

  • I look at the label on the package, then use my scale to be sure I have the portion size correct. If precisely what I'm eating isn't in the system, I add it.
  • Foods that trigger headaches: The worst? Bananas. Second worst is potatoes. After that, we can choose citrus fruits (all of them, but especially oranges), and we cannot leave out peanuts. I literally had constant headaches for years, because of course those are some of my favorite foods. I learned to tune out the dull,…
  • You can stretch your budget w/o completely cutting out meat by switching to cheaper cuts, smaller proportions of meat in the dish. Small dice or shred to make sure what little you are using gets throughout the dish. Cheaper meat cuts require a little more work and different cooking methods to make them as tender and…
  • Other people eat, and I gain weight....or so it seems. I figure it took years to pack on the pounds. It's ok if it takes years to come off. I'm more concerned with re-training my eating habits for life. I'm not in a hurry to lose weight fast, so I'm not on a very restrictive calorie limit (5' 10" & 1574 cal/day). There's…
  • It's taken me a year to lose 25 lbs. Just with changing my eating. (gym or working out is not an option for me ATM) I have another 25 to go, and fully expect it to take at least one year more, if not longer. Don't worry about rapid weight loss. Focus instead on devloping healthy eating habits. That is what will keep you…
  • All beans have slightly different nutritional makeup. Eat a variety to get the broadest selection of nutrients. Besides, they're all tasty :)
  • [quote/]I think it's pretty new. Check out the documentary I mentioned above: King Corn. [/quote] not necessarily. I was diagnosed 25 years ago.
  • 1. take a hard look at your eating habits. Make sure you have a good balance of protein, complex carbs, veggies, etc. Take a good multi vitamin-mineral supplement. Basically, meet your nutritional needs, and cravings will be easier to manage. Essentially, if you take care of nutrition, the emotions are so much easier to…
  • "It's sarcasm folks. Take it lightly." Sarcasm works best in person, and with an audience who knows you. Otherwise it usually comes off as condescending and offensive. Food is a choice many people make as a way of "self medicating" with something other than drugs or alcohol. There are many obese in my congregation, and…
  • corn allergy here. My symptoms are quite mild, but I keep my intake to a bare minimum. Read the label of everything you purchase. Go online and read nutrition facts from companies large enough to maintain a list. Ask your server at restaurants to check with the chef. But honestly, it boils down to one thing. Cook your own…
  • When asked what she would tell people who wished to pursue a true paleolithic diet, Dr. Hoyes laughed harshly before replying. ”You really want to be paleo? Then don’t buy anything from a store. Gather and kill what you need to eat. Wild grasses and tubers, acorns, gophers, crickets- They all provide a lot of nutrition.…
  • I've read the China Study book. I thought it was fascinating. Somewhere in there (don't remember where) it talked about the % of animal products in diet as relates to cancer. Cancer is something I'd like to avoid..... I think the threshold for notable impact was somewhere in the 10-15% of calorie range, but I don't…
  • "best by" dates are for CYA purposes on the manufacturer's behalf and nanny state control mechanisms. Couscous is a wheat product. Wheat has naturally occuring oils which will eventually oxidize (become rancid) over time. Oxidation occurs in the presence of oxygen. Unless your bag of couscous was hermetically sealed with…
  • A couple possibilites: you're not eating enough to compensate for the amount of exercise you're doing. you're not eating enough protein and fats. you're not eating enough complex carbs (whole veggies, legumes, etc) which take longer to digest than simple carbs (fruits, sugars, etc) Some small tweaks of what you eat and in…
  • try eating some of each product individually. It's the only way to rule out one or the other w/o going to a specialist & doing subdermal testing. Give yourself a couple days rest between testing each item. When you do your home "testing" eat that one item, and ONLY that item, in a fair sized portion. Wait several hours for…
  • not tried that. I just put it in bread dough and for making seitan.
  • This argument cheeses me off to no end. I have watched grocery store after grocery store close in my middle class neighborhood for LACK OF CUSTOMERS. Yet the casinos are full and the liquor stores do brisk business. Gotta wonder where people are spending their money. This is the result of personal spending choices over a…
  • "if you don't like what's being served, you don't have to eat" Straight from the mouth of my depression era grandmother. Feed yourself and your family what you can afford, and try to be sure it's the most nutritious food you can get.
  • I have a similar schedule to yours (to the lady who's gone 6am to 7pm). While I don't mind cooking, I am tired and don't want to every night. Soup is the answer. In large quantities. Cook once or twice a week. Eat it twice a day until the pot is empty. Make a different flavor soup the next time. There are literally…
  • heavy periods can be a sign of fibroids or other issues. Talk to your doctor. Birth control can help reduce the heavy periods for a while, but for some it's not a permanent solution. I used to run & marathon train, and did not experience anything "extra" due to the running. Rather it was due to the increased size of the…
  • What constitutes "large quantities"? w/o a point of reference, the phrase is useless. Does the 1/4C of TVP I toss in with my oatmeal daily become a "large quantity" over time? 1/4C TVP with my oatmeal makes all the difference to me. Keeps my blood sugars level and prevents me from wanting to snack between breakfast and…
  • Fruit has the added benefits of some fiber and micronutrients not found in refined sugar. Your body still has an insulin response to fruit, and it still has calories. Measure/weigh everything you put in your smoothie, calculate the calories per serving, and fit it into your plan. The recipe function is great, and will do…
  • .....munches popcorn and waits for someone to realize what you posted a picture of.....
  • The OP said she was worried about sugar b/c she is insulin resistant. Which is just shy of being diabetic. May or may not be on meds, doesn't need to take insulin yet, but if the trend doesn't change, she will be diabetic. That's why I suggested trading some of the fruit for veggies. But I didn't say eliminate the fruit…
  • I just peeked at your diary. You're having two sometimes three fruits a day, but only two or three vegetable servings per week. Cut back on the fruit and load up on the veggies. There's a whole world of vegetables to be enjoyed. They have a very low sugar impact on your insulin levels will add some fiber to your diet, as…
  • Caffeine is addictive. Not nearly as addictive as heroine though ;P It has a similar neurological effect on the brain as someone else pointed out about sugar. Sugar cravings are partly emotional / neuroligical, but imho, mostly blood sugar highs & crashes. Keeping your blood sugar level will go a long way to kicking a…
  • Eat to balance your blood sugar levels, and the cravings will be easier to manage. Enough protein, complex carbs, reasonable fat intake, and fiber. It will really help. Then have a small stash of small portions of favorite treats to savor as a reward for whatever goal (calorie macros, exercise, work etc) and you won't be…
  • weigh it BEFORE you put it in the pot. :) You'll have more accurate information.
  • too much fruit, not enough veggies, and missing protein! How do you survive w/o starving all day long? I can only imagine the blood sugar spike and crash if I ate like this. I find I MUST have enough protein & complex carbs to keep from reaching for sweet things (including too much fruit).
  • Make the small changes you ARE ready to make. Not everyone can jump into the deep end of the pool to learn to swim. Choose one or two things you're willing to change now. Ease into a new way of eating. You shouldn't be on a "diet", but on a healthier eating path for life. Celebrate your small victories, and when they…
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