gettin ''bigger''

am i goin nuts or is that the process, i feel like all of my fat cells on my body are jiggling, could it be cause there is muscle forming beneth them or am i just plain nuts?

like my stomach, or lets not even talk about my love handles, i have the feeling theyre bigger or...i dont know ''more fatter to feel''

and the fat above my knee looks simply ridicilous

and sorry for my kinda poor english


  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I think you're just paying attention to them more and expecting them to be what they're not yet . Be patient and it'll come you're not getting bigger unless you're eating too much and exercising too little
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    im probably just goin nuts, cause my clothes are gettin lose, and im eatin in the calorie range....and busting my *kitten* working out.....

    probably just goin nuts...hormones and all hahaa
  • debdelilah
    You may be having perceptional changes as your attitude toward diet and fitness changes. At my heaviest, I did not see myself as heavy as I did after I started to lose weight, because in the weight loss process I was intensely focused on my body and losing fat, whereas before I had committed to lose weight, my outlook was that I was pretty normal and what fat I had was ok. I am speaking of a few years back in 2009 when I went from being about 15 lbs over the highest healthy bmi on down to about what I am now, at the low end of the bmi range.
  • Pinkgingham_19
    Pinkgingham_19 Posts: 28 Member
    I think I read somewhere that when you lose fat, the fat cells release water or something. :

    Note that under normal conditions, fat cells contain ~90% triglycerides and ~10% other stuff where other stuff includes some water, the cellular machinery that makes all the stuff that fat cells make and a couple of other things that I'm forgetting right now. Basically, fat cells do not normally contain much water.

    He told us that, after triglycerides were removed from the cell, that the fat cells refilled with water in the short-term, eventually the body dropped that water and the fat loss 'became evident' (a goofy way for me to try to describe when the fat loss actually shows up on calipers, one of those dumb Tanita scales, or visually).

    If nothing else, this gives a plausible mechanism for the non-linear fat loss that is so often seen. Folks will do everything right for weeks with no results. then overnight, something happens and the scale drops a bunch. Many diet newsgroups and forums refer to this as a 'whoosh' which often follows a stall.

    A couple of empirical data points in support of this: people who use tanita scales have often reported that it will tell them that their BF has gone up right before a 'whoosh' occurs and a big drop. This suggests something goofy is going on with water balance.

    Another is that fat often gets squishy (suggesting a change in what's in there) prior to a drop in skinfolds/ improvement in appearance.

    I looked for research on the topic for a decade to no success. I made up my own plausible mechanism having to do with glycerol levels in the fat cell (glycerol is hydrophilic); if fatty acids were being lost at a greater proportion than glycerol, this mght explain how water is attracted into the fat cell. Except that, usually, glycerol and fatty acid are released in about the proportion you'd expect (3:1 FFA:glycerol).

    edit: For what very little it's worth, Colgan mentions something similar in OPtimum Sports Nutrition, something about the body 'tracking' glycerol to keep track of fat stores. It's possible that the research on this is just pre-medline. Or he and my teacher just pulled it out of the old I need to read the rules post.I need to read the rules post.I need to read the rules post..

    A couple of years back, a paper came out showing an increase in water content of visceral fat with dieting. First semi-direct data I've seen. I don't recall the mechanism being mentioned but I may not have ever read the full paper.

    I keep meaning to look into what happens to water balance hormones with dieting, but my laziness is just truly profound.
  • wendy1024
    wendy1024 Posts: 23 Member
    I get that effect too....keep going, it'll fall off!
  • Jokenmit
    Jokenmit Posts: 80 Member
    i know this might sound a bit silly to some...but no you are not getting 'bigger' your skin is just getting loose. it takes a while for your skin to 'shrink'. think of it this have a sweater that you love, and it has gotten stretched over time and looks baggy now. I know that is what happen to me when i started losing the weight. I was like WTF is goin on?? just give your skin a change to tone up. it will. trust me...and that is when you really feel good about what you have accomplished. When you feel just as good not wearing the jeans you worked so hard to look good in :)