Maintenance friends wanted

Hi everyone! I have a wonderful group of people on my FL but I'd love to add some friends who are in maintenance, especially reformed yoyo dieters like me. I've just recently switched my settings to maintenance a couple of weeks ago and I want to do this right!


  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    In for eating real food in real quantities. Been eating at or near maintenance since right before surgery in May, and it's going ok. I like my losing friends, but they're all on 1200-calorie nets. Sending FR now.
  • mmg0327
    mmg0327 Posts: 29
    I've been easing my way into maintenance for the last few weeks, and I'd love to add some fellow "maintainers" to my FL. Sending FR now!
    Anyone else please feel free to add me too!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    I'm trying to maintain as well. I hit my goal weight in May, started "maintenance" in June, but have still lost. I need to find the sweet spot, so to speak. Want to share stats so we can help each other?
    Me: 5'3" 115 age 36, I consider myself very active. Maintenance calories are set at 1600+exercise, so usually up around 2000.
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    Thanks guys! Dancingmoosie I'm 5'6" 132 lbs and supposed to do 1720 cals a day. I am set at "lightly active." I usually eat a little under most days b/c once a week we like to eat out and I go over so I aim to hit my weekly cal goal. Will send you a FR, would love to share support!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    I'm also set at "lightly active" because my job requires a lot of walking. Then I add my exercise separately, because it can vary from day to day. My goal is to start a lifting program, as soon as I have access to the weight room. The limitation is that there are only machines, and no squats machines. The heaviest dumbbells are 8lbs. I will have to do squats at home with my heavy dumbbells. Anyway, I want to lift 2x/wk and run (or combo bike/elliptical/run) 2-3x/wk in the afternoons, but do some sort of workout dvd in the morning before work. I know it is a lot to do twice a day workouts, but my morning workout wakes me up and gets me ready for the day, and my evening workout is when I get to run and lift. Plus, I might do triathlon training in the spring, which would require 2 daily workouts (run or bike in the am/swim pm). I might as well be ready for it.
  • CalamaD
    CalamaD Posts: 18 Member
    Alright, so I sent a FR to hzlliz already with an email about me. After reading these posts, I feel like you all have your heads in the right place to do this maintenance thing right. So, here is my email to her. Please feel free to add me if you think we could help each other. I must admit that I'm not looking for a big group of friends. Just a handful to share with. If that matches your needs, I hope to hear from you!

    Email to hzlliz:

    A little about me....

    I'm 44, 5'4" and currently weigh 120. I am quite content with my weight and size. I look terrific in my clothes and have never felt more in control of my body. My main objective is to get rid of the last of the belly flab that still seems to be hanging on. I'm trying to do that by adding weight training to my routine. I am seeing progress, but I am still trying to accept that it will not happen over night. :) Like you, I've never really been overweight. My highest was 159. Never quite tipped the scale into the 160's, but that 159 was quite an eye opener for me. That was about 5 years ago. Prior to that, I stayed mostly in my 130s but always felt that I was a little on the cubby side there. So, I guess I've always considered myself to be "skinny fat". Even today.... At 120, my body fat is still between 25-26%. My desire to "rock a bikini" (to quote you!), led to many years of yo-yo dieting and disordered actions/thoughts. Ugh.

    Anyway, I am married to a terrific guy who is fit and amazingly supportive. I have 2 kids. 11 year old son and 13 year old daughter. She is at that age where I need to be a good role model as the eating disorders run rampant among her peers. Sad, but true. I also have a pretty serious family history of heart disease, high blood pressure/cholesterol, arthritis and many other medical issues that I want desperately to avoid. I will say that the people in my family who suffer the most from these things also do the least to take care of themselves.... It's a vicious cycle.....

    So, that's me in a nutshell. Let me know if you'd be interested in opening diaries and sharing stories/support. Don't worry about the quality of your food.... My nutrition can certainly use some cleaning up too!

    Hope to hear from you!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    Here is a link to my other thread post:
    CalamaD--FR sent
    Hzilliz--FR accepted
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Hooray, there are people like me on MFP!! I'mma send you all FRs. :flowerforyou:
    I'm not super-active on MFP and I don't collect friends, but I do try to be supportive.
  • CalamaD
    CalamaD Posts: 18 Member
    Ok, I just opened my diary for all to see. *Gulp* My name is Denise, fyi. I'm set at 1590 cals/day and I eat most, if not all of my exercise cals. I'm at the gym 3-4 times a week and love to run outside when the weather permits. I am mostly a "classes" kind of girl, but I enjoy BodyPump and lift fairly heavy in those classes. Started maintenance a couple of months ago when I was around 123. I've continued to drop as I am still trying to find that right daily cal number. Wouldn't mind actually putting back on a few pounds as long as it comes in the shape of muscle! :)
    Dancing Moosie: I have done a coupe of Iron Girl triathlons in the past. I used to run a lot so I have quite a few races under my belt as well. All short distance (longest was a 10 miler). Good motivation to stay active, but caused me an awful lot of undue stress.... Anyway, I don't race anymore but would be happy to share my knowledge with you if you decide to go for it! :) Was sidelined for a good amount of time from injuries and have just returned to running in the last 6 months or so. Slow and steady to avoid anymore injuries....
    Whitebalance: thanks for the add. Will you share a little about your routine? You look great in your profile pic! Obviously doing something right!

    By the way, I'm in northern VA. Just outside of Washington DC. Where are the rest of you?
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    5'0ft, 115lbs, 38yo.
    I've been on maintenance for a couple of months, and NET at 1880.
    Workout 6x week, eat all my exercise calories + a little extra to build muscle, which puts me around 2,200 most days.

    Would love more friends who eat abundant, real food.
    My diary's open.
  • Pinkgingham_19
    Pinkgingham_19 Posts: 28 Member
    sending fr now.

    About me: 5'8, just under 120lbs (116.4 this morning), currently run about 20 miles a week, planning on returning to lifting and cutting down on running for the winter. May as well use the extra calories from Thanksgiving/Christmas to add muscle!

    Just upped calories last week to 1400 gross, very nervous to see what will happen and where I will eventually maintain.
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member

    I'm 45, just under 5'1" and currently just under 100lbs. I had gotten up to 114 which I know doesn't sound like much, but I had gotten out of shape. Once I started walking regularly (after too long of a break), the weight came off. I love cook, bake, and eat. Logging daily helps me to strike a balance b/t enjoying good food and not going overboard.

    I'm in Maryland just outside of DC (Denise and a few others, I sent friend requests).

    I'm divorced with an 11 year old who (GULP) starts middle school on Monday. Been dating a great guy for almost 3 years. He's very encouraging of my efforts to maintain my weight, but also encourages me to eat when my weight dips down. I'm at the point where if I go down even a lb or so, I start to look gaunt. At my height every pound really makes a difference.

    Would love to friend other people in maintenance!
  • Tishrei
    Tishrei Posts: 86 Member
    I'm just starting to think about maintenance, I'm 40 yo (41 in two weeks), 5'5" and right now at 123. goal weight is 122. started here at 130 so not really 'overweight' but heavier than I have been since my first year of college (aside from pg) and none of my clothes were fitting. also was 'skinny fat' so I'd like to start lifting a bit and get stronger and more fit (I run/walk a few times a week but that's pretty much it).
    I'm a SAHM of five kids (14-3) + puppy, and I am currently homeschooling my two middle schoolers.
    I have some limitations, like fibromyalgia which, when it flares up, significantly impacts my energy level and just getting through the day is a challenge, so I have to respect that which means slow progress in terms of endurance/strength. and its eaten away at my joints so arthritis can get bad sometimes too. but the truth is, when I am committed to taking care of myself, I flare up less often, and I am pretty committed these days. but no way can I spend hours at the gym. I'm thinking 20-30 min a few times per week.
    right now I'm eating about 1200 would LOVE to eat a bit more although I'm apprehensive about gaining. I would love some maintenance friends of like mind.
  • ThatOperaGirl
    ThatOperaGirl Posts: 138 Member
    Hey all! I'm 23, 5'5" and currently working on maintaining around 120lbs after losing about 30lbs over five months. I'm still experimenting with different calorie goals, and at the moment am trying out 1900 - 2000, but not eating back exercise calories (I log my exercise, but just so I can keep track of what I'm doing, I ignore the extra "earned" calories MFP adds to my goal). I'm a uni student, but since my degree is in the performing arts, some of my classes do get me up on my feet instead of just sitting in a lecture theatre, and I work out 5 - 6 times a week -- I reckon I'm pretty active :smile:

    My diary's open, I log every day, I love to cook (especially coming up with creative side dishes) and it would be great to have some fellow maintainers as friends :smile: Sending out friend requests to you all now -- feel free to add me!
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    I am just a couple of kilos to go. Currently set to maintenance as I am lifting weights at gym and want to see muscle increase, not burn for calories. I will keep a close eye on results. 47 years old, lost so far14 kilos, was not obese but carried all the extra hidden around belly. Felt crappy for 2 decades. Now I feel great, and I do not want to lose this. Looking for some like minded friends who are on the same wavelength. :-)
  • kducotey
    kducotey Posts: 14 Member
    Sending a friend request now too :)
    I used to be a yoyo dieter as well. I became more knowledgable and learned the right way to do things and now I am eating at TDEE, even a bit above, and still maintaining my weight. I'm trying to build up my metabolic capacity so each week I add about 10 g carbs. Its worked great so far :)
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Whitebalance: thanks for the add. Will you share a little about your routine? You look great in your profile pic! Obviously doing something right!

    By the way, I'm in northern VA. Just outside of Washington DC. Where are the rest of you?
    Hi Denise!
    You can see my location in my profile now.

    Thanks for the kind words. My routine... I lost my weight by walking about 5-10 miles a day, climbing lots of stairs, and using weight machines about 2-3 times a week (full body all the time). Added in a cardio machine my gym has, called an adaptive motion trainer, that let me push my heart and lungs beyond what my feet and knees could handle running. I've been eating at maintenance since May. Took a few weeks off logging to recover from a hysterectomy, which went really well. Am still fiddling with my calorie target to find the right balance. Seemed to be gaining about a half pound a month on the maintenance level MFP suggested, so I dropped that by about 50-80 calories. So far, so good.

    I'm working on my running endurance using a treadmill. I can go the distance of a 5K, but haven't yet done it running continuously. That's my current goal. I still use the machines at the gym, but I split the routine into two parts so I could go more often for shorter times. Three sets, five reps, as much weight as I can - you can see details in my exercise log. I also use a stair machine and a rowing machine with some frequency. These are twofers, like getting strength and cardio at the same time. Am just beginning to use a barbell - only dead lifts so far, but more coming soon.

    I eat food. Three satisfying meals a day (two if I slept through breakfast) and very few snacks (but I love them when I have them, or else why bother?). At least 100g protein a day, usually more, and snacks must usually include protein. I love cooking, but eat out a lot because no time, so I have some favorites at several local restaurants.
  • CalamaD
    CalamaD Posts: 18 Member
    Whitebalance: Thanks for the info! Sounds like you've found a nice "balance" :) Congrats on the return to running. I love it. There is nothing more cathartic than putting in the earbuds and heading out the door on a beautiful day. Have you looked into a couch to 5k program? It will get you to that 3.1 safely in about 8-10 weeks. Sounds like you could even skip the first few weeks since you're already doing a continuos mile. I went to your profile to check out your exercise log and your settings are private. Just FYI.
  • WanderingPomme
    WanderingPomme Posts: 601 Member
    I'm thinking about moving into maintenance as well!!! Still scared though! I'm 26, 111.8lbs this morning, 5'3"
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    Hi there! I've been in maintenance for about 6 months. I'm 5'-6.5", 126lb, almost 30 :) I eat according to TDEE, lift 3x a week and am starting to add a little bit of running back to my routine. I'm trying to gain some muscle but not sure if I actually want to do a bulk so for now I am planing to eat at maintainance or slightly above and work hard. I'd be happy to have some more maintenance friends :flowerforyou: