

  • Congrats!:flowerforyou: You go girl! :drinker:
  • Make sure you are not in starvation mode! I thought I hit a plateau and because I wasn't logging my calories, it took me a while to realize I wasn't loosing weight because I was eating too few calories. Once I increased my caloric intake, the weight started coming off. How weird is that! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Did you stay within your nutritional goals? NO Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? NO What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Only ate 6 cookies :embarassed: What would I have done differently? Nothing ... I have a really bad cold and was in bed most of the day. Made cookies with my 3 year old because she was sooooo…
  • Sure! I count all my beverages as water - even the caffeinated and alcoholic ones! I'm sure some would frown at that, but that is what works for me! :drinker: But seriously, the answer is yes to Vitamin Water, Sports Drinks, Tea & Crystal Light. If you still feel like that is cheating - then count only half of it. You are…
  • When I started, things did not go as I wanted them to go. My first effort at loosing weight was 3 years ago and I started working out 5-7 days a week and eating better and the scale went the wrong way! I threw in the towel. When I reflected on it, I realized that although the food was "healthier", my portions were out of…
  • Congratulations! :drinker: My hat is off to you - that is amazing! Keep up the good work. And just know, even if it comes off more slowly than you want, that you are still moving in the right direction! The longer you spend taking it off, the more likely it is to be permanent lifestyle change and the less likely you are to…
  • I love coffee! :bigsmile:
    in Coffee! Comment by 2kaizen October 2009
  • Congratulations! You look Mahhhhvelous! :flowerforyou:
  • I usually only eat half to two-thirds my exercise calories, so I guess that is my safety net. Great idea to check other sites. Sometimes I'll use what the machine tells me - but that can differ too machine to machine - I found that out using the eliptical at a hotel, it said I burned about half what my gym eliptical said…
  • Congrats on taking the first BIG step and finding your support system. I'm a firm believer in If you want to change something - you have to measure it - and this site is perfect for that. This site can be motivating too, so come back often - even if you feel like you are off track. We are all off-track most of the time,…
  • Amen! I was at a cocktail party tonight and did my best to log my calories - and even though I exceeded my daily limit it's okay ... I clicked the "done logging for today" button and it said I would still be DOWN in weight in 5 weeks time! How nice to know that one "bad" day doesn't ruin it - it only slowed me down and…
  • Whoa ... My name is Katie and I have a son named Riley ... Welcome to MFP! This site can help for sure. Log your food intake and exerise and work on balancing the diet with healthy options along the way. I'm sure others will have more concrete ideas too. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Wow! Congrats! That is soooo awesome and meaningful! Way to go! A real inspiration to so many I'm sure. And you look amazing! Enjoy! :flowerforyou:
  • Good luck! Cut yourself some slack too ... missing a day is not the end of the world. It doesn't matter how many times you get knocked down - only how many times you get back up! :flowerforyou:
  • Stick to the plan ... exercise, eat your calories and drink your water! Shoot for the moon ... even if you miss, you'll land among the stars! :flowerforyou:
    in Gar!!!!! Comment by 2kaizen October 2009
  • I can identify ... I used the eliptical at a hotel yesterday morning and worked hard for 35 mins and was rewarded with a stated calorie burn of ...... 128. :noway: The same workout on an elliptical at my gym would have clocked that calories as about twice as much. And the MFP calculator actully plugged in even more than…
  • Good luck! This site can help! :flowerforyou:
  • Great topic! Thanks! :flowerforyou: The treadmill kicked my butt this AM! I usually run outside, and I know I'm a slooowwww runner (people walk faster than I run) - and I've been working on increasing my speed. A friend of mine was lammenting that she was out of shape and couldn't maintain 6 mph any more. Are you kidding…
  • Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Under by 140 calories :grumble: Tempted to eat a candy bar at 11:30 PM to be in range - but thought better of it. Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes - logged my food What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Packed my workout clothes for the AM (no excuses) What would I…
  • Wahoo! Good for you! :flowerforyou: I had an AM workout too ... but not that early. Nice to get it out of the way. Drink your water ... I'll try to too. :drinker:
  • Hi Stint, Check out the success stories and you will see you are not alone in the challenges you face. Some here are losing a little weight and others a lot. This site has been inspiring to so many others and it is ALWAYS here for you. You can do this and this site can help. And I would bet that not one of us has done it…
  • Headache, eh? Did you get your caffine in time? Glad your energy level is holding up so well otherwise!
  • Congratulations!!!!:drinker: :bigsmile: That is so exciting. I'm gonna have to try to claim a couple AMs for working out again. This week I travel 2 days, so there are 2 AM workouts that I am excited about. I used to hate traveling for work because it disrupted my schedule. Now I know it means workout in the AM which I…
  • Good luck! You are in the right place for support and helpful information and tools. :flowerforyou:
    in newbie Comment by 2kaizen September 2009
  • Welcome to MFP! You can cross-reference the calories burned with the exercise tab on MFP and see what this site says for calories burned for 1 hour of light biking. The 1200 calories is what you should eat without any exercise. For days you exercise, you will actually increase your calorie intake by the number of exercise…
  • I had the same problem for a while ... turns out I hit "starvation mode" because I wasn't eating enough and my body refused to let go of the fat stores. Do NOT eat less than 1200 calories and always, always, always eat your exercise calories ... or at least half of them. And yes - the scale is one form of measurement - but…
  • I switched too from another more complicated site. I love the simplicity. The message boards are great too and all the support is fabulous. I know I wouldn't be as far along my healthy weight goal without this site. Good luck ... plan your work & work your plan. :flowerforyou:
  • Wow! Great idea ... 1 - log my food, even on the bad days! 2 - eat most of my exercise calories (motivates me to workout ... yum yum) 3 - exercise no fewer than 3 days/week and average 4 days per week 4 - Drink my water! 5 - Loose 8 pounds ... which would put me only 6 pounds from my goal weight ... yay! Good luck…
  • Congrats to you both! I celebrated this weekend with DH (15 year anniversary) - so I WAY over did it . BUT - I kicked butt on the exercising and offset the indulgence and might have even come out ahead. It is so hard to know calories when dinning out at a non-chain restaurant - so I guess I'll never really know. Oh ... and…
  • I loved it when I worked out in the AM before work ... talk about starting the day off strong and feeling like you've accomplished something! You'll notice it is past tense tho because it just doesn't fit into the schedule with the kids and my husband's work schedule. My job requires a little bit of travel and when I…