Pinkgingham_19 Member


  • I started stronglifts last week after a looooong hiatus from lifting. Walked into the gym, up to the the squat rack, which was already loaded with a couple 45s. Unloaded the weights, set up the safeties, got under the bar, unracked it....and then promptly realized it was too heavy for me, reracked it, walked over to the…
  • race day magic will get you there, no worries.
  • i could have written this myself. I was just telling my boyfriend last night how looking at the happy people in restaurants bums me out. I don't go out to eat and I get severe anxiety when I have to eat foods that I can't weigh and log so I cook everything myself from scratch. I don't enjoy anything anymore because I'm…
  • sending fr now. About me: 5'8, just under 120lbs (116.4 this morning), currently run about 20 miles a week, planning on returning to lifting and cutting down on running for the winter. May as well use the extra calories from Thanksgiving/Christmas to add muscle! Just upped calories last week to 1400 gross, very nervous to…
  • There's nothing wrong with a thigh gap. Just like there is nothing wrong with brown hair or green eyes or white skin. Thigh gap should not be a goal. Just like having green eyes should not be a goal. Both of them are just a fact, a trait. Having a thigh gap is not a positive, it's not a negative, it's just a thing.
  • SIzes frustrate the hell out of me. Currently, at 5'7 and 3/4 and 158 lbs, I wear a 13/14 in pants. I'd love to be a size 6, but when I was 128lbs and lifting heavy, I was still in 10 or 12s....
  • Poor sleep can definitely be a sign of overtraining/undereating. Why don't you try eating at less of a deficit for a couple weeks and see what happens?
  • I'm canadian, but for two of us, usually around 100-125 a week at the grocery store, 15 a week on coffee, and maybe a 100 dollar Costco trip once every 6 weeks. Eating out, we save it for special occasions so maybe once a month?
  • My mom is an excellent cook. When I was young, our family was on a very tight budget, and my mom made delicious meals out of pretty much nothing. Unfortunately our whole family was overweight, mostly due to portion sizes. I taught myself how to cook. I'm always reading food blogs, collecting recipes (which I use as…
  • Both locations of my gym nearest to me have huge issues with parking. Yesterday at one of them, I saw cars lined up 10 or 12 deep (on to the "highway") just to get into the parking lot! So, I go to the one that is about 20 mins skytrain/walk away.
  • just a note- you want to buy canned wild sockeye. pink salmon is terrible.
  • I don't log spices (but do log fresh garlic, ginger, chiles) I don't log coffee but do log the milk in it. I don't log gum or my one can of diet pop a day.
  • Finally! So many people talk about going to restaurants and ordering chicken breast and broccoli, putting half in a doggy bag, and "tracking the calories" As if thin and healthy people never overindulge! Personally, I try to make all my food myself. It's delicious, and I know exactly whats in it. If I make something at…
  • I want to be in single digit sizes, hopefully size 6, but at 5'8 and 128lbs I was still struggling to fit some size 12s. That was also with regular weight training. My waist was under 25 ins. I just don't get it.
  • Just feel the need to chime in, for any women who would like contraception without the hormones and without barrier methods- the copper IUD is awesome! Only downside is heavier cramping and heavier periods, but it's not a nightmare or anything, Doctors are still in the dark ages for the most part about IUDs, but a…
  • if your goals are say, endurance training related, then it's best to do them different days. If your goals are just to lose body fat, then it's always barbells before bikes. If you are tired out from cardio before you even start lifting, your lifts will suffer. Honestly, when on a deficit, it's better to look at cardio as…
  • The reason people say this is because for most of us, we cannot get good definition in our abs very easily. The overall body fat percentage required for a 6 pack is pretty low, plus if you are bloated, over full or retaining water, forget about it. You can lose weight with diet only, you just won't get to eat as much. Not…
  • whey protein isolate is pretty much all protein. The one I use is 115 cals, 27g of protein, 1g carbs. It helps me balance my macros, because in nature, protein usually comes with fat. I never really liked chocolate flavoured whey protein mixed with water, so drinking whey was always a chore, usually done post workout. I…
  • I never eat at the types of restaurants that have calorie counts. IMO, restaurant food is always unhealthy. So I'd rather eat at home the majority of the time, and then when I do eat at a restaurant, really make it special.
  • I HATE when people notice I lost weight, and try to talk to me about it. It just reminds me that they must notice whenever I gain weight as well. Once a lady asked me what my secret was. I told her I had been ill (a lie). She said, "well, you look fabulous!" o.O
  • whey protein powder is actually pretty cheap, when you compare servings vs price. frozen vegetables/fruit are as good as fresh shop at "ethnic" (I hate that term) markets buy the least processed stuff you can, without paying extra for marketing terms like "natural" or whatever. cook everything from scratch
  • I'm weird, I actually gain weight between ovulation and starting my period, but mostly all of it comes off by the second day of my period.
  • I think I read somewhere that when you lose fat, the fat cells release water or something. : Note that under normal conditions, fat cells contain ~90% triglycerides and ~10% other stuff where other stuff includes some water, the cellular machinery that makes all the stuff…
  • I am 5'7 and 3/4 cw: 163.8 gw: 120 then I might do a bulk/cut cycle. I eat mostly whatever, anywhere from 800-1800 cals a day. Trying to cut down on grains and up protein. I also eat fatty meats, butter, peanut butter, and I like to bake, so I make breads and stuff. I just try to make sure every calorie is tasty, and then…
  • First, your body is composed of more than just fat and muscle. You are forgetting to account for water, blood, bones, organs etc. If your body fat number is in fact 44% (handheld body fat monitors are notoriously inaccurate), then you have a LBM of about 156 lbs, but that includes everything that is not fat. Also, it is…
  • I've had more weight loss success in the past by lifting full body, mostly compound movements, 3 times a week, without the cardio. Starting with the program laid out in New Rules of Lifting for women, I went from 220 to 130lbs in a year and a half- in the first 6 months, when I was doing the NROLFW plan, I lost 50lbs. And…