elisabeisme Member


  • so make it with half a banana. that's just 15 carbs. you are eating 16 carbs between your yogurt and strawberries anyway.....
  • Swap out the yogurt and strawberries for a banana and 3 egg whites. Mash up the banana, egg whites and cinnamon together to make a batter. Cook the batter like a pancake. Mash up the blueberries, adding a bit of water if necessary to use as "syrup". Chop up the Brazil nuts and sprinkle on top as garnish. Eat. Yum.
  • This might help http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/physical/pdf/PA_Intensity_table_2_1.pdf
  • I log spices about half the time. If I'm just putting a smidge of chili pepper, I might skip it, however, I try to add anything significant for the vitamins. I tend to be anemic and spices have a lot of iron. For example, a tablespoon of dried parsley has 7% of the RDA for iron. Dried parsley doesn't have a ton of flavor…
  • I ALWAYS lie about how I lost the weight to IRL folks (my MFP pals know that I am working on it through diet and exercise). If I am very fond of you, I might shrug it off by saying I go to the gym a little bit here and there. Otherwise, I will tell you that I did it by sprinkling cocaine on my oatmeal every morning. If you…
  • I used to say that I hated watching my weight too. It was actually part of my persona -- "I"m a foodie, who loves life too much too much to go on a diet...." I didn't even own a scale. I started out adding stuff instead of taking it away. I first tried adding exercise. I lost 17 pounds over 10 months. That may not seem…
  • There are a few of us on here using the exercises from The Beck Diet Solution book. Dr. Beck is a cognitive behavioral therapist that prescribes a program of mental exercises to keep you on track. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/2019-beck-diet-solution-challenge
  • When in doubt, I always double check the US Department of Agriculture database. I figure the USDA is most reliable. http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/search/list
  • 1. milk 2. eggs 3. tomatoes (for raw, sauce. soup, juice) 4. beef (preferably nice fatty cuts so I can use the fat for cooking other stuff) 5. apricots (for raw, dried, juice, sauces) 6. cashews (also for cashew butter) 7. oats (breakfast and to pulverize into oat flour) darn, if I could just add a couple more.......then…
  • I'm doing this right now and hope it helps.
  • I could have written that myself. It's been 1.5 years since I started. Ask me at any moment of the day and I psychologically want to eat. I never get a "satisfied" feeling. I'm taking a week off this week because the mental energy needed to stay on track is getting to me. I don't know if this will turn out to be good idea…
  • wow, you have lost a lot of inches! the difference is most striking on your back, tummy and neck area. Also, your posture is sooo much better now too. Your back must be feeling much healthier. You said you that you still feel like the person on the left, but your facial expressions tell a different story. Your expression…
  • looking good! you can especially see the difference in your face. Your hansome masculine jawline is back.
  • ^^^^Fixed it for ya
  • I'm so much stronger that one free week too! I can up my weights in strength training and I get all excited that I'm improving......until later in the month I realize oh, fake gains.
  • Please don't go to the gym if you're sick and spread your germs all over the equipment to make the rest of us sick! If you're climbing the walls in your house from getting too much rest, go do something outside, alone, where you will be segregated at least 15 feet from the rest of the population.
  • If your friend is already making the classics, then perhaps a favorite side dish from a holiday that your family back home celebrates? Would make a nice interesting story to share with the other guests. At it's origin, Thanksgiving is a harvest festival, in case that gives you any ideas.
  • Use whatever word you like. It's your body and your exercise. Your power to perform comes from within. I am a JOGGER. I started with C25K and now I regularly JOG 6-7 miles a couple times a week and occasionally go 12-13. If the elitist running clubs don't like what I'm doing, they can go eff themselves.
  • THIS!!! Seriously, I hope those of you that answered this are lying!
  • mmm. I love venison. can I come over? one of my friends made the venison chili from this site. it was yummy and would probably freeze well if you made a big pot. http://www.foodnetwork.com/topics/venison/index.html Do you live in New York State? you could donate one of the deer to help feed the needy.…
  • first: 1. you've been doing it for a month and already lost 4 pounds. that's not losing nothing - that's averaging a pound a week which is not bad at all. keep doing what you're doing and you'll be at your goal by this time next year. a fit and proud woman setting an awesome example for your family. however, I recognize…
  • I would suggest focusing something near, but not in, a ski resort area because you will find lots of cabin rentals that fit your bill. Depending on your budget, most have fireplaces and some may even have hot tubs - which is really fun after a day skiing or playing in the snow. A cabin a bit away from the resort but still…
  • is there science in the book to support it's religious commentary too?
  • Interesting to hear about the program. I would love to go to one of these resorts but can't afford it this year. I was thinking of creating a "biggest loser" style program at home for myself as a stay-at-home vacation. It sounds like one of the keys to being able to exercise so many hours per day is variety.
  • It is tough to stay on track. I have come to terms with the fact that I will indulge on dates and try and plan the rest of my day around it. I eat less earlier that day and try to get a great cardio session in to "earn" lots of extra calories. If a date asks me what kind of food I like, I will often suggest sushi or…
  • I've posted this study before: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14715035 Perhaps you could go with lightly active? but just make sure you don't double count those steps by re-entering them exercise.
  • This is cool, but know that picking a long and unique name instead of a short boring popular name could cost your kid $7 grand a year in future salary. Just sayin'. LinkedIn did a study: http://www.forbes.com/sites/laurashin/2013/05/07/study-says-shorter-names-earn-more/ Of course, money isn't the only thing in life so it…
  • I haven't been very reliable about moving through every step, but I have definitely learned some things along the way that are helping me. In particular, it's made me realize that "will power" is totally over-rated. I always felt like some sort of mental midget when I had trouble restraining. Through the Beck exercises,…
  • I share my diary with my MFP friends. I am also only interested in being MFP friends with people who share their diary. I have a couple exceptions on my list, but not many. I keep my friend list small and try to keep track of what everyone's goals are. If I know they are working to increase protein, I will watch for that…
  • hmm. took my kitty to the vet today for a long overdue dental cleaning. not much of a celebration, I'm afraid.