Womanly issues



  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I'm glad you know the answers to the medical questions - glad they are good answers.

    So, that leaves us with the amount of food you are eating...

    Do you know your BMR/TDEE?

    BMR 1240
    TDEE 1915

    Now is where I lose in the information department. I know (or think I know) that I need to eat at least 1240 calories to maintain the weight I am at if I am happy with that weight. TDEE...yeah clueless.

    So, I am guessing you eat around your BMR number? If so, you are not eating enough and this can cause the irregular periods.

    Your BMR is the MINUMUM number of calories you need to support healthy organ function (as if you were in a coma). TDEE is what you should eat to maintain your current weight (so long as you used the current weight as your "goal weight" entry in the calculation - if you used your real goal weight, then it is the number you would eat to maintain your goal weight).

    If you calculated TDEE based on your current weight as the "gaol weoght", you would eat at a 20% deficit from that number to lose weight. So, 1915 - 20% (383) = 1532 per day to lose weight.

    If you used your real goal weight in that calculation, then you can eat a couple hunred less than the 1915 (so, 1715) and still lose weight, a little faster than if you just ate at 1915 (you would still lose at the 1915, but slower).

    Does that make any sense?
    Yes this makes sense. I used my current weight to calculate TDEE. I am not looking to loose or gain honestly. I just want to be healthy. I think 110 lbs for a 5 ft 1 female is decent.

    i agree - I think you should eat at your TDEE (1915) for 4 weeks and see if that helps your issue next month. Underfeeding our bodies can cause all sorts of issues.
  • Laurelthequeen
    Probably not all that helpful now, but I'm not sure if you've looked into Mirena. It's certainly not for everyone, I've read some horror stories, but I (27 year old, no children) got one last year and LOVE it. I have always had lightish periods and no cramping, but within 3 months, periods stopped completely and I just get occasional cramping for maybe 30 minutes every 4 weeks or so. It is supposed to decrease or stop your period, and it sounds like you may benefit a great deal from something like this.

    Costwise, it lasts 5 years, and after my insurance paid their portion, my OTD was around $400. But, I was using Nuvaring before and that ran $50/month even with insurance, so it paid itself off in the first year, and I don't have to remember to take/buy/insert anything for the next 5 years! I couldn't be happier.
  • patrnbabe
    patrnbabe Posts: 42
    heavy periods can be a sign of fibroids or other issues. Talk to your doctor. Birth control can help reduce the heavy periods for a while, but for some it's not a permanent solution.

    I used to run & marathon train, and did not experience anything "extra" due to the running. Rather it was due to the increased size of the fibroids. Tissue builds up on them, and is "flushed" along with the rest of the uterine lining. Sometimes it takes a while for the buildup around the fibroids to develop, which is why the monthlies can sometimes be heavier than others, and seem "irregular". Welcome to my life.

    For the slight anemic issue: eat more beans, dark green leafy veggies, anything high in iron. Go an English pub and order steak & kidney pie, or go to a really good deli and eat up a dish of liver & onions. Iron is hard to absorb from vegetable sources, so meat's really the way to go. Calcium inhibits iron absorbtion, citric acids help with iron absorbtion. So take your calcium or milk several hours apart from eating your iron source. And squeeze a lemon on that steak, sister!
  • rayvynn5374
    rayvynn5374 Posts: 272 Member
    I have been doing a little research and am now pretty sure I have figured out the "issue". I am a female....Apparently the female body doesn't like exercise during the luteal phase of our cycles. Progesterone makes breathing and sweating "harder" as well as changes what is used for energy. My head is spinning from all this info. I have to sit down with it again tonight and try to sort it out. As it appears in my spinning head right now I will be running the half marathon during luteal...hum not cool
  • emcdonie
    emcdonie Posts: 190 Member
    I have occasional iron/anemia issues and so do many ladies I know. Thus, I supplement it.

    Food wise, my first thought if it is just during your monthly....this isn't probably going to be popular...... liver.

    It packs a major punch of several important things, and it has a large iron content. I don't really like it either, but I decided myself I am going to start including more in my diet. I would rather my iron come from food than pills when possible.