida and Connecticut your only options? Maybe this is the opportunity to strike out on one of those grand adventures somewhere totally new and exciting. California? New York? Paris?
  • Hi, Thanks ladies. I'm ok. Just feeling kind of lost. Lots of things happening at work - the CEO is afraid he's going to get in trouble, so he's firing and demoting people to make it look like it was their fault and he's fixing it. Which leads to terrible morale and lots of us nervous that we could be next. And I wasn't…
  • Maybe your wife is really confident in herself and your love for her and this doesn't apply. But I can tell you - if my husband said he thought I should eat healthier, I'd just hear "now that I'm fit, you are no longer attractive to me or worthy of my love." Yes, you should set good examples for your child and encourage…
  • Way to go! Congratulations on keeping it under control. I hope they've gotten your AC fixed by now.
  • Brenn that's great! You should think of yourself. You are awesome and you deserve to be happy!
  • Brenn - it's not about tasting good for me sometimes either. You're not alone there. Sometimes I eat something based on its texture, because it's comforting. The thing about stepping on feet - I am horrible about confrontation and when I read this I realized what a push over I am. I have literally let someone stand on my…
  • Hi Brenn, So glad to hear you're feeling good and having some fun. Keep living and keep standing up for yourself. You deserve a happy life.
  • I'm an old nerd. Well, older than most of the people on this thread.
  • AAAhhhhhhh! You can't leave me hanging like that! What happens? Where can I read the rest of this??!!
  • Abby and everyone else who said they didn't want to cosply because of their weight - I'm a photographer and shot an anime convention last year. It was super fun and there were people of all shapes, sizes, ages, etc. there. Don't wait - just go. You'll be glad you did! Everyone there had a great time and the people there…
  • Bookworm - thanks for the suggestion - I always forget about Old Navy. Brenn- I'm glad to hear that you're focusing on the things that make you happy. Congratulations on the progress you've made.
  • I'm a little late to the conversation but for summer I'm planning a glorious stress free summer! I'm going from working 3 jobs to just working my one regular 8 to 5 and that's it. I'm going to cook and stop eating take out all the time. I'm going to go for lots of dog walks (because one of my dogs gained weight right along…
  • YES! I noticed a serious change in my body, shape, strength and stamina before I got to day 10. And for the first few days I could barely even do it. I was amazed by the results.
  • Brenn, If you click on SusanJean's name and bring up her profile, there's a place where you can click "send a message" to send her a message. Depending on how her settings are, she will likely get an email at her personal email address letting her know she has a message here. It might be worth a try to reach out to her. I…
  • I know I'm a bit late on this reply but I know how you feel. My sister was planning to move to Oregon a couple of months ago and I was so nervous about it. (she ended up deciding not to go). It's so hard to imagine your life without the people who are so important to you. But on the bright side, there is internet and…
  • I had a similar holiday. My nephew moved to Oregon last year and his girlfriend had a baby, so my sister and her family went to spend Christmas with them. We are used to having the kids around on Christmas, but this year it was just my parents, grandma, husband and I. It was quiet and sort of lonely, but we made the best…
  • Hi Brenn - How are you feeling? Are you getting any better? Some terrible cold and cough has been going around in my area too. Take care of yourself and don't beat yourself up over a small slip up. When you feel bad, you do what you can to make it better. Once you're well, you get back on track. You're right - look how far…
  • You may be healed by now, since this post is a couple of weeks old, but....I have the same injury you describe between my spine and shoulder, with my hand going to sleep. It has come and gone for about 4 years. Doctor gave me an anti-inflammatory. I've been to a chiropractor, which seems to help a lot. Or if I can get my…
  • Good for you! I'm proud of you for sticking to your guns. This is something I'm not good at so I know how difficult it can be. You deserve to be treated with respect. Great job!
  • Hi Brenn, I have been gone awhile, but was glad to come back and see this post. I'm so happy for you that you had the courage to resign and are on your way to a new and improved situation. I'm so happy for you!
  • Ladypinktulip - I feel your pain. It's so easy to comfort myself with food - I never really looked at it as punishing myself before, but I guess that's what it is. I hope it gets better soon. Sending positive thoughts your way.
  • I think all of mine have already been said above but... For me, art projects for sure. Keeps me focused on what I'm doing so I'm not thinking about food. Also playing with the dogs and gardening. Exercise helps, but when I'm stressed, sick or upset, I never want to do that.
  • My goal is just to "get it together." One thing after another has happened lately and it's always an excuse to eat comfort food and not exercise. I want to just get over it and move forward. On the positive side, a group of ladies from work have started a walking group after work. We walk for about 30 minutes every night.…
  • I think it's easy for children (even adult children) to forget that their mother is a person with feelings too. She's probably got some issue that has nothing to do with you, but can take her anger out on you because you'll still love her anyway. She's wrong and it's mean of her, and there is no excuse for it. But…
    in TRIGGER! Comment by dawnp1833 June 2013
  • I feel like this all the time. Congratulations on getting back on track so quickly. You're doing great!
    in slip Comment by dawnp1833 June 2013
  • I'm glad this guy is your ex. What a nasty thing to say after you've gone so far out of your way to give him a pleasant night with his daughter. I love your attitude and I'm happy to hear you're over it!