what time of the day do you workout?

molissep Posts: 452 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
i'm starting a new routine tomorrow, of going to the gym in the morning before work - that means getting up @ 5am. i used to work out at night after work, but my work schedule varies from day to day and when i get home, make dinner, eat and clean up i have no motivation to go back out - especially not to work out. so i figured i'd give am work outs a shot. does anyone work out in the morning before work? how does it affect your day?


  • I work out in the morning and it makes the day SO much better! You can start your day at work with a huge sense of accomplishment and already have it over!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I work out in the morning. I feel energized and pumped afterward and I know i get my work out done. I used to find excuses not to work out in the evenings.
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    I do both in the evenings and at 5:30am - but I really like being out in the morning, and like caroline said it's a great way to start the day. You're very energized for work.
  • I loved it when I worked out in the AM before work ... talk about starting the day off strong and feeling like you've accomplished something!

    You'll notice it is past tense tho because it just doesn't fit into the schedule with the kids and my husband's work schedule.

    My job requires a little bit of travel and when I travel, I make it a point of staying somewhere with a workout room and workout in the morning before heading out for business.

    One of my excuses for not working out before was that I couldn't get a steady routine or schedule down. I've decided it can still be often, even if it's not part of the routine - I basically squeeze it in where I can - weekends, lunch on the treadmill or around the block, evenings with my wii and mornings at hotels when I travel

    It's worked out so much better than I thought and I'm able to get in 3-4 days most weeks and sometimes 5.

    The transition can be tough - but stick with it for 3 weeks or so and you'll be all set!

    Now go to bed & get your sleep!
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good lord. I don't know if I have the balls to set the alarm for that time... I've also perfected the ability to turn off the alarm clock (sometimes, both of them) without waking up.

    I'm super impressed.
  • I work out at 5 am also. I get up at 430 and leave by 445. I am there when they open the doors so I can get my hour in. My mornings are so hectic as I am a teacher and have to be to work by 7 and really need to be there before that. BUT, I cannot do evenings. I am too tired and I would never go, too many reasons to skip. Plus, I feel good all day long after and I know what I can eat because I already did the workout. Good Luck!
  • mornings...it allows me to organize my day ahead of time, i'm much more productive if i have that 30-60 mins to myself in the am.
  • I am pretty lucky to have a workout facility at my work so I work out at lunch time. I can only get in about 45 min, but I make up the rest throughout the day.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    6 am every morning of everyday 2 hours worth .Keeps me focused and on track.
  • I love working out in the morning. It is a real motivator to my day because I have already done something for myself. It sets the tone for healthy eating, water consumption the whole shebang gets set off right when I work out. I have better energy in the afternoon and at night after dinner, I am not a sloth. Hardest part to switching to morning work out was getting to bed a little earlier, but after a week even that worked itself out. Best of luck to you!
  • I wake up early in the morning for a run or some cardio (before the kids and hubby), and then do P90X at night. I have to do the cardio on the empty morning stomach, and then I find food from the day really powers my evening P90X.

    Enjoy the early morning workouts! They will energize you!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    When I had a gym membership I worked out in the morning.

    Now I have my own set-up in the basement, which is really convenient.

    Somedays I work out in the AM, somedays I work out right before bed. Just depends on what's going on. Tomorrow for instance I planned on wokring out in the AM, but I feel I need some more recovery time from today's work out. So I'll work out in the evening, and then tuesday AM is my C25K run, so I'm not using the same muscle groups.

    I slightly enjoy AM work outs a little more for one reason. I feel awesome when I get to work and have to listen to the cackling hens in the office talk about how they should go to the gym. (some of them might be reading this. I let them know about this web-site)
  • I just started getting up at 4am to workout again like I used to this week. I had been trying to get back on track for weeks, but if I have a bad day or am tired, or any kind of excuse comes up, I end up skipping my workout. The great thing about mornings is you just get it out of the way first thing, and I think I am more mindful about my eating throughout the day.
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    wow i'm surprised so many of you work out in the am! i'll check in tomorrow to post how it went. thx for all the encouraging feedback!
  • I work out mostly in the evenings. On the weekends I go in the mornings, only because the gym closes early.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Tue and Thu, immediately after work. I have a snack 2 hours before I get there, and 1/3 a protein bar about 45 mins before my workout will begin. I pick up my daughter from daycare and go straight to the gym, meeting my husband there. We work out together (I eat the rest of my protein bar after) and then go home, cook dinner, baths, homework, and my 2nd job. Tue and Fri, I squeeze some gaming time in there too. On Saturdays, I get up, have breakfast (while I make grocery list), work 2nd job for an hour or so, take daughter and go to gym at about 11:00 am. I never get into bed before 12:30 am, so getting up at 5 AM is unthinkable.

    I never miss a workout. I consider it as absolute an obligation as paying the mortgage or getting my kids off to school.
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    I also workout at 5 am and then go to work and put my day in. great way to kick off the day and get that blood pumping. Awesome feeling. God Bless, brenda
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    i"M trying to somewhat keep up with the bigest loser so i exercise at all times of the day any time i can but me i do think mornings are better for you but anytime is all right its better than none
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I like working out in the morning--after I have finished. Before that--not so much.

    I have always found that I have better workouts from the mid-morning on--just because I am looser in general. Certainly, if you can do it, morning is probably best for all the reasons listed.

    There was a time when my wife and I had a really good system going. We belonged to a large club that was very busy and, often experienced a shortage of equipment. Because of the demand, you had to sign up for each piece of cardio--and there was usually a waiting list.

    Because of the younger kids at home, my wife and I could not go together. She liked going very early, so she would go at 5:00am. While she was there, she signed up my preferred cross trainer for me for 6:30am. When she came home, I left for the club (only a 5 min drive away), and had my machine sitting and waiting for me, no matter how crowded it was. :devil:
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    well i was at the gym by 5:15am and it was a sucess! i got up with no problem and didn't have to deal with the crowds at the gym like i usually experience at night! it was fantastic. it's 8:15am and i'm at work so we will see how the rest of the day goes!
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