already failing

I have only been here for about 2 weeks now. I was doing fabulous, watching what I ate, and really paying attention. I started to lose the weight rather fast, way too fast I think. The good news is I still look forward entering the data on a daily basis and wanting to continue this journey. But, my old habit has come back. I’m eating A LOT, especially after workout. I don’t know if it’s my hormone being out of whack or just slipping already. I knew I only had 200 calories left and yet I still ate more than the allowance. I did it knowingly, this is the scary part. I have been & still struggling with portion control. I know in’s and out with dieting, eating healthy, know what to buy, how to cook etc. I just eat SO MUCH.


  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    You have to make those choices for yourself... and you can do this.
    Please remember this isnt an all or nothing thing though - I struggle with the same thinking pattern!

    How many calories are you eating? Are you eating your exercise calories?
  • onvacation
    onvacation Posts: 24 Member
    I think a food diary is the best way to see what and how much you eat - if you bite it write it! After a few days you will get a better idea of when you eat too much and why! Also try eating off a smaller plate, I find this is an excellent way to control portions!

    Good luck to you!
  • Tabascoaddict
    I have allowance of 1200 calories per day.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I agree with both people above me. You have to make the right choices. No one else can do it for you. But using the food diary is a GREAT tool. I'll go one better though - make it public, at least to your friends. It is SO much easier for me to avoid temptation when I know my MFP friends are going to see what I'm eating and hold me accountable. Good luck!
  • boltzmeanbiznez
    Are you exercising also?
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    when I first started, I think it took me almost a month to get in the zone --- meaning I was logging everything correctly and not going over. I also figured out that the more I exercise, the more I can eat ---- I eat ALL my exercise calories so that I can refuel my body --- my daily 1200 already has enough of a deficet to where I'm losing weight. Now, what I've figured out is that when I'm exercising and huffing and puffing, and all that was ONLY burning 300 calories, started to put food in perspective. It takes ALOT of work to burn off calories.

    Just keep working at it and it will click --- the biggest part is being honest with the diary :) for me any way.
  • Tabascoaddict
    I do eat my exercise calories. I try to do 30 min on stationary bike every other day. Just started basic tae bo as well.
  • shipleyd
    shipleyd Posts: 94 Member
    How many calories are you allowing yourself everyday? If its to low then you may need to make some adjustments.

    I am currently working with a trainer and she said that I should eat veggies with every meal, including snacks. Doesn't have to be much just add a little bit of spinach to an egg white omelet, eat a few pieces of celery with your afternoon non fat yogurt. I am telling you this has worked for me! Your eating more of the good stuff and feeling full so you don't eat as much of the bad stuff. I am actually coming in about 100 cals under my daily limit.

    Another suggestion would be to drink a full glass of water before you eat. This will also help you to feel full and you will eat less.

    Hope this is helpful for you! Good luck!
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    eat eggs, very filling and not many calories. Eat food with lots of bulk and little calories. Lots of veggies steamed cooked or raw. drink protein shakes or special k protein water mixes. they taste great and will make you less hungry. Very few calories also. You just have to find good tasty substitutes. You will be fine.
  • Tabascoaddict
    Thanks all, appreciate that you foks took the time to reply.
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    I struggled with portion control too (still do sometimes) but over time it gets so much easier. Now when I'm portioning something I immediately go small since I know that I simply cannot eat the mammoth portion sizes of my former fatty lifestyle. My gut just won't allow it anymore. Over eating makes me feel sick. Its taken me 7 long months to get here but its true.

    eat small and eat often.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Try couch to 5k & zumba for exercise. You will SMOKE through calories (and then be able to eat more). Just make sure you are eating good food like healthy fats, critter, some fruit, and lots of veggies... dairy if you can handle it, as well. If it doesn't have a mama, or come from the earth, don't eat it.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Have you looked at what your BMR is with the tools on this site? I am willing to bet 1200 calories is to low. If you are feeling hungry that is a sure sign your body is screaming for fuel. If you are only eating 1200 and working out like you stated than check out some BMR calculations and eat closer to that target.
  • myrabarlow
    Don't count yourself out, you've just gotten started, 2 weeks is nothing. Since you do like the logging in - be honest when using all the tracking. If you're an emotional eater (like me) the 'eating without thinking' is like a out of body thing. You know what is happening, that you're shoveling food in your mouth but appear to have no control. The more you track, the more you're aware of what you're actually doing and at what type of times (emotionally speaking) you are consuming calories.

    We all have obstacles and speed bumps, but awareness and hope for a better, thinner, healthy life, is worth hanging in there for.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Try using the "notes" section in your food diary to help you understand how you feel when you overeat. Is it really because you're hungry? Or could it be that you're dehydrated? Bored? Depressed? Stressed? Becoming more aware of your feelings or the situation might help you.

    Serve all meals on a small plate. Tricks the mind into thinking it's a larger portion if it takes up the whole plate.

    Eat S-L-O-W-L-Y. Set the silverware down after each and every bite and then drink some water. Digesting your food more slowly helps to fill you up faster.

    Drink a ton of water throughout the day. The minimum is 64 oz. per day but more is better.

    You can do it! Stay focused. Good luck!
  • Tabascoaddict
    I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your kind replies.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Consider changing your goal from 2lb to 1 or even to 1/2 a lb a week.
    You'll get a higher allowance, you won't feel like you're failing, which can lead to packing it in alltogether.

    Better to lose it in 2x or 4x the time, than not at all or even gain more, right?
    And better to be happy and comfortable doing it, then miserable and desperate to be finally at goal so you can eat more again (hello re-gain)

    good luck!
  • Tabascoaddict
    Hey Sarah! We share the same name, LOL.

    My goal is 1/2 to 1 lb per week. MFP calculated 1200 calories per day based on my height & current weight. I think I am an emotional eater. Something I seriously have to work on. I eat though I am full.....I do everything right (exercise, eat healthy food etc.) but not when it comes to portion control. I'm hoping to take all the good advice and really take it in. I still can't believe how nice everyone here is.

    Thanks for your kind reply.
  • jodie1306
    Can I just add that you are so right on track at the moment?

    You have made the decision to take control of your life & make changes, you are watching your calorie intake, you are exercising & you are have gotten a taste of what it will be like as you lose weight. :-)

    The only hiccup in this whole journey is your body.
    At first your body thought - This is okay, we'll see how long this lasts.
    After a week or 2 your body thought - Seriously? We are really going to be doing this?.
    A couple more weeks & your body is screaming at you - What the??? No way are we doing this. I'll fix you!
    Hence the constant cravings & unquenchable appetite.

    So how do you fix this? Do what everyone has suggested, track your food (even to the point that you have your whole day planned out at 8 in the morning), keep exercising & seek support from those who are going through the same struggles as you.

    It took a lifetime to get to the point you are now & it won't change in a month. Just keep plugging along.
