Is 30 day shred worth it?

ruthaz Posts: 10 Member
I've had the 30 day shred for months but never actually done it. I'm going on holiday in just under 30 days (yikes!) so was thinking about doing this for a last minute push to lose some of those extra lbs. I've heard mixed reviews so just wondering what people's opinions are?


  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    I loved doing it and yes its hard but its also worth it!
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    Many people love it!!!
  • jnagy9886
    jnagy9886 Posts: 48 Member
    I am a huge fan of 30 day shred. I didn't love it at first and I gave up 5 minutes into it more times than I'd care to admit. My mind wasn't strong enough then to tell myself I could do it. Nowadays, I am able to do the full level 1 without stopping. I haven't lost any pounds yet (today is day 21) but I've lost a considerable amount of inches off my stomach plus my thigh and arm muscles are much stronger. I take a lot of progress pictures and I see a noticeable difference since starting the program. Good luck and remember mind over matter!!
  • ruthaz
    ruthaz Posts: 10 Member
    Wow that's amazing, I think I'll definitely give it a go starting tonight! I'm not so bothered about the pounds, it's the inches! I think that's what I need to remember, mind over matter! Thank you!
  • scole1008
    scole1008 Posts: 19 Member
    So worth it! Your clothes will fit so differently at the end of it, I have lost 10 lbs doing it but I have also watched my diet. It's tough, really tough, I have a love hate relationship with it! I have never once regretted getting up and doing the workout and you will be so glad when its done.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Go for it! I lost inches all over and it made me feel great. Just remember to pair it with a good diet. :)
  • ruthaz
    ruthaz Posts: 10 Member
    Brilliant! I've got clothes for my holiday that don't quite fit comfortably yet so hopefully by the time it comes round they will, as long as I keep thinking about the end result, not the pain! Thank you
  • Iorns78
    Iorns78 Posts: 118 Member
    I love the that program! I have done it twice, both times seeing many results, I was impressed with the strength that I gained as well. I was just thinking about starting the program again with my T25. Good Luck!
  • ruthaz
    ruthaz Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone very helpful I'll definitely give it a go
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Yup. See profile picture.
  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    I agree with previous posts....definitely worth doing. Inches and/or pounds. You will not regret doing it!! Good luck :-) I finished 30 Day Shred and just started Ripped in 30! 10lbs down and inches too....
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    YES! I noticed a serious change in my body, shape, strength and stamina before I got to day 10. And for the first few days I could barely even do it. I was amazed by the results.
  • yodeano
    yodeano Posts: 6

    I have the 30 day shred but can not get past day 5! I do see a difference in the 5 days, but for whatever reason, my motivation goes out the window! :/ help.
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    Totally a great workout if you push yourself and actually do it 30 days in a row. Even if you don't have any energy or motivation, stick in the DVD and just do it. Some days I'm in no mood and don't push myself to make it harder, and some days I go crazy and do the extreme versions of every move. Point is, if you do it every day, you'll see some sort of results.

    Today was day 16 (day 6 of level 2) and I can already see a noticeable difference in my midsection and thighs. Good luck! I'm going to shoot you a friend request because I'm in this really awesome group for the 30DS I wan't to invite you to.
  • deb19692004
    deb19692004 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi I just started yesterday. I was able to do more today than yesterday (she is tough) lol.......can't wait to see the difference in 30 days!!! Did everyone do it for 30 days straight or did you have a rest day?
  • ruthaz
    ruthaz Posts: 10 Member
    Totally a great workout if you push yourself and actually do it 30 days in a row. Even if you don't have any energy or motivation, stick in the DVD and just do it. Some days I'm in no mood and don't push myself to make it harder, and some days I go crazy and do the extreme versions of every move. Point is, if you do it every day, you'll see some sort of results.

    Today was day 16 (day 6 of level 2) and I can already see a noticeable difference in my midsection and thighs. Good luck! I'm going to shoot you a friend request because I'm in this really awesome group for the 30DS I wan't to invite you to.

    Thanks so much that'll really help!
  • aishmartin
    aishmartin Posts: 468 Member
    Hi I just started yesterday. I was able to do more today than yesterday (she is tough) lol.......can't wait to see the difference in 30 days!!! Did everyone do it for 30 days straight or did you have a rest day?

    I would also like to know this.

    Straight through?

    Rest days?
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    Ok, ok, I'll be "That Girl."

    I've tried it. Three times. The first time I was trying to do it 6 days a week, with one to rest. And wound up hurting myself because my muscles weren't used to that sort of strain.

    The second time I was doing it every other day. And wound up hurting myself. (Though that one was my own fault - turns out I have the worst running form ever, even when I'm just jumping around in place.)

    But aside from all that, I was getting stronger and seeing results! My advice is to take it easy, don't try to rush into it every day if you're too tired for good form, and listen to your body. Injuries suck, and if you're not used to this sort of thing there's a real chance for one.

    ETA: I'm doing it again now that my leg healed, but not as a 30-day program - just as something to do when I can't get outside or go to my karate class.
  • deb19692004
    deb19692004 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks so much for your response. Do not want a injury at all. Thanks again :)
  • Yes!! Soooo worth the 20minutes!!
  • KardioKim
    KardioKim Posts: 160 Member
    Do it. I've had tremendous success with it (30 pound loss).

    I did it for way more than 30 days but if you pace yourself and do it, whether you feel like it or not, you will see results!