

  • Ah it's like you're talking about me :-) I'm beautiful because I think people are too hard on themselves & I will spend everyday of my life speaking positive into their lives to make them realise that they are amazing (sorry, gonna go a bit christian on you :-), God loves each & everyone of you & you are all amazingly…
  • This is an awesome awesome post & I love every bit of it. I have nothing as interesting as most of you guys but here goes: - I love love love movie popcorn. I eat the biggest box of it all by myself everytime. - I love people watching. People are fascinating, some are scary but most are fascinating. - I spend my life…
  • Dare I say it out loud - I think I'm loving running. OMG! I was definately one of those people who would scoff at people who said they loved running or any type of exercise. Literally laugh out loud at people who HAD to exercise every single day or couldn't sit still & had to be doing something all the flippin time. Not…
  • This is not funny but holy snappers, that's hilarious. We all live in fear that this will happen to us & this is exactly why we don't talk to people while we are on the treadmill - "back off people I'm concentrating" LOL
  • This is EXACTLY why I don't go to the gym. There are just some things you can't erase from your memory LOL
  • LMAO....thank goodness there are no customers in my shop cause this is funny stuff..
  • Hi, I am at a similar stage, I'm 38, married with 2 nearly teenage daughters, running my friend's gift shop while my husband runs our shop, very very busy life & not surprisingly, full of excuses why I am the way I am LOL. I have found MFP amazingly awesome. My husband also needs to lose weight but we have worked out that…
  • I am very reluctant to up my calorie intake even when I've exercised cause one of my big things is lack of self control. I find that once I start having that little extra, I can't stop & then go a little more then a little more then it's way out of control. I would go with the others recommendation, put your calorie intake…
  • Jump rope - do it for 2 min blocks. That will kill you LOL or maybe it just killed me LOL Good luck & there are plenty of positive encouraging people here to help you on your life changing journey :-)
  • I 150% agree with what you're saying here. I have also yo-yoed for over 20 years with my weight, used every single excuse + made up my own as to why I couldn't/wouldn't lose weight, convinced myself that being size 16+ is okay. Nuh-uh!! It's not okay. I finally realised that the reason why I have failed so so many times, I…
  • I know exactly what you are saying. I have deliberately not weighed myself in about 3 months because I get too obsessed with "that" number on the scales. I figured that my clothes & my lovely (not) "pouch" will tell me that I am on the right track & I am doing well. Well I did it yesterday. I got on the scales. Stupid.…
  • LOL Me too. Thought I had logged into the wrong site. LOL
  • Can I just add that you are so right on track at the moment? You have made the decision to take control of your life & make changes, you are watching your calorie intake, you are exercising & you are have gotten a taste of what it will be like as you lose weight. :-) The only hiccup in this whole journey is your body. At…
  • It's all good. Bad habits which have taken a long time to develop will take a while to break. As you can see from the comments, we are all very guilty of succumbing to our cravings. The best thing to come of this "tragedy" is that not only have you admitted that you have fallen but you realise what you've done & next time,…
  • I have no idea about my sodium intake, I just wanted to say thanks for making me smile cause that's what I say all the time when life isn't going my way. Thank you, that was what I needed today. Jodes :-)
  • In our weight loss journey, no goal is too small that it shouldn't be celebrated & shouted from the rooftops. There is so much negative out there trying to convince us that we are strange for wanting to eat healthier, lose weight, be fitter or whatever it might be. We need lots & lots of positive. You go girl.....sing it…
  • It can be terribly discouraging when you feel like you are doing all the right things but don't seem to be making any headway. The biggest thing you have to remember is that it could seriously take anywhere up to 6 months before you see some major changes. Coming to this realisation can be enough to make you give up but if…
  • I am loving this. This time around, I have realised that I need to fight the mental battle to successfully lose the weight, keep it off & change my life. LOL I will most probably get lots & lots of practice "playing the tape" because I am definately not at the point yet where I am loving getting up at 5:30am to go running.…
  • This is awesome advice. You are not alone, we've all been where you are many many times. This time around for me, I have a different mental attitude. I'm not dieting, I'm making healthier food choices (LOL & drinking so much water). Exercise is not a chore because I have made it a priority in my life & "it is just…
  • Hi Frank :smile: LOL I think I'm the female version of you "the here we go again" girl. Why is we can't stick at something as important & as life threatening as eating healthy & exercise? It's not rocket science hey but we can't seem to stay on track. Not this time for me though. :-) The difference for me this time is I'm…
  • Isn't is incredible how just when you think you are the only person in the world with your set of "troubles", you put yourself out there & find many others facing the same struggles. We are all over loaded, running flat out doing everything for everyone else & there's never anything left for us. Not any more! We are taking…
  • Hi Joelle :-) I'm Jodie, 38, living in Australia, married with 2 teenage daughters. It feels amazing to have made the decision to take control of your life doesn't it? There will definately be days where your resolve will be tested but remember to try to stay focused. Everyone on here is super positive & super encouraging…
  • Welcome, welcome, welcome :smile: Sounds like you & I have very similar lives - I work full time in my friend's shop, my hubby & I own our own business, I have 2 teenage daughters (1 just started high school, the other is in her final year of primary school), all 3 of us play netball which means 5 afternoons training…
  • You have hit the nail on the head with this one. :-) We never ever put enough stock in the mental side of this journey. We are entitled to do something for us. We don't have to put everyone else first. It is not selfishness to take care of ourselves. We all know that if we "fall", we take everyone around us down with us so…
  • I have a couple..... "Water is my friend, I love drinking water" (LOL this is like a constant ongoing chant for me because whenever I feel hungry, I drink water) "Train don't complain" (LOL another silly one but it comes from Shannon from Biggest Loser. He was in town doing a signing thing & we thought it was funny so we…
  • Hi guys :-) Me too please?? LOL I've been keeping "everything" (my healthy eating & exercise) secret from those around me (other than my family) cause I don't want to have to explain to everyone when I fall off the wagon. I have been trying on & off for over 20 years to eat healthy & make exercise a main part of my life &…
  • 1. Tick. Already on it 2. Tick. Measuring, tracking & watching it all. 3. Double Tick. Just Right cereal with peaches (yummo) & running 3km. :wink: :wink: :wink:
  • LMAO.....this was so my life. Stupid games. I initially "fasted" Facebook & the games & wouldn't you know it, I had oodles of time on my hands for other things like ME! I'm the same as most everyone else on here, I work full time for a friend, my husband & I own our own business, I have 2 teenage daughters who are very…
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