Deer recipes

So my husband is a hunter and he killed two deer and even though I know how to cook deer I need some new recipes so I don't get bored with what I already know, if any body has delicious recipes that you can use deer meat in please let me know, thanks!


  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Looking forward to the responses on this one! We have tons of deer and elk - many of whom wander right onto the property - next year I'll have the freezer space to do something about it. :smile:
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    I use it in place of beef in any recipe, goulash, tacos, lasagna, stew, stroganoff,
  • wimpywrx
    wimpywrx Posts: 103 Member
    Love a bit of venison, Being a very rich beat its also good to mix it with a nice cut of beef. A mix of beef brisket and a cut of venison with baby chalots chunky carrots a nice stock and a bottle of red wine ( Brown Brothers Ciena Australian ) and slow cook. Brown both meats in an oven dish then add the veg followed by the red wine to deglaze and help make a nice gravy. reduce a little then add the stock and place a lid on it. Put in the oven on a low heat for 3-4 hours or untill the meat is as tender as you like it. Serve with french beans and baby potato's.
    Hope you like it.

  • elisabeisme
    elisabeisme Posts: 308 Member
    mmm. I love venison. can I come over? one of my friends made the venison chili from this site. it was yummy and would probably freeze well if you made a big pot.

    Do you live in New York State? you could donate one of the deer to help feed the needy.
  • BekaP89
    BekaP89 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks guys for the suggestions, lain I will defiantly try your recipe. Thanks!
  • jigsaw_me
    jigsaw_me Posts: 616 Member
    Oooh love venison (but we don't have deer here for hunting) - tell you what I'll trade you some roo for some venison :)
  • bheathfit
    bheathfit Posts: 451 Member
    What you will need:
    Two medium to large bowls, large frying pan, grease spatter screen for frying pan, temperature resistant utensil to retrieve venison from hot oil, plate with folded paper towel placed on top, between 0.5-1 pound of venison steak per person, flour, salt , black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, Lowrey's season salt, red pepper (optional), olive oil (or other vegetable oil that you prefer), whatever other side dishes you want.

    Place at least 2 cups of flour in medium to large mixing bowl. Liberally add black pepper, garlic powder and onion powder to flour and mix together. Be mildly conservative with the salt, seasoned salt and red pepper when adding to the flour, as they may overpower the food. Flour has enough spice when you taste a pinch and it tastes good, but is very hot on your tongue.

    Pour oil into large frying pan until it is 1/4 inch deep. Heat oil on medium to med high heat.

    Begin to cook your desired side dishes as the cubed venison will cook quickly once you start.

    Cut venison into bite size pieces and place into clean bowl. When oil in pan is Hot, liberally bread venison cubes with flour and carefully add them to the oil. Cook cubes in small batches just covering the bottom of the pan so that all cubes are cooked equally. Cook cubes until slightly crispy, flipping them only once if possible. Pull out when done and place on plate with paper towel to soak excess oils.

    Taste first batch and add seasoning to flour if needed, or more flour to mix to cool them down... Don't taste the uncooked flour again as the raw venison blood may carry bacteria. After all cubes are cooked, remaining oil can be used as a base for a white spicy gravy. Enjoy!:wink:
  • Alsvic
    Alsvic Posts: 93 Member
    I know this is an older thread but I came up with this very quick and tasty recipe for Venison Fajitas. While turkey hunting this weekend. very easy and everyone thought it was great. of course we had been hunting turkeys all day and we were famished.

    2 large onions cut into strips
    3 Green bell peppers cut into strips
    2 pounds venison cut into thin strips
    3 Table spoons Olive Oil
    2 teaspoons Lawry's Salt
    2 teaspoons Tony's Creole Seasoning
    10 Mission Carb Balanced tortillas

    Sautee onions and peppers in frying pan with olive oil. sprinkle Lawry's over onions and peppers.
    as onions start to get translucent add venison sprinkle Tony's creole seasoning over venison. Cook covered over medium low heat for 8 minutes

    Serve with warm tortillas
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    You can use venison in any way that you would use beef. If its ground, make burgers, tacos, casseroles, etc. You can use it in hamburger helper instead of hamburger.

    If you have chops or backstraps, try marinating them in a vinegar based marinade to soften the meat. We usually use Italian dressing. You will want to cook them fast on med-high heat so that the meat doesn't get tough.

    You can also use chops to make a faux roast. Put the meat, beef gravy, carrots, and potatoes into a casserole dish and bake (or cook in a crockpot). This is my personal favorite.