Interesting take on the "Paleo Diet"

Read this article today. I am not an archeologist or a paleo-anything, however I thought it was interesting and made a few good points.



  • janisskoczylas
    janisskoczylas Posts: 17 Member
    I think the premise behind Paleo is wack, but honestly, if it gets people eating better and eating more whole foods, and less processed foods and "junk," then I can't hate on it. But I can hate on people who think it is the end-all be-all for healthy eating/weight loss. Personally, I would never do paleo because I just can't agree with a diet (or lifestyle, as Paleo addicts like to call it) in which dairy, legumes, whole grains, potatoes or tomatoes (some say they are ok, I know) are banned. And for me, it's not a lifestyle I could maintain. I like potatoes. And cheese. Preferably together. But if Paleo works for you, go for it. I just wish people would stop acting like it is the SECRET CURE for life, kwim?

    (oh, and I know that people with gluten sensitivity or who are carb sensitive diabetics probably do feel soooo much better on this diet... but for the average person? Eating healthy/clean/whole foods... even beans... is fine)
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    I agree totally with the article. Is the Paleo diet bad for you? Certainly not! Is the premise behind it dumb? You bet your *kitten*. I loved this part;
    “Look, the diet itself is sound; it’s the philosophy that’s bull****. Eat what you want. Just leave the damn cavemen out of it.”
  • patrnbabe
    patrnbabe Posts: 42
    When asked what she would tell people who wished to pursue a true paleolithic diet, Dr. Hoyes laughed harshly before replying. ”You really want to be paleo? Then don’t buy anything from a store. Gather and kill what you need to eat. Wild grasses and tubers, acorns, gophers, crickets- They all provide a lot of nutrition. You’ll spend a lot of energy gathering the stuff, of course, and you’re going to be hungry, but that’ll help you maintain that lean physique you’re after. And hunting down the neighbor’s cats for dinner because you’ve already eaten your way through the local squirrel population will probably give you all the exercise you’ll ever need.”

    too good not to share :)
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    When asked what she would tell people who wished to pursue a true paleolithic diet, Dr. Hoyes laughed harshly before replying. ”You really want to be paleo? Then don’t buy anything from a store. Gather and kill what you need to eat. Wild grasses and tubers, acorns, gophers, crickets- They all provide a lot of nutrition. You’ll spend a lot of energy gathering the stuff, of course, and you’re going to be hungry, but that’ll help you maintain that lean physique you’re after. And hunting down the neighbor’s cats for dinner because you’ve already eaten your way through the local squirrel population will probably give you all the exercise you’ll ever need.”

    too good not to share :)

    Yes, that was my favorite part!