

  • That's the only solid proof they have right now of artificial sweeteners hindering weight loss. So if you can control your sugar cravings (I find fake sugar is my substitute for real sweets, not something I eat WITH real sweets) then I'm sure you are okay. The health side effects can be another story... but who knows...
  • This time next year I'll run the Bolder Boulder(10k) in 50 minutes or less (this year ran it in 55) This time next year I'll be able to wear everything in my closet (including my size 1 skinny's) This time next year I'll be eating cleaner than I am now and the best... THIS TIME NEXT YEAR I'LL BE A COLLEGE GRADUATE! :o)
  • This is the same exact reason I am even trying to lose weight. I had been in a serious relationship and when me and my boyfriend broke up I ended up drinking a majority of days of the week and put on almost 20 lbs in 6 months. AH! I've lost a total of 7 of that so far so I still have around 13 lbs left but it is hard when…
  • I LOVE that button. Sometimes it scares me into the gym though...
  • It's not really a problem unless you have a lot of extra calories everyday. Just try to gradually increase them, it sounds to me like your metabolism is slowed down. Exercise and a gradual increase in calories should up your metabolism (and appetite eventually), which will eventually cause your body to run more…
  • I don't know what your stats are but after 2 workouts you should be eating more than 1600 calories especially if you are eating so little on other days. Overall you should probably boots to at least 1300 on sedentary days, and eat half of what you burn on workout days. I don't think there is any problem with zig-zagging…
  • There are SO many people that can relate to you. It is really hard, especially in the beginning because there isn't any prior reinforcements there, but you just have to believe that you can do it. It's important to remember that YOU have to do it, no one else can do it for you and it won't just go away. Everytime you slip…
  • Eat bananas!!!
  • I'm pretty sure there have been multiple studies that show caffeine actually suppresses appetite. Although what may be making you hungrier is artificial sweeteners used in low-cal caffeine beverages. Artificial sweeteners are said to spike your insulin without actually giving you calories, so you end up hungrier when your…
  • I hear ya! I snack instead of eating meals and my problem with that is that I don't measure anything out! So I end up eating 1000 calories extra in snacks (like chips__stear clear!) today I ate over 2700 calories!!!! But I'm still losing weight because I just pretend like it didn't happen and I naturally am not as hungry…
  • Exercise makes your body firmer. You gain muscle, and you would probably gain a noticeable amount of muscle when you first begin because you are inactive. When your body gains more muscle you can then burn more calories at rest. This is going to rev your metabolism and cause you to lose weight faster. For me exercise…
  • I'm gonna do it! I find that when I drink diet soda I eliminate water. BAD! I am also always bloated. I am doing this! Thank you for your post!
  • I could absolutely never eat raw meat besides fish. It is terrifying! I like my steak rare though!
  • Definitely over the top. You do not need to wake up to eat in the middle of the night, actually it is harder for your body to digest while your sleeping and it can disturb your sleep! A lot of people shouldn't even eat before bed because it will disturb their sleep. As for starvation mode, your body is incredibly complex…
  • These girls are right, sometimes when you don't eat enough throughout the day it can lead to binge-eating later on (usually night-time). I went through a terrible binge-eating cycle for about 6 months and ended up gaining 20 lbs. I highly suggest upping your calories slightly and trying to feel more in control. Once you…
  • I think your "problem" is every girls dream lol. Don't worry about it, everyone loses in different places at different times during weight loss. Eventually the rest will fall in line.
  • don't be discouraged. The body goes through many processes, some of which include recalibrating your metabolism. The gains now could be in response to how you were eating before. You mention that you were anorexic before- if you just began eating 1000 calories (and by that I mean you were eating less before) it will take a…
  • I don't really like those! I am a Peanut M&M die-hard fanatic. I don't think that you have done that bad. Look at me- just today I ate almost a whole Tear N' Share bag of Peanut M&M's. Woops! Lol
  • Everyone loses in different places, give it some time and you will be sure to start seeing the fruits of your labor!
  • Love this! I hate how afraid most girls are of lifting weights. They always come up and ask me how I got such great muscle "tone." Then they go to the gym with me and don't want to lift 25lb free weights- because it will make them look bulky! I don't get it! lol
  • This sounds really really hard! Lol, what heat level do you usually do this on? Do you reheat the whole thing once you've made it with the filling, or can you eat them cold also? How do you store them? Do you wrap the whole thing with seran wrap and fold it?
  • Try adding in egg whites to your oatmeal :) Delicious!!!
  • There will not be a day when you need to worry about natural sugars! You are doing fabulously, and if you can cut out refined sugar, you are already ten steps ahead of most!
    in sugar Comment by kankan213 August 2009
  • To be perfectly honest, you could probably lost the weight minus the drops on a 500 calorie diet. 500 calories is not enough for anyone except someone extremely overweight being supervised by a doctor at all times (aka The Biggest Loser).
    in hCG Comment by kankan213 August 2009
  • For the most part try to cut back on: -candy/chocolate/processed sugars like cake/pastries/cookies/etc... -cut back on high-fat dairy products like full fat milk/cheeses -ANY fried food. It is insane to me how many calories deep fried foods have. Small fry-400cal??! -mayo based spreads (mayo, miracle whip, caesar dressing…
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one! The thing I think that makes me mad is that I thought I looked fine 5lbs heavier! Now that I'm 15lbs heavier I still think I look fine- I mean, I obviously want to lose it (thats why I'm here! lol) but it's not like I'm overweight by any means... and I think thats why people think it is okay…
  • I apologize for speaking without taking the scenario into perspective. I have worked for a couple of years with people recovering from eating disorders and when I see the "I'm not hungry...should I eat" I give the automatic response of LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! Unfortunately, for some, your body doesn't tell you what it needs.…
  • Maybe the reason that you have never seen any life-long results is that you have the mindset that this lifestyle is a "diet." A "diet" has a beginning and an end. You should try to start thinking of healthy eating, regular exercise, self-control etc... as part of your life. Try to eat well and fit in activity EVERDAY for…
  • Starvation mode is thrown around a little too often. Don't skip meals, but if you sleep in late or go to bed early or something of that sort and ARENT hungry, don't eat. Eating when you aren't hungry is a road you don't want to go down! It can become a bad habit. If your body needs food, it will tell you.
  • You can honestly make your own shakes with anything in the house! Any fruits are good (blendable ones), a dairy product (frozen yogurt, skim milk or soy milk, yogurt...), I like to add peanut butter..., flax is good to add, you can add spinach and not even taste it for extra vitamins! Adding any kind of protein powder is…