dulceluva Member


  • Ok. So its not as great as it sounds. My uncle passed away and we are all hurridly packing to leave by way of driving. About 24 hrs drive. Called work and left a voicemail saying blah blah death...sorry...wont' be back till next week....they're gonna kill me but whatever. i have been having issues with my HR managers…
  • I need to lose 55 lbs. I am struggling. I did it once although it was easier because I had a goal (a dead end relationship that I needed to feel hot to get out of it) and the fact that he made me give up al lof my friends and I became a big loner. So eating healthy and doing what I wanted, when I wanted was no problem of…
  • Always have hope that everything you've wanted for yourself will come true no matter how hard it is to see...
  • I love Paula Deen but I never recreate her foods. She is like my drug... I watch her and salivate and pretend that I am chewing and savouring along with her. She'd be my personal chef in Heaven. hahaahha But she does have a deluded sense of reality...now come on Paula.
  • However....it was only a little. Turned out just fine in the end and this is what I did for a nice little dessert. A slice of cake (around 140 cals as per box) 2 tbsp of Source Dessert Yogurt - Lemon Meringue (100 g = 35 calories) 3 sliced strawberries = I dont know at the top of my head But it was sooooooooooooo good. The…
  • you need to figure out what you expend in a day and minus 500 calories from that figure. do a trial week. buy a heart rate monitor and see what a typical day is for you and minus 500 calories. I am BET you will be eating more than 1200 calories and still losing. good luck
  • yea, I do that too. It is okay. I went to dinner on Tuesday and I went online and planned out my entire meal and when I got their my mouth ordered something else and I ended up laughing and shaking my head at myself. It tasted so good though and I got it out of my system. You are allowed indulgences once in a while. Just…
  • I think as long as you are eating foods you like, healthy, clean foods...then eating 900-1200 calories is just fine. Its when you try to restrict yourself to diet foods and convincing yourself that you shouldn't eat exercise calories so you lose some more water weight is when you get into trouble. MFP says its starvation…
  • sounds so good but coolwhip is too rich for my blood (meaning, its too expensive for me on my budget) and I rather spend that money on fruits. I will eat mine with fruit. hehehe I am going to try the diet 7up and cake mix variety
  • lol thanks. I do have a large cake pan.... maybe if I spread it out on that, it will prevent it from overflowing.
  • Do you have to use a tube pan? I know last time I used a bundt pan (but its at my mothers place). I was hoping I could use any regular cake pan.... No??? I guess not because of how it rises? thanks
  • lol it IS hard to refuse a cupcake... if you love cupcakes. But yea...I know how you feel. It is so rude to hear a person say that you about any choice you make. I refuse a lot of things and people just look at me with sadness. Oh well. My butt is quite happy thanks and next time someone tells you that, well, you just say,…
  • mine still don't work. haha oh well. i copy n pasted. oh well. what can you do
  • I wouldn't mind looking like Salma Hayek
  • offer to buy groceries and buy everything u want and some of what they want? offer to cook them a meal 1 out of the 4 days and make something healthy. Load up on salad and try whatever they make for you.
  • I dunno. I tried doing mine too and nada... maybe it takes a little bit.
  • holy cow. that many left???? I second Greek. *drools*
  • I LOVE Daughtry. I saw him in Toronto with Bon Jovi. He's amazing!
  • Roasted Red Pepper with Parmesan and WISH they turned it into a Spritzer already
  • I bought a few too...some for my family members. its a great product. and reasonably priced.
  • I love the Caramel chocolate chip rice cakes by Quaker. And their Delights stuff too... mmmm that chocolate drizzle one really satisfies my chocolate attacks. And they have low fat puddings out there taht you can make yourself with skim milk and then just put some in a container for your indulgence later. Try putting the…
  • why did u have to mention brownies!!! *drools*
  • I have the most 2 splendas a day....usually one though and if I have tea, I can use 1/2 a splenda in each tea. My brother tried to get me on the Stevia bandwagon years and years ago and stupid me didn't think anything of it. I am going to buy it. I do not like the sweet taste of real sugar, never was a sugar fan but I…
  • awesome. I picked it up two weeks ago and get as far as the cashier and then didn't buy it. I will def buy it now.
  • probably about of month..
  • Once I had a cousin who saw me walking towards his house say "omg, someone break down the walls, fatso is coming..." *sigh* I was like 30 lbs lighter than than I am now. :cry: One time an aunt saw me get all dressed and she said to me, "where you think you're going looking so fat? I had a guy tell me once, "so has anyone…
  • why would u need to fast???
  • any kind of ice cream but lately it has been the Cafe Latte varieties. *droools* I want some now! Oohh and on really bad days Pizza, pizza and more pizza!
  • I have quit twice now. Each time is because I truly truly wanted too and the only reason I ever restarted was because I didn't have any inner strength and I gave into not peer pressure and not so much temptation but just a force of habit. I told myself that who cares if most of your friends and co workers smoke... just…