feeling discouraged

jellymedina Posts: 37
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Several days ago i was exicted i weighed 154. Today i weigh 156 and i weigh the same time every day, when i first wake up.For the last 2 weeks i have reduced calorie intake to 1200, work out an hour, sometimes 2 a day. i was so upset that i actually gained weight... ugh.


  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :noway: I find that my weight can fluctuate 2 or more pounds just in the time it takes me to step off and back on the scale:grumble: I stopped getting on the scale at all when I started this journey. I weigh once a month (occasionally twice a month) at the gym. But never more than that.

    As I told the girl at Curves who keeps insisting that I need to weigh every week--"The scale is NOT my friend. I don't want to hang out with it."

    :flowerforyou: It is more important to watch how your clothes fit and whether you are feeling stronger with more energy.

    You will find lots of help and support on this site to help you find your way back to your old weight
  • yeah i think im gonna get a measuring tape so i can see if i am at least loosing inches, even if the scale doesnt reflect it. i dont need to work a particular area, i need total slim down.
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    Okay, take a deep breath and relax for a moment. Listen, if you weigh everyday then you will see some floating in the scales from 2 to 3 pounds. Water retention can cause it as well as monthly cycle and also other factors. The best thing is to weigh once a week at the same time in the same clothes when possible. That gives the most accurate reading. I do understand because I weigh daily and have to remember the scales are only a tool and they will go up and down depending a variables. Do not stress over this because you have not actually gained weight per say. Try to look at the scales as only another tool and do not get too upset if you are weighing everyday because this can happen. God Bless, Brenda
  • I had the same problem for a while ... turns out I hit "starvation mode" because I wasn't eating enough and my body refused to let go of the fat stores.

    Do NOT eat less than 1200 calories and always, always, always eat your exercise calories ... or at least half of them.

    And yes - the scale is one form of measurement - but muscle weighs more than fat and you can be loosing inches and gaining weight. But watch the calorie thing - with in days of increasing my calories, I started to see the scale respond.

    Keep on keeping on ... you can figure this out! :flowerforyou:

    Oh ... and drink your water.:drinker:
  • Alright, i wont weigh myself until next sunday then.
  • i sure hope im eating at least 1200. its hard to measure esp. if its a homecooked meal.
  • I had to increase my intake by 300 calories which of course does not match the 1200 allowed on this site. Do what your body needs. I had a two tests done at the doctors office and the final result was tht I needed to take in 1500 a day to burn weight. I highly recommend that to everyone. It is an eye opener unless of course your under 24 hour care like on the biggest loser. Those people are infor such a hard reality check when they leave there and dont have 8 hours a day to spend in the gym. OUR reality is a lot harder to deal with.
  • also you can google recipe analyzer and get the info you need for your meal
  • A little perspective....I weigh in once a week--sunday afternoon/early afternoon after the gym but before dinner. Last Sunday I was 190.6. At thee gym Friday night I was curious b/c it was bad workout week for me b/c work was crazy so I jumped on the scale and was 190. Not horrible, but not great after 5 days. So I did my weekly weigh in today & I'm 188 :) That would imply I'd lost .6lbs Mon-Fri & 2lbs Sat-Sun, which is simply not possible and also the reason I only "count" my Sunday weigh-ins. So I'd recommend picking a set time/place & keeping all the variables the same. Everyone says morning is best, but I've found for me that it isn't. TMI ALERT: My digestive system is very regular & I always have a BM within 2 hrs of waking up & don't want my full intestinal tract to affect the number on the scale. So for me the afternoon/early evening times gives me numbers I prefer. Everything counts including clothing, food/liquid in ur body & whether your hair is wet or dry (*LOL* My hair wet weighs more than 2lbs :p)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    If you want to avoid that disappointment, try weighing once a week max, and even once every 2 weeks. It helps if you don't have constant access to scales, so if you have scales at home, consider leaving them with a friend or relative for a while. :smile:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    A little perspective....I weigh in once a week--sunday afternoon/early afternoon after the gym but before dinner. Last Sunday I was 190.6. At thee gym Friday night I was curious b/c it was bad workout week for me b/c work was crazy so I jumped on the scale and was 190. Not horrible, but not great after 5 days. So I did my weekly weigh in today & I'm 188 :) That would imply I'd lost .6lbs Mon-Fri & 2lbs Sat-Sun, which is simply not possible and also the reason I only "count" my Sunday weigh-ins. So I'd recommend picking a set time/place & keeping all the variables the same. Everyone says morning is best, but I've found for me that it isn't. TMI ALERT: My digestive system is very regular & I always have a BM within 2 hrs of waking up & don't want my full intestinal tract to affect the number on the scale. So for me the afternoon/early evening times gives me numbers I prefer. Everything counts including clothing, food/liquid in ur body & whether your hair is wet or dry (*LOL* My hair wet weighs more than 2lbs :p)

    :laugh: I Loved the TMI Alert. Now I know I'm not the only one tht waits a few minutes after getting awake and active to jump on the sale LMAO A lot of the time on "WeighnIn Days" when I get to Curves I head to the Bathroom before the scales
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